Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

Before I found your videos and posts, I would take Ls. Now I still take Ls, but with renewed confidence from the awesome tips and tricks you've provided.

Using two different emails? Holy crap, why didn't I think about that! All this time I been using one email like the chump I am.

Keep up the good work! I hope to take a W some day and when I do, you can bet that I'll be making a 4K video on YouTube to tell everyone about it.
Respects bro! Hopefully you'll be able to take that dub soon!
Respects bro! Hopefully you'll be able to take that dub soon!

Keep doing you

Can't speak on prior to 2017. But I can say going back to last year they definitely don't BD pairs, and are pretty strict, organized and fair when it comes to their in-demand releases.
Agreed. Haven and Livestock are the most legit when it comes to releases, hence why they get most, if not all, the tier zero drops from Nike. The unique thing about these stores is that the raffles are not store run but rather corporate run (at least I know that’s the case for LS). Because of that, staff can’t really backdoor anything otherwise you’re breaking company policy. The only pears staff have access to are the staff allocated ones, so raffles are always good to go.
hoping my luck from the last OW drop stays with me this time around and I can snag a pair. I miss my old off-white vapormaxes... :frown:
I hope it stays that way and he doesn't tweet out the link for the OW's. Probably an automatic L, anyways.
People have already been tweeting him the link and he's "waiting for confirmation" on whether it will actually drop. Anybody had trouble with Mastercard SecureCode on before? Screwed me on BC3's
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