Official WRESTLEMANIA XXV Thread - 4/5 PPV 7pm et - Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, HHH vs Orton

-don't know how it came off on tv but the crowd was real blah, especially for a WM
-never would of thought I'd see so much milf at a wwe event

-wish I could of fast forward through the hhh/ortan match

-highlight of the night for me was the little kid in front of me crying when Jeff Hardy lost and the guy behind me kept badgering him about it
Originally Posted by hellaones

-highlight of the night for me was the little kid in front of me crying when Jeff Hardy lost and the guy behind me kept badgering him about it


And crowd sounded pretty loud when I was watching it.
Vince need to get punted by Orton in real life tho..son is the one okaying this mess.
And crowd sounded pretty loud when I was watching it.
The magic of tv editing....I remember a shoot with Paul Heyman about getting on the video editor for not raising the "crowd volume"enough.

I knew something was up back in the day... 400 people in a bingo hall could never be that loud.

For WM 24 and WM 2000, what the hell was the point of a heel retaining the title just to lose it at Backlash?

As for the MITB, it would have been perfect for Christian to win when he was climbing on both ladders
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

Does this dude book himself? Because he NEVER puts anyone over.
WM 17, 20, 21, 22 and I haven't watched many since then, but HHH gets hated on waaaay to much. Of course he's going to get perks for banging the bosses' daughter, who wouldn't?
But to act like he never jobs to anyone, especially at Wrestlemania, is ludicrous. Austin was similar back in the day, but since everyone liked him, it wasn't a problem. Trips is the tops now whether you like it or not, it'll be only a few more years until he, Taker, HBK and all of the "old heads" move on and then yall will be complaining about Orton never putting anyone over. Sheesh.
Just like 4dub said though...he loses at WM to justify burying dudes the rest of the year. Sure, he was due for a win but you've lost thatmany in a row...he should have put business first and let Orton go over. This is the main event of WM...HHH is supposed to be the face everyone is rooting forand Orton is the sick criminal who we hate because he's gone after HHH's family...yet I heard RKO chants and not ONE...NOT ONE...HHH chant.

And please don't compare Austin to that nincompoop...I know it hurt HHH's heart when his father in law said yesterday that STEVE AUSTIN is the greatestWWE wrestler of all time.

If HBK is indeed retiring after next year's Wrestlemania and HHH and HBK face each other...I swear on everything, HBK better go over or else I'm flyingto Connecticut myself and pedigree'ing Triple GOD.
Overall I give the show a C- . Taker vs. Michaels was an instant classic reminds me of Austin/Rock from WM17. Jeff v. Matt was Ok and I missed most of the MITBmatch. The two title matches weren't horrible, but the endings were very lacking. And I don't know why everyone expected HHH to lose, was 0-4 in hislast 4 Wrestlemanias. As for Orton, whether he won tonight or not, he's definitely the top heel, no one is even close.
Sidewayze wrote:

Crowd shoulda been like this at the end.

I was more hyped to relive that moment just now than any of the matches we saw tonight with the exception of the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

And crowd sounded pretty loud when I was watching it.
The magic of tv editing....I remember a shoot with Paul Heyman about getting on the video editor for not raising the "crowd volume" enough.

I knew something was up back in the day... 400 people in a bingo hall could never be that loud.

You've never been in the ECW Arena.
Sidewayze wrote:

Crowd shoulda been like this at the end.

this is how wrestlemania is done. i remember back in the day i was pissed when that happened to the rock. good times
I would have rather it ended like that Rock match, than to just have HHH bury orton 1 on 1.
......................... What to say

Hardy vs hardy
Shawn vs Taker
Santino (Santina)

MITB was trash
The actual Diva match was Trash
Kid Rock.... really? Wm needed that?
Mickey Roarke has the greatest left hook ever
Michael Cole
Orton Not Winning
Christian Not Winning
and the list goes on... dissapointed
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by BlackMamba08

Does this dude book himself? Because he NEVER puts anyone over.
WM 17, 20, 21, 22. 24 and I haven't watched many since then, but HHH gets hated on waaaay to much. Of course he's going to get perks for banging the bosses' daughter, who wouldn't?
But to act like he never jobs to anyone, especially at Wrestlemania, is ludicrous. Austin was similar back in the day, but since everyone liked him, it wasn't a problem. Trips is the tops now whether you like it or not, it'll be only a few more years until he, Taker, HBK and all of the "old heads" move on and then yall will be complaining about Orton never putting anyone over. Sheesh.
Here's the point you are missing. I have no problem that HHH won. I thought he should win. It allows the storyline between him and Orton tocontinue. The problem is with the way HHH wins. He made Orton look like a jobber for the last 3-4 minutes of the match. Why was the Undertaker/HBK match sogreat? Because it was unbelievably competitive down to the final 3 count. It didn't end with The Undertaker beating on HBK for 5 minutes and then pinninghim. HHH needed to get his rocks off by dominating the last five minutes of WrestleMania so he could have the sole spotlight. He's an egomaniac andit's terrible for business.
I wish I could have gotten drunk underage with my pops at ECW Arena that woulda been a dream come true
...Went the few last times they held shows at Poughkeepsie, NY. Around the timeECW started to wrap it up with all the beef they had with TNN. The only time we gave real pops was the few high spots Kid Kash , Super Crazy, etc.. gave us.And Sandmans entrance... um..."Balls! Balls! Balls! Baaaa-aaalls!!!!!"
that was about it though. Nothing the way it sounded on tv.
Ok. I see, it's the way that Trips wins not the fact that he does. I do agree that the ending was very poor. The unpredictability that was present duringthe attitude era is definitely gone sans a few matches over the last 7 years. Like in that WM 2000 match and even in the WM 17 match where Vince screwed TheRock, at the time I wasn't expecting it, so I see your point. But Trips has always been my dude besides The Rock so I may be biased.
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