Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Most intriguing stuff came from Chris Mullin, much of which will be in tomorrow and Friday's paper, but the main highlights:

  • He expects Nellie and Baron to be back next year.
  • He says he's re-signing Monta Ellis and Andris Biedrins -- at whatever cost.
  • He's happy with how the rookies developed despite not playing much this year, and sees them as part of the rotation next season.

#1, I had a feeling that was most likely the outcome.
#2, we already knew that.
#3, he sees them as an rotation players next season
[background music] Allejuiah [/background music].
that's nice to hear-i really think Wright should be a starter, notjust a rotation player. he should get 30+ minutes a game next year. hopefully marco gets at least 15-20 minutes (i guess taking some of barnes/buike/pietrusminutes, since not all of them are coming back)

with the baron/nellie thing tho....i remember last year he said he wouldn't trade Richardson....i don't know, i really have a gut feeling one of thetwo won't be here. but i'm usually wrong, so they'll be back. hopefully that phx incident was nothing major.
I hope that Phoenix thing was nothing major too. To end the season that way (I'm not even talking about the playoffs, I'm talking more about theturmoil), it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

I know GMs, coaches, owners, and players say stuff all the time that they don't mean, but I hope that when Nellie said that there was no rift between heand Baron, I hope he's telling the truth
Damn, it sucks posting at almost 3:00am. No one's here to respond back besides acid
. I need to fix mysleep patterns
same here.
i sleep btwn 330-4am i might be sleeping at 430-5 since i have a midterm tomorrow i still need to get some studying done for
, i thinki'll do fine, but i should definitely be studying instead of being on NT so i could sleep earlier

it's like, i'll close the browser, start working on a practice problem, and halfway thru i say i'll check NT for 2 minutes....and it turns into...2hours sometimes
Originally Posted by acidicality

it's like, i'll close the browser, start working on a practice problem, and halfway thru i say i'll check NT for 2 minutes....and it turns into...2 hours sometimes

Ain't that the truth
Baron Davis wants an extension, Don Nelson could use a nap: The Warriors exit interviews
By Tim Kawakami
Thursday, April 17th, 2008 at 12:24 am in NBA, Warriors.

BIG NOTE: Baron's opt-out deadline date is JUNE 30, and not the date I'd typed a few times before and thanks to the commenter on a previous post for waking me up. I mentioned the wrong date to someone at the game tonight who gave me a quizzical look. I just re-checked my notes. For some reason I read May when the scribbles said June. Of course it's June 30, since the new league fiscal season starts July 1.

Whew. This will wrap it up from Warriors Exit Central-Baron Davis and Don Nelson Q & A's come lower.

-After tonight's game, as players milled around and said good-bye to each other, Baron Davis sat patiently and answered every question and didn't deny that he wants an extension (sounds like three or four years tacked on to next year's $17.2M) from the Warriors pronto.

Which is interesting, because earlier today Chris Mullin said he would not negotiate an extension before Baron's opt-out date. Very specifically asked and answered.

Davis also talked about the end of this season, his benching in Phoenix (was stuck in the back and didn't hear much of this part-I understand he said he wasn't thrilled but that he's fine with Nelson now) and his upcoming decision whether to opt-out of the final year of his deal.

-Don Nelson, meanwhile, was obviously tired of talking, tired of seeing us (3 interviews today! I was tired of myself by the end of it) and fairly happy to blow through this post-game session abruptly.

So there's no post-game Nelson Q & A. I did include his pre-game Q & A, which served as his season wrap-up and was pretty good-and includes a good reference to his upcoming arbitration hearing in his battle with Mark Cuban over $6.5 million in deferred payments Nelson says he's owed from his Mavericks days.

(Plus another glancing shot at Cuban for letting Steve Nash go as a free agent.)

-Quick note: Nelson has got it in his mind that I wrote that he doesn't like Andris Biedrins (see his Q & A on this take) and Don is not pleased with me about this. I wouldn't mind-if I did actually say that. Which I didn't, as far as I can remember.

What I do remember typing is this: Nelson doesn't like Biedrins with Wright and probably wouldn't like him with Kevin Love. That's in the playing combination sense, not in the human being sense or overall as-a-player sense.

Big difference. I've made this point because Biedrins does create some complications for the Nellie Warriors-Andris doesn't shoot jumpers, and Don almost never puts two non-shooters on the floor, so he can't put Biedrins and Wright together and any big man he adds will either duplicate Biedrins or possibly replace him, right?

I have no doubt that Don likes Biedrins-though I'm not sure he loves him unconditionally as a player. The in-and-out playing time thing might go against that Nellie point.

But oh well. I'm sure Don will get over it, if he even remembers it after tonight. I just wanted to clarify that.

On to the Q & As…
--- BARON DAVIS post-game Q & A/

-Question: You do want to come back to the Warriors, right?

-DAVIS: I want to come back. I want to come back. There's no doubt in my mind that I want to come back. I think you know that by the way I am with my teammates. My teammates know that.

We'll wait and see what happens. Hopefully something positive happens and comes out of this season. For everything we've been through, all the free agents we have on this team.

I think we did a great job of trying to keep it together as much as possible. first time I've played on a team where more than half the team is free agents.

I think we did a good job and it'll be better next year if we have a solid foundation.

-Q: What does it mean to you that you played all 82 games? How do you feel afterwards?

-DAVIS: Actually I feel good. Towards the end of the season, I was starting to get better with my stretching and different things like that.

For me to play 82 games was to prove all the doubters wrong. I've always been a guy that people doubt. I think this season I was able to consistently do what I wanted to do and that's go to the gym and play. And that's all I ever wanted to do in my career.

A lot of times I played injured. But that's who I am and that's the player I've been in my career-a player who played when he could…

-Q: It sounds like you want an extension before you get to your opt-out decision date…

-DAVIS: (Laughs.) Whatever you say. You're a smart guy.

I'm going to see what happens. We'll see what happens. I still have one more year here. There is a lot of different scenarios and I'm sure you all are going to write about them throughout the playoffs. I don't know what more you want me to stay.

-Q: Would you be comfortable if you come back for the remaining year and without an extension?

-DAVIS: Yeah, I'm fine, man. One thing I know is that I can play in this league.

For the next four or five years, I'm going to continue to get better. If I continue to get better, then I'll still be one of the elite guards in this league. And that's what I want to be-I just want to be a great point guard and win and hopefully eventually win a championship.

That's my ultimate goal, to be the best point guard I can be, the best player I can be in this league and win the championship. Whether it's here, whether it's somewhere else, that's all I want, is to be able to compete for a championship.

-Q: What does this team need to add to do that?

-DAVIS: We had a lot of ingredients and tools this year to get there. I think we just need a little bit more discipline as a team and a little bit more maturity. But that all comes throughout the course of a season.

----DON NELSON pre-game Q & A (there's no post-game Nellie Q & A included because I was there, he was awful and uninterested, c'est la planeride to Maui)/
-Question: Will you be back next year?

-NELSON: I believe we've addressed that already. I'm going to take some time off, go to Maui and think about it.

-Q: Do you know when you'll decide?

-NELSON: I'd like to get the arbitration in Dallas out of the way. I told Bobby Rowell I'd make my decision after that. That's scheduled for June the 26th, I think, so the first of the next month.

-Q: If you come back next season, will that be your last season as a coach?

-NELSON: Will it be my final year? Yeah, I would think so. Again, you never know about life. If I come back, I'm pretty sure it would be my last year.

-Q: Would it bother you if your career ends like this-out of the playoffs?

-NELSON: No, not at all. I'd walk away and feel good about this year, feel good about my two years here, feel good about my career. I'd have no problem at all, either way.

It's nice to be wanted and I think the organization would like to have me back. I think most of the players in the other room would like to have me come back, probably a few wouldn't. But it's OK.

I've had a really good time here in two years. And that's a big factor in whether I return or not. I enjoy working with Mully and the ownership's been great to me here. Bobby Rowell's been really good to me.

I'm getting up to the point where it's not an easy job. Whether it's another year, it's soon that I have to walk away from this job. Whether it's this year or next year… it'll probably happen one of those two years.

-Q: If you win your arbitration with Cuban, would you be more likely to retire?

-NELSON: You mean when I win the arbitration? Not necessarily, but that's probably the reason I'm going through all this. It's weighed heavily on me for almost three years now. Two years, anyway.

My mind would be freer after that.

-Q: Would the money make a difference in your decision?

-NELSON: I could walk away now and lose the arbitration and not ever have a penny and be fine. I mean, it's not that, won't affect me that much either way.

But there's a side of me that would like to come back and coach Jack and Baron another year and watch the development of the young kids. I've gotten close to a lot of the players on this team.

That and the love of the game and knowing that when I walk away this last time, it'll be the end. That's another issue, knowing that when I walk away it'll be the last time.

-Q: If your involved with arbitration… will you be as involved in draft preparation this year?

-NELSON: Yes. I'll be involved in all of that. I'm planning to do the same thing I did last year…

-Q: Have you enjoyed coaching as much this season?

-NELSON: I sure have the last two years. I had a hard time in Dallas after Steve Nash left. I kind of fell out of love with the game, not having him and losing him the way we did took a little bit out of me.

But I got it back here. I've had two great years. A lot of enjoyment. Hard work, yes, but a lot of enjoyment.

And this young staff that I have… they really have done a great job developing our young guys. It's not their fault that I haven't played them, because they've developed them, and they'll be ready to go next year.

-Q: Can you win a title building around your current Big 3?

-NELSON: I think we've already proven we can't do that-we need some help. We have some areas where we've got to continue to grow and improve.

-Q: Do you need to add a player who is as at least as good as those three or maybe better?

-NELSON: No, I mean, I don't know. You guys evaluate that. We can get deeper, for sure.

-Q: Do you have any regrets about this season?

-NELSON: Play Baron Davis last game. That's a joke.

-Q: Anything else more serious?

-NELSON: No. We had an incredible year. I'm very proud of the team. We deserve to be a playoff team. We're not. So here we sit.

-Q: Last year you guys won every game you had to. This year, you probably lost every game you had to win. Any explanation for that?

-NELSON: Well, we played a lot of really good teams. We weren't able to beat very many of them. I think just the Lakers-we probably should've beaten them the second night.

I can't remember what the schedule was a year ago. But it was tough in the West.

-Q: You played your Big 3 so much because you felt pressured by how great the West was. If the West is better next season, how can you avoid heavy playing time again?

-NELSON: I don't know. To get deeper, to have a good draft, to maybe get a player there and maybe some free agents. And the development of our three rookies.

-Q: You'd like to add a shot blocker, right?

-NELSON: It would help our team to have somebody capable playing in the game and could be a force at the rim. Because we're not just a very good defensive team. We need work in that area. And a shot-blocker would help that.

-Q: Would you be OK if that guy can't shoot?

-NELSON: Oh, of course.

I don't know where you get the idea that I don't like Biedrins. I love the guy, just to set the record straight. You could've called me and asked me, I would've told you.

He's an incredible player who gets 100 percent out of the ability that he has. He's not a shot maker, and he fits in very nicely with what we're doing. He's not a shot-blocker. Does an adequate job there. But he has great hands and finishes around the basket. His range is probably five feet. I'm trying to get him to shoot a jump shot.

-Q: Do you want to keep this core?

-NELSON: I hink we have a pretty nice starting five. I like them. I think we just need to develop and replace a few guys, the team will change a little bit. And we need to have a better bench.

We got a little too young this year. Three rookies on a team-difficult for any team, I think. And not having any of them be able to play. I thought Belinelli would be able to play right away, I was wrong about that.

But I still like him very much. I think he's going to really be a good player. And we'll see next year. Those guys will get the opportunities.

-Q: Do you think the Richardson trade cost you some victories this year?

-NELSON: It's hard to see us winning more games than we did, whether he was here or not.

(But) I think we were a stronger team with him, if this was a playoff situation and a game that's a must-win. I would think he would've been a factor in winning those games because of what he can do.

Winning a game by himself, he has a great ability to get his own shot and he rebounds. He does a lot of real nice things for a team and I think you all know why he was traded, for cap reasons and stuff. I'm not complaining at all.

Not that we don't know, but Nellie has gone on record that either this or next yr will be pretty much his final yr as a coach. I just hopeMullin has plan B in mind so that this team would not regress.
I really think everyone, including myself, are just over analyzing the situation.

Its probably more related to the fact they LOST versus Denver at HOME that left a sour taste in their mouths which lead to the issue at hand in Phx.

JRich was traded because we found a ******ed team (I see you Cheezy!!) to take that ridiculous contract and wasn't it also in an attempt to land KG?

I highly,highly doubt we'll find someone to absorb Baron's PO. I'm also willing to bet that Nellie will be back because he doesn't want to goout like this....he'll be in Maui and he'll get rejuvenated and that'll be that.

I walked past Boom's crib yesterday, anyone want me to snap a picture of his door bell that says "Boom Dizzle"? jk.

As for Wright and Marco, I'd also imagine they'll get some burn of at least 20 mins....I wouldn't be surprised if you see Marco running some backuppoint along side Monta if Monta is going to be the scorer everyone assumes he will be.
I don't understand why people complain about wright not having a jumper right now. he is great player around the basket right now. he's shown the hecan hit that little hook he has. he just needs to get stronger. all we need is wright sitting on the 3 point line shooting 3's
I think most of the players in the other room would like to have me come back, probably a few wouldn't. But it's OK.
We all know who it is. Al Harrington and Patrick.
IF Nellie decides to retire, one positive might be that POB will stick around thinkinig he will get PT. He is NOT a lost cause. We drafted him with our lottopick, and we've still yet to see if he's golden or if he's a bust. Anyone who writes him off as a bust at this point isn't being fair toPatrick at all.

We got a little too young this year. Three rookies on a team-difficult for any team, I think. And not having any of them be able to play. I thought Belinelli would be able to play right away, I was wrong about that.
Gotta give some credit to Nellie. He was considering the idea of Belinelli early on but then just realized he wasn't ready. I'm sure we can continueto argue the point...but an off season spent with the team and gearing up for next season, I expect him to be ready to play.
[h2]Golden State Warriors: Questions all that remain for off season[/h2]
By Rob Calonge | April 16th, 2008

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[size=-2]Image details: Golden State Warriors v Los Angeles Lakersserved by[/size]
[size=-2]Talk has already started about B-Diddy leaving the team[/size]
Ellis and Biedrins are free agents, Barnes is probably on his way out, Davis may opt out of his contract and leave, and there's always the possibilitythat Nelson will again retire. What?!?! The best season since the 50 win '93-'94 season and just like that season, it's ending in frustration andturmoil.

Recently, I wrote an article detailing the ironic similarities between this team and that 50 win team, but I never thought the irony would extend past theseason. It's reported that if Baron Davis opts out of his contract, the Warriors will only have $29 million on the books this offseason. That could give them enough room to be next years' Celtics if they import the right players.

The possibility of remaking the team to be better than ever is an optimistic thought, and with the uncertainty of the future, there can be little room foroptimism. Who will be the Warriors go-to players next year? Who will coach those players? Will the young group from the past four drafts ever step up and layclaim to this team? Will it take another 13 year drought before the Warriors make the playoffs again? These are questions that need to be answered, andsoon.

Until that happens, Warriors fans shouldn't hold their breath for another 'We Believe' moment.

bye bye baron
[h1]Kawakami: Warriors are good but not good enough[/h1]
By Tim Kawakami
Mercury News Staff Columnist

Article Launched: 04/17/2008 01:38:24 AM PDT

There was plenty of unintended Warriors nostalgia floating around the old arena Wednesday, though nobody wanted any part of the memories.

It was 1995-2006 Warriors grim nostalgia. Aw-shucks-good-try nostalgia. Yawn-can't-wait-for-the-lottery nostalgia.

And mostly: Not-again-next-season-please nostalgia.

By the way, the Warriors wrapped up their sensationally strange season with a 126-121 loss to Seattle and finished with 48 victories, most by a non-playoff team since the advent of the 16-team format.

To recap, Baron Davis played 82 games, but not the second half of Game 81. Don Nelson was creative, batty, brilliant, bristling with pride and close to retirement, all at once.

Chris Webber came and went. Jason Richardson left, but Brandan Wright wasn't allowed to join in. Davis, Monta Ellis and Stephen Jackson were iron men but had cement legs at the end.

What a weird season. The biggest questions: Was it a wasted season or was this just a natural, bumpy progression from last year's glory run? Is this actually leading somewhere?

The easy answer: It all depends on the Warriors' ability to get a prime power player, either through the draft (Kevin Love? Darrell Arthur?) or through an intricate, bold trade (Elton Brand?).

It depends on Andris Biedrins and Ellis, assuming both restricted free agents are retained. (Chris Mullin promised Wednesday that they will be, no matter the cost.) And it depends on the development of Wright and Marco Belinelli, assuming Nelson ever plays them.

Oh, yes, it also depends on Davis' health, attitude and contract status (he can become a free agent) and Nelson's decision whether to return for one final season. (Sounds like he is, and sounds like he wants to shut up some critics - me!)

So this is a renaissance on the brink. One false move might drop the Warriors back to Bobby Sura territory; one or two great moves might get them to 55 victories next season.

And Davis and Nelson aren't getting any younger.

"You know, when you finish with 48, 49 wins, you haven't had a horrible season," Mullin said earlier Wednesday. "Do you need to improve? Of course you do. But I do think it is fair to take a little time to evaluate that."

Whatever happens, I can guarantee that the Warriors won't try it the same, scattered, Baron-dependent way that won for them last year but wasn't quite good or big enough this season.

If anything, the offense will tilt toward Ellis, and Nelson will be encouraged to find a big man he trusts. Davis will be encouraged to play hard in every game or take a soft seat on the bench when he can't.

A few people will be added who can play defense and rebound.

"We had an incredible year," Nelson said before the game. "I'm very proud of the team. We deserve to be a playoff team. We're not. So here we sit."

So? The Warriors, once again, need some fixing. They were very good for a long time, but they weren't at all good enough when they absolutely had to be. That's the reverse of last season's thrill ride, when the Warriors muddled through most of the season and then won every big game they faced until Round 2 of the playoffs.

"We got a little too young this year," Nelson said before the game. "Three rookies on a team - difficult for any team, I think. And not having any of them able to play . . .

"I thought Belinelli would be able to play right away; I was wrong about that. But I still like him very much. I think he's going to really be a good player. And we'll see next year. Those guys will get the opportunities."

There obviously are risks in making major roster changes on a pretty good team. For instance, the Warriors traded Richardson last summer, but they didn't play Wright and haven't yet used the $10 million trade exception, which still is viable until a few days after the draft.

Did the trade gain the Warriors financial flexibility but cost them some victories?

"No - if it did, I would take full responsibility for that," Mullin said. "But sitting at 48 (victories) and with the additions that we've made, I feel really good about our team this year and moving forward. I couldn't think of a better situation to be in."

Well, I could think of one or two better situations, but I know what Mullin was saying. He has good players who have proved they can win games. He has some money to play with.

Now it's up to Mullin to add two or three more winning pieces, either by blind luck or grand design, and the clock is ticking.
But there's a side of me that would like to come back and coach Jack and Baron another year and watch the development of the young kids. I've gotten close to a lot of the players on this team.

Watch the development of the young kids?
How if you don't put them in game situations? Practice situations are different from game situations.

And this young staff that I have… they really have done a great job developing our young guys. It's not their fault that I haven't played them, because they've developed them, and they'll be ready to go next year.

Russ Turner FTW!

Nellie better put them in the rotation next year... or else

It's reported that if Baron Davis opts out of his contract, the Warriors will only have $29 million on the books this off season. That could give them enough room to be next years' Celtics if they import the right players.

Still depends on Mullin and Nellie if they can attract and persuade FA, but the possibility and upside is
Exactly. I'm saying, this team is in a financial position to do some work the next few years. We definitely wouldn't be saying that 3 years ago.

It's not like we're Milwaukee, I think we could lure some FA's without excessively over paying. Not to mention, regardless of the defense issue,how could you not WANT to PLAY in this system??
Drafting a PF? That's probably the ONLY position I could see Nellie actually using a guy and right away.

Who are notable PF's attainable in FA? Any?

Before we start throwing the Brand trades in there lol.
Restricted Free Agents: Paul Millsap, Carl Landry
Unrestricted Free Agents: Eduardo Najera, Jermaine O'Neal(if he opts out), Elton Brand(if he opts out), Michael Ruffin, Kenny Thomas, Kurt Thomas

The list isn't that great, but there are a few ok players. It's looking as if a trade would be the only way to go.
I'd love a Carl Landry, as I feel he'd fit well with us. Don't know how Houston feels about him, so with that restriction, I'd assumethey'd opt to sign him?

I was thinking, man, even Leon Powe would be nice. Bring him back to Oakland. He's shown some good progress in scrub minutes for Boston.

Boston is at 74m ALREADY. Maybe future pick......
Originally Posted by daprescription

Restricted Free Agents: Paul Millsap, Carl Landry
Unrestricted Free Agents: Eduardo Najera, Jermaine O'Neal(if he opts out), Elton Brand(if he opts out), Michael Ruffin, Kenny Thomas, Kurt Thomas

The list isn't that great, but there are a few ok players. It's looking as if a trade would be the only way to go.
That list is ehh... Trade is definitely the way to go if we are looking for another PF that way... But Brandan Wright is the future PF and Nelliesaid he'd play him more this coming season so what about that situation right there? As long as Brandan hits the weight room this offseason, which I thinkhe will, he will only get better.

I think our team is stronger with:
PG Baron
SG Monta
SF S-Jax
PF Wright.... Harrington
C Biedrins

Compared to what could be a possibility:
PG A drafted or middle of the pack PG since Baron could be traded for a PF. The possibility of us getting another top PG is unlikely... could happen, butunlikely.
SG Monta
SF S-Jax
PF Brand, but highly unlikely... more like a Najara / Landry type player
C Biedrins

Looking at these two outcomes, I'd say team #1 is better. 2nd team if Brand can be attained, but like I said before, that's highly unlikely since LAChas got Brand as one of their top priorities. But we'd still need a PG to run things and what PG can we really get (no talk about getting Rose or Gordon
). Nellie's teams usually have good/great PGs... like Tim Hardaway, Steve Nash, Baron Davis, Jason Terry. A PG is essential in a Nellie / smallballoffense. If we get another "Troy Hudson over the hill" type PG, I'd probably go mad.

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I'd love a Carl Landry, as I feel he'd fit well with us. Don't know how Houston feels about him, so with that restriction, I'd assume they'd opt to sign him?

I was thinking, man, even Leon Powe would be nice. Bring him back to Oakland. He's shown some good progress in scrub minutes for Boston.

Boston is at 74m ALREADY. Maybe future pick......
I think our future pick aren't worth much. Our aspirations are to go to the playoffs and with that, we won't get early picks in the draft.I don't think Boston would budge if we offer them a 21st overall pick. It's possible... but I'm just saying.
Originally Posted by daprescription

How crazy would it be if we won the lottery. If we could draft Rose, then we could let Baron walk and then go off and offer a deal to a PF like Brand or O'Neal. If only God was still a Warriors fan

david stern would shoot himself.
^ It's not that we want him gone really, it's more about what we could get back in return for him... and more cap room.
I think our future pick aren't worth much. Our aspirations are to go to the playoffs and with that, we won't get early picks in the draft. I don't think Boston would budge if we offer them a 21st overall pick. It's possible... but I'm just saying.

I see your point, but they're in a ishy cap situation, so if they can prolong the damage for future draft picks (IE not this years draft) that can onlyhelp them.

BWright is definitely a guy I'd love to keep, but we need someone to counter bruisers in that position and he's not quite ready to do that.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think our future pick aren't worth much. Our aspirations are to go to the playoffs and with that, we won't get early picks in the draft. I don't think Boston would budge if we offer them a 21st overall pick. It's possible... but I'm just saying.

I see your point, but they're in a ishy cap situation, so if they can prolong the damage for future draft picks (IE not this years draft) that can only help them.

BWright is definitely a guy I'd love to keep, but we need someone to counter bruisers in that position and he's not quite ready to do that.

I agree, Wright isn't ready yet, but he needs to get in there sometime or another.
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