Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I wish Wolf was an extra 2 hrs. Funniest movie I watched last year.

Rumors of a directors cut with like a half hr of extra footage...ill pop it on, bake a potatoe, due some laundry, go work a shift, then come back and grab the last hr with you.
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whoever recommended les revenants, thank you.
i'm on episode 4.

Show sounds interesting. Was wondering if it was on netflix and it was. Added to my list. Want to see some hot French girls.
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:lol: @ calling The Returned Les Revenants having me look it up like it's another show.

:smh: @ me slipping so hard on my French I didn't recognize right away.

I seen Gigantic again in a long time a few days ago. Love me some Zooey. Question about the ending, was she just that flaky about commitment and his strange adopt an Asian baby thing or is my hunch right and she was pregnant and was finding it hard to tell dude? The vomiting was one clue and she seemed to just be more emotionally unstable as it went along so I though that was a reaction as well.

:rofl: @ Zach Galifinakis beating the **** out of Dano and then seemingly being killed at the end. At first I was pissed at some homeless dude just doing that but then it just became a joke when you realize he's stalking him. Son hopped up on the dumpster like Spider-Man while this dude is rocking disguises to ambush him.
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Watched Short Term 12 yesterday. Very good movie.

Brie Larson and John Gallagher did their thing.


The feels when he was did his song for Mason.

Good looks to whoever mentioned it in here.
The Returned was in subtitles last time I peeped it on my player. Are the joints on Netflix in English now or still French? I couldn't do the 100% subtitles. CC I can do, like with Lillyhammer, but to have to have them to comprehend, can't muster it.
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Oh see I haven't watched yet so I aint know it was all in another language.

Now I dunno about viewing. I can watch a movie with subtitles but a whole damn series. I am not fluent in French.

I checked on netflix and yeah it all is in French.
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Well the ones I tried To start were. There was another show that was getting dope reviews that I tied around the same time and I was pretty bummed to find them both in Subtitles. The Bridge was the name. Or Bron/Broen in the native language, but I actually found It in voice over English so I watched. That's how I know it was really good because normally shows that are voiced over take away from the acting, it didn't here for me.
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I watched something last night that I remembered as being an 80s classic - Breakin'. May be one of the worst movies of all time. The dancing is good, but the story, direction, acting, etc. is all awful. Not even good in a campy, nostalgic kind of way.
Taking a film class this summer and the teacher put us on to some dope films.

Apocalypse Now :smile:eek), Dirty Harry, One Flew Over the ****oo's Nest, Breathless, & The Graduate to just name a few. Seen all of these for the first time and they were all incredible (forgive me film elitists for not watching these films earlier).
I watched "Breakin'
Taking a film class this summer and the teacher put us on to some dope films.

Apocalypse Now :smile:eek), Dirty Harry, One Flew Over the ****oo's Nest, Breathless, & The Graduate to just name a few. Seen all of these for the first time and they were all incredible (forgive me film elitists for not watching these films earlier).

Surprised Dirty Harry is on that list. I personally love the Dirty Harry series in general, but they 're kind of un-PC. Not something I'd expect academic types to like.
Breakin 2 Electric Boogaloo is fly though, nostalgia fly. Acting again is boo boo.

Apocalypse Now and Redux are must haves. Got those on VHS DVD and Amazon.

I envy you with the film class man. Sounds like a good place to meet a wife and learn the science
Everyone who loves Apocalypse Now should be sure to watch Hearts of Darkness

It's a movie about the making of Apocalypse Now
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10 Things You Never Knew About "The Shawshank Redemption"

#2 Passing Up a Plum Role

The list of people considered for roles in "The Shawshank Redemption" reads like a who's who of 1990 Hollywood's elite.

Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Tom Hanks, and Kevin Costner were all considered. Hanks turned it down because of his commitment to "Forrest Gump." Costner passed because he was working on "Waterworld." Ultimately, "Forrest Gump" ended up beating "The Shawshank Redemption" for best picture at the Oscars, so I guess Hanks was fairly smug about that.

Wow. Hanks is the closest person I could see playing Andy Dufresne and even then it don't feel right.
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I have a question about les Revenants - i just started watching btw.. but weren't they making an American version of this, I could of swore I saw some commercials for it on ABC or NBC for it. Not sure though.. thanks.
Just finished Only God Forgives:

Very interesting movie. I liked it. I think these kinds of "artsy" movies are my favorite. I loved the sound of the movie for some reason. The minimal dialogue, not as much music as typical movies. The whole ambiance was great.
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