Official World Series Texas Rangers vs. San Francisco Giants Thread (4-1) Giants Win World Series!

i rarely post status updates on teams i root for unless its something epic. not everyone is a die-hard and im sure itd get annoying if i were to constantly post something about my favorite team.
i rarely post status updates on teams i root for unless its something epic. not everyone is a die-hard and im sure itd get annoying if i were to constantly post something about my favorite team.
Still trips me out to think that the San Francisco Giants, THE SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS are World Champions...

I dont know how we won. Actually, I do know (pitching), but I've never seen a giants team be so clutch on offense.
Post season came, and they became a whole other team, the team we all hoped they would become but barely managed to even after that historic month of pitching in sept. I've avoided posting to not jinx anything.

Apologies are in order

Renteria....for calling you diarrhea on countless occasions. If a player could earn his contract in weeks, you managed to do that.

Ross...for not thinking anything of you, prior to your hulk mode status in the postseason.

Bochy....for wishing you would get fired on multiple occasions. I honestly think you were playing Rain Man during the season. Well done.

Freddy....for calling you fragile all the time. Your glove more than anything killed a lot of rallies for the opponent., you just suck. I hate looking at you. For the rest of your life, you should pray to the gods that Edgar came through with that 3 run bomb. You would have struck out. You deserve half a ring. Give the other half to Zito.

Sabean....somewhere in my room, I have a "Fire Sabean" sign I wore earlier to a game this year. I dont know and dont care if this was your "plan" from the get go, but whatever. You've paid your due diligence on this one Sabes.

And the Mission was on fire last night. Dudes burning mattresses, breaking windows, tagging on cars, riding on firetrucks
 with firemen in it....when I get back I will post pics. Giants fans stand up
I dont know how we won. Actually, I do know (pitching), but I've never seen a giants team be so clutch on offense.
Post season came, and they became a whole other team, the team we all hoped they would become but barely managed to even after that historic month of pitching in sept. I've avoided posting to not jinx anything.

Apologies are in order

Renteria....for calling you diarrhea on countless occasions. If a player could earn his contract in weeks, you managed to do that.

Ross...for not thinking anything of you, prior to your hulk mode status in the postseason.

Bochy....for wishing you would get fired on multiple occasions. I honestly think you were playing Rain Man during the season. Well done.

Freddy....for calling you fragile all the time. Your glove more than anything killed a lot of rallies for the opponent., you just suck. I hate looking at you. For the rest of your life, you should pray to the gods that Edgar came through with that 3 run bomb. You would have struck out. You deserve half a ring. Give the other half to Zito.

Sabean....somewhere in my room, I have a "Fire Sabean" sign I wore earlier to a game this year. I dont know and dont care if this was your "plan" from the get go, but whatever. You've paid your due diligence on this one Sabes.

And the Mission was on fire last night. Dudes burning mattresses, breaking windows, tagging on cars, riding on firetrucks
 with firemen in it....when I get back I will post pics. Giants fans stand up
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