Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Also, Ilsa been in 3 of these mission impossible movies

she got done dirty
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Also, Ilsa been in 3 of these mission impossible movies

she got done dirty
It’s unrealistic that main characters of the crew don’t die so I appreciate it, word to Fast and the Furious franchise
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Also, Ilsa been in 3 of these mission impossible movies

she got done dirty
COVID effected them so she only had so little time to have the actress on set.

With the nature of these films wouldn't shock me at all if they
find out she's still alive. (i.e fool Gabriel and the AI, etc ....)
It’s unrealistic that main characters of the crew don’t die so appreciate it, word to Fast and the Furious franchise

i am not taking about her dying

I am talking about the guy she has been in life or death situations with for 3 movies over the course of years struggling with the choice of her or some Johnny come lately
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Y’all wild coming into a movie thread and not expecting spoilers. I always stay well clear of this thread anytime i’m waiting to go see a movie.
I suck dk why I did that thought the person I responded to was talking openly and I just responded
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Tbh I answered to someone who said they did someone dirty. No offense to that person.
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Is Ving Rhames still in Mission Impossible?

The last one I seent was when they were in Dubai. I really enjoyed the first few as a kid.

No Ving, no watch for me!
he's a major character.
i think it was ghost protocol where they had to cut his screen time due to budget cuts
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