Official Xbox 360 Post: For those who CARE, COD4 patch is now available

haha word.

the way i see it, if i sell off AC and COD, id maybe get like 60-80 as a set for both, making the system in the end cost me $70-90

deal. right?
call of duty 5 is already in the works and its not being made by infinity ward ( COD 1,2,4) but rather by the same people who butchered COD3(treyarch)...and its being said that this game will be going back to WW2...great

Why does Activision allow this? Do they not understand that the reason the series has had interest and hype AND QUALITY is because of Infinity Ward.

Money. Plus there are actually some people (or just NK) that enjoy the system design. Realistically, I could see this branching to two different game franchises. Kind of like Night of the Living Dead was split into the Living Dead and Dead franchises after the first one.
Yo I'm having a big problem.

I turned my xbox on for the first time in about a month, and every single xbox arcade game that I've purchased is only showing up as a trial game.

Has this happened to any of you all before?
lol i never liked manhunt it was cool at first but then its like ehhh.

btw does anyone know how to make cod4 to 1080p? i just got a new tv and when i turn on cod4 it just goes to 480i
So, is GH3 les paul bundle sold out in stores? I was checking the price online and its sold out on all the websites. I was planning on surprising the BF with it today >:
.:GAMERTAG= Toki Sam DokiMyspace
A 40 minute phone call wasted. I politely complained about not being able to use XBL and my XBL arcade games since they were purchased on another 360.Couldn't even get 400 points out of it

Very disappointed right now
Is COD4 really worth it? I'm a broke @#%$ student and I don't technically have the money to do it, but I might dip into the black Friday hdtv fund for it if it is really that good.
"Maybe it will grow if you water it."
Originally Posted by jae oh en

i swear all my deaths from COD have come from that dropped grenade perk...i knew it would be a problem once i saw it posted a week or two ago...its mad frustrating...
that should have been the last perk you could achieve. everybody uses it
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

xbl was giving me some problems for no reason..acts like my modem is messed up or something yet I can join ppl on my friends list..They only thing I hate in COD4 is the damn 50 cal like boxden should be the best sniper in the game yet its inaccurate and sometimes it just hurts the guy -_-
I don't understand the complaints about the .50 cal at all.. the other snipers have this problem i'd say,but the .50 is almost too accurate in my experience with it... there are times when it doesn't seem to hit at all, but that's a connection thing, not a game problem. When connections are smooth, you can honest to god rape kids in their behinds with that thing.. especially when combined with like deep impact or whatever (can't remember the names right now, haven't played in about 2 weeks for certain reasons)...

co-sign . barrett =
you just have to get used to using it, therecoil is a +!%#+

only sniper i like more is the m21.
You know I'll be down for the clan just as soon as I get CoD4.... :\
The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules....
"Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies."
And Tonight You're Going To Break Your One Rule.​
This problem has been going on for a few days. And I just rented The Darkness to boost my online achievements so I'd be at 1,000GS. UGH!
I had CoD3 and sold it back in the spring with my original system. Glad I did. Could never get into it.

I'm still waiting for to ship me GH3. Was going to do the offers for CoD4 but I'd rather have it asap.
Looking to sell your old 360 games? MESSAGE ME! Looking for just about anything.
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