Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Lucky Logan was cool, I liked!

I like the part where he has to pour to number 1 into number 2 next pour to number 2 into number 3 next pour to number 3 into number 4 and then run. Had me cracking up.
it’s probably been mentioned in here a few times, but what apps or things do you guys do to keep track of all the movies and shows you want to watch?
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it’s probably been mentioned in here a few times, but what apps of things do you guys do to keep track of all the movies and shows you want to watch?
Trakt TV is what I use ...

Once I start watching a show, it keeps track of episodes i watched and I'm on. It also shows season premiere when I previously watched a showed that has a new season, it automatically pops up in my progress and goes to that episode.

Plus it gives check marks to all the movies I have seen.
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Lucky Logan was cool, I liked!

I like the part where he has to pour to number 1 into number 2 next pour to number 2 into number 3 next pour to number 3 into number 4 and then run. Had me cracking up.
I was dying :rofl:

Its like they had no idea they were mixing an explosive.

The timing was so good cuz they really made it seem like he almost blew his hand off or died :lol:
it’s probably been mentioned in here a few times, but what apps or things do you guys do to keep track of all the movies and shows you want to watch?

I use IMDB, Box Office Mojo, and Coming Soon.net to track release dates then compile a spreadsheet.
McMafia :pimp:

Just finished the first season.

I don't know why I didn't see it earlier but this is basically the Russian Jewish Michael Corleone.

I think it was cuz dude was just so much more convincing as a childish coward way in over his head when somebody got shot that I thought he'd just fold up :lol:

Nope son turned all of the tables.
Just finished Wind River on a watchback.
Renner was built for that role, or vice versa.

I thought I'd seen this but I hadn't.
Unsane 5/8 - Took awhile to get there for me that "hospital" was acting way too strange too early. Enjoyed the chemistry between Foy and Pharoah. I have a lot of respect Soderbergh and what he was able to accomplish with an iPhone. Check it out for the low.
Ooohhh so that's what was up with certain shots.

He shot this whole movie with an iPhone? Major props. I thought Soderbergh was just taking a different approach to framing shots.

I definitely noticed there were barely any midway shots. A lot of close close-ups focusing on the main character. Other than that I wouldn't have noticed.
What you mean only directed Ocean11?
Didn’t he direct the other two.

Wat he Godfather2 again. Man. Too good.
Here and Now has to be in the running for worst HBO series of all time :lol:
Show has no hook. No appeal (other than Holly Hunter milfy self).

White couple adopts some multiracial kids and we see them as adults where the dad is in some senior life crisis.

I tried with 2 eps and meh.
What you mean only directed Ocean11?
Didn’t he direct the other two.

Wat he Godfather2 again. Man. Too good.
My bad. He definitely did.

For some reason I had the thought in my head Soderbergh was one of those directors that didn't do sequels to their work.
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Show has no hook. No appeal (other than Holly Hunter milfy self).

White couple adopts some multiracial kids and we see them as adults where the dad is in some senior life crisis.

I tried with 2 eps and meh.

And there youngest son has magical powers and can see his therapist past :stoneface: :lol:
Wind River was great. That writer goes Sicario, Hell or High Water, Wind River, Sicario 2 from 2015-18. That's quite a run.

Pacific Rim 2 was Transformers 7, I think. Fairly sure 3-4 million people died in Tokyo while 7-8 kids "saved" the world. :lol:
Gotta fight these monsters, let's throw buildings full of people at them.

Edge of Seventeen was better than Juno. Hailey and Woody were great.

Sleepless was terrible. Im sure Jamie Foxx thought it was Miami Vice 2 without Colin or Michael Mann.
Oh yeah, it was a straight up massacre in Japan in Pacific Rim :lol:

It wasnt gruesome cuz they edit and cut away but one min there's a bunch of ppl running for their lives trying to escape the kaijiu as they topple buildings and destroy the streets from below :lol: The next min they're all gone from any scenes and somehow the city was successfully evacuated :lol:
Jamie Foxx has a terrible agent or too many yes men around him... He's a talented actor /comedian but 95% of the movies he's chosen to do are terrible...
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