Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just watched Dear White People and surprisingly liked it. I remember seeing the trailer and thought eh this looks corny. I gound myself relating to a few of the characters, might be why I enjoyed it so much haha.

It's nice to see movies that shed light on subjects like that.
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Saw "Joy" last night. Decent but I'm pretty sick of the David O' Russell/J. Lawrence/Bradley Cooper thing :x
Saw "Joy" last night. Decent but I'm pretty sick of the David O' Russell/J. Lawrence/Bradley Cooper thing :x
Yeah, I've been holding off on watching this.

It does not have the same charm to it that a QT/Jackson/Keitel or even a Nolan/Caine/Bale/Murphy has. I knew this right after American Hustle.

The way O. Russell and JLaw talk they'll be doing more movies together though.
It's got nothing to do with Russell using the same actors.. just that the last couple movies haven't been as good.

American Hustle was a good movie, but it wasn't anything special. It was talented actors with a good director/writer in a solid movie.. it got the job done but I haven't rewatched it since I first saw it in theaters.

I started Joy, wasn't interested and saved it for later. 

And Silver Linings Playbook is still one of my favorite movies.
Yeah I can see it as that too.

It's weird. I saw one long interview with Russell that he did with JLaw that was for Time or Variety and he did not have me enthused at all with the movies he claimed he wanted to make. Those movies are good but not gonna hit if you come back to them time after time. It was mostly saying capturing the essence of family and channeling that realism of an ordinary American family (I mainly thought of Silver Linings and what Joy seems to be about).

Then in the Hollywood Reporter round table interview with all those other directors, he had me really liking what he was talking about when addressing doing other genres, what movies he liked to watch before he became a director and what he watches now and what he's in to. None of it had really reflected in his work a lot though.
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Just finished The Visit. Movie is super creepy. Didn't know M. Night still had it in him.

watching steve jobs again, just realized his daughter in the third act is the daughter in kill bill 
Watching mr and Mrs. Smith.. Since I saw it on Netflix and figured I'd watch for a bit

There are a crap ton of people in this movie that went on to do stuff
Also we talked about eyes the other day..

Vince Vaughn as a comedic actor is great with his eyes in certain roles
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IMDb lists him as 6', though it also lists Oscar Isaac as 5'8", so I think he's cheating by a couple inches.

Nah. I have a buddy that met Leo once - played hoops with him. He's a legit 6' and said Leo was his height, which surprised him.
Nah. I have a buddy that met Leo once - played hoops with him. He's a legit 6' and said Leo was his height, which surprised him.

What he say about Leo's skills on the court? Dude looks like he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body
What he say about Leo's skills on the court? Dude looks like he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body

From what I recall, he said Leo was kind of hyper and all-over-the-place as a baller. So, yeah, not very good. He also mentioned Leo chainsmoking like three cigs between each game they played. :lol:

I seen Leo in this vid playing ball once. That all over the place comment is about right so he's not nice but he can be like those annoying hustle dudes.
About to get on Steve Jobs.
I didn't know my wife Kate was in it. Please film Gods, let her show them thangs
watched sisters. phew what a crappy movie. wasted potential. some funny dialogue but the perfomances were really forced. amy pohler was kind of amusing when being awkward.
Yeah Sisters is almost exactly what you'd expect from the previews, unfortunately. The movie was written by one of the most highly regarded SNL writers (Paula Pell) but you couldn't tell. I was hoping there'd be more riffing or improv, like the nail salon scene - not much to it but funny cause of the actors ******* around. Instead it's mostly generic comedy and gags
Bel powley deserves to be nominated for an Oscar. Great performance and I thought it was better than Jennifer Lawrence in joy.
Just watched Spotlight. I'm between Sicario, Spotlight, and The Revenant as my top flick of 2015.
Aubrey Plaza is part Puerto Rican and her weird persona has me rating her a little above average. She would probably think i'm weird like most women do.
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