Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

Yeah I'm broke. I got Leopard for my Macbook this week, and now I'm broke.
The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules....​
"Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies."
And Tonight You're Going To Break Your One Rule.​
QUICK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

need some answers and opinions ASAP

so i was working earlier today, and a dude comes and asks me about a ps3 and blahblahblah. so he then tells me the reason why hes looking into it is becausehis 360 broke down on him, confirmed it was 3LOD. i then asked him if he was interested in selling, he asks me why id be interested in a malfunctioning system,i respond "for parts".

he then tells me to make an offer, so i tell him ill do $150. he mulls it over for about 15seconds then says "umm okay. since you want to buy it ill giveyou the 2 games i just bought for free too, assassins creed and COD4"

he gave me his phone number and so on.

so my question to you all is, yay or nay? he said its about a year old and he takes great care of it. hes probably late 30s and he seemed like the type toreally baby his stuff. opinions?

Thanks NT.

oh yeah its a CORE system if it matters.
look out for that 2008 madden tourney real soon
I have MODERATE NAT! I used to have open but i dunno what happened! Can anyone suggest ideas to make it OPEN?

(I have UPnP enabled and Port Forwarding for ports 3074 UDP/TCP and 88 UDP)
Should i disable port forwarding since UPnP is on?
I'm guessing they'll just give all current gold members an extra 2 weeks or maybe even a month of free service... which wouldn't be bad, so long asthat month isn't as crappy as the last two weeks have been.
Originally Posted by OUChrisLitt

How long has 2K been doing the 2K share thing? That's awesome. I was able to pull off all the rosters for College Hoops the other night. I feel like I'm totally late to the party, but that's amazing.

Whats is this? Also has the patch for NBA 2k8 out for the 360 yet?
-G3/M14 red dot/Acog . c4. UAV jammer. deep impact.(larger more open maps)
-G36C red dot. bandolier. stopping power. deep impact. (smaller maps like vacant etc.)
-P90 silencer. c4. uav jammer. deep impact. claymore. uav jammer. deep impact.

Then again I only play search and destroy and hardcore. I'm not a fan of martyrdom, anymore.
I really hate xbox rite now. Can't play cod4 online, no point of owning an xbox!
i think it depends on the game, like cod4, you cant play online with more than 1person on a console, but on halo3 i think you can have 4 people on the sameconsole and still play on xbl
FYI for the next 48 hours the newest arcade download is free. It's called Carcassonne. Haven't played or heard of it before but hey, it's free.
I am trying to get the damn celebrity achievement in Skate but I can't get any reviews. Someone send me a friend request and rate my footage and I willrate yours. hit me up my gamertag is georgesbeard619
best buy doesnt have cod4 for 39.99 anymore. they got 2k8 and assassin's creed for 39.99

check the sale section
aye anybody know someone that goes by 360 gamertag: gimme the l00t? this clown dissing me on xbox messenger. dude dont even have the balls to diss me in voice.he gotta send a text message
Anybody wanna get down on Madden 08?????

I have yet to play anyone on NT in this game, ace combat 6 and NBA live 08
.:GAMERTAG= kixalive07:.​
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