Old Folks Tripping On "Invisible Sidewalk" Vol. Still Can't Embed

Dec 3, 2009
Someone please help with embedding. Still can't figure it out smh..

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...I have a one way ticket to hell for laughing at this.
That wasn't even funny man.
*holds back laughter*
The person who walks off the damn sidewalk and comes back though.....
*leaves thread*
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

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That's the thing though, I don't have any of those options

People really just don't look where they're going? Looks like a standard curb with a ramp in it for cars, wheel chairs, strollers, etc.
Both the sidewalk and the road are at the same level but the people that walk over putter one foot higher thinking it's gonna be at a diff. level like most sidewalks, but they get the surprise that it's not and they fall flat on their face.
it looks like the curb slowly blends into the flat street(going away from the camera view), if that makes sense, so the part people are tripping on it looks like its level with the street but is actually about an inch higher which could be unnoticeable, i've tripped on a curb like this myself when i was in high school, it makes you super ticked off but you don't know who to get mad at
^ I think that's exactly what it is, pokey. It's like people are looking at the ramp/blended area, and not noticing that the part they're actually about to walk towards is different.

Not paying attention to the path in front of you fail.
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