Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Man was watching Interview with a Vampire and Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt can act! Kinda wish they would either reboot and do the whole Anne Rice book series cause I think Lestat is very interesting. Sadly I wish I could time travel and bring young Tom so he can reprise the role but *sigh*

A. Deadpool is the guy at the end of Origins: Wolverine, right? I thought he was a bad guy. :\

B. Also, I thought he didn't talk. :nerd:

C. Where the hell can I watch other rated R trailers?!

A. Deadpool is the guy at the end of Origins: Wolverine, right? I thought he was a bad guy. :\

B. Also, I thought he didn't talk. :nerd:

C. Where the hell can I watch other rated R trailers?!
He's not really a "bad guy" they screwed his character up in Orgin, Disregard that films Deadpool. But yeah he talks.......a lot lol

And you can watch red band trailers on YouTube right ?
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You know what? Now that you mention it, I remember watching Origins in the theater with a bunch of folks from work and one of the dudes was like, "What? He can't talk?! Noooo! Deadpool talks, and he's a effing smarta**!"

Forgot about that.
The OG trailer they did that started the project, the teaser trailer on Monday, and this first official trailer last night all BY FAR forgive the atrocity they committed in Wolverine Origins.

Ryan is going to NAIL this role, and Deadpool is going to blow up huge, and hopefully we get to see him in other projects over time.
Since we're clearing the air for the ignorant (present company included :nerd: ), is Deadpool a mixture of everything awesome like in Origins?
Since we're clearing the air for the ignorant (present company included :nerd: ), is Deadpool a mixture of everything awesome like in Origins?

His true power is a lot like Wolverine in that he can regen anything in his body instantly, hence, unkillable. His power was to rehabilitate, but the Weapon X program basically intensified that ability.

After that, it's just training and martial arts skills, trained assassin, etc. He can't fly or run at super human speeds or anything, just a bad *** with a big mouth. :lol:

The one thing I did like from Wolverine Origins, remember when he was just himself, Ryan Reynolds, and he got off the elevator and went into that room full of dudes with machine guns, and all he had were his swords, but they couldn't touch him, he was that good. That part was awesome. Sewin his mouth shut, and shooting lasers out of his eyes, not so much. :smh:
he was pretty much the only salvageable thing from that god awful movie (and ray Donovan as sabretooth).. think like this:

What do you guys think of Foxcatcher?
Having recently rewatched it. The performances and overall tone were great but when I think about the story might've been better suited as a limited episode sort of thing on HBO.

It was a little slow paced and didn't manage to hook you from beginning to end throughout given the length but I understood all that since it's based off real events. If the writer's had exaggerated a bit more we probably would've seen a few more out bursts from Du Pont to lead up to the conclusion. The way it played out I can understand some saying it was a bit anti-climactic. To me the approach was to show there was something simmering on the surface while conflict was boiling underneath.

Carrell's performance was really great. I can't wait to see him play more sick villains down the line. He in his own way conveyed Du Pont's mommy issues, inadequacies, silver spoon arrogance, and fraud status in such a way that some could miss it entirely. And again sticking with what happened and not exaggerated I was half expecting them to go the homosexual and/or rape route with Du Pont wanting to dominate Mark after introducing him to drugs but they stuck to facts and with how it's portrayed they leave it up to you to interpret. It was a good depiction of a mentally ill person with authority and power that did what he wanted unchecked who also had an obsession with proving himself and wanting to be respected and admired for his acts and character not his money and he started off I feel partially genuine in wanting to help Mark be great. To me his mom's death was him going off that edge but he was so reserved in his actions (like he's taken a life supply of downers) that you wouldn't even notice when he snapped. I mean just look at the end, he did what he did calmly :lol: Then just drove back home like he aint do nothing wrong.

Made me think of those type of crazy ppl you meet in passing you don't and never feel safe around, you kinda tolerate their conversation in waiting rooms or on the train just hoping time passes by quicker so you can leave. Now imagine you put yourself in a situation where you have to tolerate this person's company for months cuz you in a financial bind or w/e.

Ruffalo was good, Tatum really nailed that insecure loser unhappy type.
Bad Boys 3 Feb 2017

Bad Boys 4 :wow: :wow: July 3 2019

Holy !!!!
Don't play with my emotions, CP. This better be true.

I don't joke about Bad Boys

We've been hearing talk about a potential Bad Boys III in the works at Sony for a long, long time now - but it seems that all of those earlier reports only got half the story. As it turns out, the studio is actually developing both Bad Boys III, and Bad Boys IV, and today it was officially announced that the sequels have release dates.

This news comes to us from The Wrap, which has gotten word from the studio about plans for two more Bad Boys installments. While at this time it's unclear who will be directing, and who will actually star, Bad Boys III has been put on the schedule for February 17, 2017 (the same weekend as Fox's http://www.cinemablend.com/Maze-Runner-Death-Cure-66554.html), and it has been officially said that Bad Boys IV will be dropping on the big screen on July 3, 2019.

This is definitely an interesting development, especially when you consider the details that came out the last time we reported on the forward progress of the Bad Boys series. In June it was reported that Joe Carnahan had been hired by Sony to work on the script for Bad Boys III, and that the studio was hoping to have the film ready to possibly shoot this fall. This plan was formulated because Will Smith will soon be finishing up his work on David Ayer's Suicide Squad, and Sony wanted to make Bad Boys III an option as his next feature. Because we now know that the movie is scheduled for early 2017, it's entirely possible that this is the move that Sony is moving forward with, and that at some point Will Smith agreed to be a part of the production, potentially in addition to a third sequel.

As for who will wind up directing the movie, that's a pretty big mystery at this point. The franchise launched with Michael Bay at the helm of the first two titles, but it seems like there's a distinct possibility that he won't be back for Bad Boys III and Bad Boys IV. If that turns out to be the case, it wouldn't be surprising at all to see Sony hand the reins over to Joe Carnahan as a director in addition to being a screenwriter. It's true that the guy doesn't have an amazing history with intellectual properties (the A-Team movie didn't exactly work out as well as expected), but films like The Grey and Narc have shown him to be a very capable and potentially exciting filmmaker.
So the article mentions Will, but not Martin. :nerd: If Martin's not involved, lawdog1 will not be involved.
They just can't leave ish alone :smh: the title Bad Boys 4 even sounds OD.
I won't lie I thought similar.

I was like making it a trilogy is one thing but BB4? Why they acting like this is some huge franchise that's been going alone for years. The gap between one and two is crazy enough. Not to mention both Will and Martin are getting older.

I dunno, I'm compelled to see it though. Maybe they trying to get their Lethal Weapon on. I can see Will stealing "I'm too old for this ****" after Martin says it 20 x prior in the movie.
[quote name="Master Zik"][quote name="Ingenious Nick"]They just can't leave ish alone :smh: the title Bad Boys 4 even sounds OD.[/quote]
I won't lie I thought similar.[/quote]Same.
Con Air is such a great re-watchable movie. Probably was just praised as good when it came out but I can watch that any time it's on (think it's on AMC now or some cable channel).


:rofl: @ Chappelle. Wish he kept up having more bit roles in random good movies like he did with that Tom Hanks joint.
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