Official Victor Ortiz vs Mayweather 9/17/11

I think some people sleep on Floyd's power. He hasn't really knocked people out recently but I think that has to do WAY more with his style than it does with his punching power. Floyd is a very patient counter-puncher that doesn't really throw combinations. When Floyd has someone hurt, he doesn't really pounce on them. He backs up and waits for them to attack, which lets them recover. Most boxers stun someone and get on the offensive, Floyd really sticks to the gameplan.

Also, since he's a counter-puncher, he really waits for his opponent to go on the offensive. What normally happens is his opp. is so frustrated by getting countered that they really stop trying to attack since they're landing NOTHING. If JMM, Mosley, etc. went on the offensive, I think Floyd would've knocked them out like he did Hatton. IMO, if Ortiz doesn't back off after Floyd figures him out (which I think'll be early), he'll also get knocked out. Considering he's young and has knockout power, I see him rushing in hoping to land a lucky shot and eventually getting beat up badly.
It really boggles my mind how people still believe these big fights aren't fixed ... Like the people who watch wwe and believe it's real ...
It really boggles my mind how people still believe these big fights aren't fixed ... Like the people who watch wwe and believe it's real ...
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by NobleKane

smh filipinos really hate mayweather these days
wasnt like homie was taking steroids like the pac man. now THAT is something to bash...

in the end floyd mayweather will be rocky balboa and pacman will be ivan drago ,steroids and all...

The irony of you labeling someone a steroid user. GTFOHWTBS

My dude was talking like he was speaking knowledge. Anyway, I like Ortiz, but come one now... Mayweather tapping that !#!!
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by NobleKane

smh filipinos really hate mayweather these days
wasnt like homie was taking steroids like the pac man. now THAT is something to bash...

in the end floyd mayweather will be rocky balboa and pacman will be ivan drago ,steroids and all...

The irony of you labeling someone a steroid user. GTFOHWTBS

My dude was talking like he was speaking knowledge. Anyway, I like Ortiz, but come one now... Mayweather tapping that !#!!
Don't say I never looked out for y'all but bet on Ortiz. I have been told by an extremely good "source" that the fix is on.
Don't say I never looked out for y'all but bet on Ortiz. I have been told by an extremely good "source" that the fix is on.
Originally Posted by msaba07

It really boggles my mind how people still believe these big fights aren't fixed ... Like the people who watch wwe and believe it's real ...

Originally Posted by msaba07

It really boggles my mind how people still believe these big fights aren't fixed ... Like the people who watch wwe and believe it's real ...

Originally Posted by msaba07

It really boggles my mind how people still believe these big fights aren't fixed ... Like the people who watch wwe and believe it's real ...

Yeah man some boxers just plan on getting beat down and has their faces smashed in.. ALL PLANNED!
Originally Posted by msaba07

It really boggles my mind how people still believe these big fights aren't fixed ... Like the people who watch wwe and believe it's real ...

Yeah man some boxers just plan on getting beat down and has their faces smashed in.. ALL PLANNED!
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Don't say I never looked out for y'all but bet on Ortiz. I have been told by an extremely good "source" that the fix is on.

This is a joke BTW I don't know how I feel about this fight. On one hand I "know" that Floyd is on a different level than victor, but I'm not so sure that Floyd is ready for a hungry young fighter who WILL take chances to win the fight unlike Shane Mosley in May and Juan Marquez (who had no chance anyways). Plus if you look at fighting history everytime a fighter "slows down" ala marriage or serious relationship, they kinda get complacent in their respective craft. Now I know Floyd has no history of they mental lapses, but it happens to all fighters eventually and no one defeats father time.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Don't say I never looked out for y'all but bet on Ortiz. I have been told by an extremely good "source" that the fix is on.

This is a joke BTW I don't know how I feel about this fight. On one hand I "know" that Floyd is on a different level than victor, but I'm not so sure that Floyd is ready for a hungry young fighter who WILL take chances to win the fight unlike Shane Mosley in May and Juan Marquez (who had no chance anyways). Plus if you look at fighting history everytime a fighter "slows down" ala marriage or serious relationship, they kinda get complacent in their respective craft. Now I know Floyd has no history of they mental lapses, but it happens to all fighters eventually and no one defeats father time.
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