Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Mad Max
Hateful 8
Star Wars

Hard to make a list. I also enjoyed Jurassic world, avengers, sicario, kingsman, ex machina, spy,Cinderella, antman, American sniper
Ex Machina disco scene = scene of the year 
Might be. It was amazing to watch and the visuals itself were so nice. The tension and mystery in that movie were great.
-"You're the best piece of man I ever had. You know you can just stay here and live between my bosoms for the rest of your life"

-"Pootie gotta Flitta Tie Biggie Shortie"
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I still need to watch Hateful Eight, and The Revenant, but I've seen pretty much everything else this year.

Star Wars, Sicario, Creed, Mad Max, Jobs, The Martian, Furious 7, Kingsman, Antman, Jurassic World, and whatever you else I'm forgetting.

I'll try to get thru those 2, then do a year end in a few days.

Nothing tops Star Wars, but Sicario was truly edge of my seat movie watching. That **** was captivating. Wife and I both loved it, a lot.

Caught H8ful Eight tonight.

Need to add Spectre, Ultron, Ex Machina to my 2015 list to go over.

Will work on this week.
^ ex machina is easily the best of that group, will have you thinking for a while after watching..

Spectre was a major let down, everything was there.. Could have easily been soooooooooooo much better
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spectre might be my least favorite craig bond film 

It's a better movie than quantum of solace.. But barely and that's extremely said with everything spectre had to work with

Casino royale and skyfall are farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr better films
I enjoyed quantum as a bond film

its the only one that actually follows the standard bond needs to stop an evil villain who wants to take over the world in some way

and the continuation of the last story happened more organically rather than being forced in like in spectre 

the end where everything in the building kept blowing up was dumb as hell though 
Oscar Isaac should honestly to god be nominated just for his reading of "I'm about to tear up the f ing dance floor"
So speaking of something other than Star Wars, Revenant and H8ful Eight... I saw the Big Short tonight. I've been excited for this movie since it was announced the book had been picked up for an adaptation. And... The movie was incredible. I didn't think that McKay could do it, but he did the story solid. Some things to nitpick were the use of celebrities to explain the concepts, and it left out almost all of the characters' backstories.

But the rest of the film was great. It wasn't really preachy, McKay let the story tell itself and guided the audience through the world of **** that was the housing crisis precursor. The entire cast was great. ESPECIALLY Steve Carrell. He was phenomenal. Pitt, Bale and the rest really got across their real life counterparts quirkiness, or at least made them more real than not.

The story is easy to follow, and pretty well explained too. Some of it will be jargon to anyone not versed in the crash already, even with the explanations, but my girlfriend enjoyed it even with no interest in the markets or anything related.

People in the theater were getting pissed at the movie though. Not the actual movie, just the fact that this **** happened and was allowed to happen.

The Big Short - 7/8. Deserves all the praise it's gotten, and McKay has delivered his best film, a damn good one, to date.
Yes, pretty much always. 
Star Wars


Jurassic World


all rough remakes of the original movie littered with fan service :lol:

2/4 were GREAT but still, come on hollywood can we get some new ideas? 

If you're looking for original ideas, you won't find these in big budget Hollywood tentpoles like the 4 films you mentioned.

Countless original ideas being made into films yearly mostly made independently or low budgeted. ie: The Lobster, It Follows, 71, Anomalisa, etc.
its not about new ideas, people will always have new ideas

its about hollywood only putting money in established properties

but to be fair, the last big budget original idea (Jupiter Assending) was garbage

and interstellar was average at best 
Eh, I never watched it but I felt like that wasn't all that original and was trying to capitalize off of the female led movie and your typical space sci-fi joint.

Schindler's List & chill works every time for me.

*Not that anybody asked but I'm sharing that weird *** fact anyway*

Seinfeld would approve
Star Wars


Jurassic World


all rough remakes of the original movie littered with fan service 

2/4 were GREAT but still, come on hollywood can we get some new ideas? 

If you're looking for original ideas, you won't find these in big budget Hollywood tentpoles like the 4 films you mentioned.

Countless original ideas being made into films yearly mostly made independently or low budgeted. ie: The Lobster, It Follows, 71, Anomalisa, etc.
its not about new ideas, people will always have new ideas

its about hollywood only putting money in established properties

but to be fair, the last big budget original idea (Jupiter Assending) was garbage

and interstellar was average at best 
Eh, I never watched it but I felt like that wasn't all that original and was trying to capitalize off of the female led movie and your typical space sci-fi joint
not really original in plot or story but it was still a studio taking a risk of spending a lot of money on a movie that has no previous branding to it.

it's failure could be seen by studios as "movies without known brands dont sell" which is bad for original ideas 
speaking of taking from asian media

edge of tomorrow and snowpiercer are two of the best scifi movies in recent years and the effects look great 
I already know they're making ghost in the shell starring scarlet johansson. Wonder what other anime hollywood wants. I thought I heard death note but it might've been something else.
Wow. Rose Leslie (Ygritte) is back in the episode of Downton Abbey i'm watching. A nice surprise.
GoT people been popping up in other stuff lately. Saw a preview for a horror/thriller movie starring Nat Dormer.
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