One and done.

Oct 8, 2003
So I have been with my girlfriend for 7+ years now and she's the first and only girl I've ever had sex with. Based on the way things are going, it's probable that we're going to get married one day in the future. I have friends and coworkers who say they would "taste the rainbow" before ever thinking about marriage. I don't even consider it because I'm happy and completely satisfied with my girl and I'm 100% ok with her being the only girl I ever sleep with. Is it really that hard to fathom only sleeping with one girl throughout your whole life? Would you guys be able to do it? Is this the case for any of you married dudes?
honestly, if you're happy right now, that's all that matter man....theres no rule on "tasting the rainbow" or whatever.
Chauvinist responses by virgins who are really fronting and exaggerating for the internet in 3...2...1...
if you like her and she satisfies your needs, there's no need to go "taste the rainbow." different strokes for different folks. some people might feel the need to sleep around before they settle down.
As long as its good then that's all that matters. If she wack then you might wanna go check out some new things. Make sure yall try some new things to keep the bedroom poppin too.
You do you. If you're happy with what you have you shouldn't let anyone else's preferences bother you.
If your happy with her in all area's then DO NOT TASTE the rainbow. Your happy and do not let others suggest you ruin that.
Don't let the opinions of others define and dictate your happiness OP. Some are lucky to find their great one early
I've slept with a few girls ....and let me say that the only girl that matters is the one you are with now man.  I'm 28 by the way so maybe i'm getting old. I'm at a point where i'm good with only being with my fiance.  It boils down to i really don't want to have to lie to her.  
*then again my girl is beautiful, smart, funny, and most importantly my best friend...who i trust completely with my heart
I've slept with only one woman and we've been together for almost 5 years now. If she satisfies you and has everything that you wanted in a mate, then remain faithful. You may have desires to go out and test the waters, but if you're happy with your girl and she's happy with you.................don't let it go. Finding someone who loves you for who you truly are is rare these days.
Taste the rainbow? they want you to dome dudes up? seriously though if you don't feel the urge to, don't do it. If it ain't you it ain't you.
7 years.... And you want to spend your life with her...

Don't even risk it by doing something dumb.......

Worst case: You hook up with someone else... She finds out and she completely deads it... And you will spend the rest of your life angry at yourself...
Best Case: You hook up with someone else... She doesn't find out... But you have to look at her everyday and hold in the guilt about it...

Don't risk it man...
Dude that's the way its supposed to be. If you're happy there's no need to venture out and mess things up with you and your girl. Use your head fam, don't let your coworkers (who I'm betting aren't in r'ships as good as yours) give you stupid advice.
Where do you live OP? If somebody told me to "taste the rainbow", I would interpret that as something homosexual but to answer your question, if your happy with what you got, why ruin it? Sex is very important in a relationship but if that is already good with what you got and your happy with everything else about your girl, no reason to shake it up.
let's talk about the real problem here: you're having sex out of wedlock.

enjoy your trip to hell
Originally Posted by Based Mod

let's talk about the real problem here: you're having sex out of wedlock.

enjoy your trip to hell

 This caught me by surprise.

Co-sign pretty much what every one else said. The grass is never the same on your side.
Nah I'm not considering cheating on my girl and I never have. The oppertunities have presented themselves in the past but I've always turned them down. I guess what I'm trying to figure out is why men feel like they HAVE to sleep around or else they'll regret it later, regardless if they've found the right girl. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

So I have been with my girlfriend for 7+ years now and she's the first and only girl I've ever had sex with. Based on the way things are going, it's probable that we're going to get married one day in the future. I have friends and coworkers who say they would "taste the rainbow" before ever thinking about marriage. I don't even consider it because I'm happy and completely satisfied with my girl and I'm 100% ok with her being the only girl I ever sleep with. Is it really that hard to fathom only sleeping with one girl throughout your whole life? Would you guys be able to do it? Is this the case for any of you married dudes?

Life, youre doing it wrong
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

So I have been with my girlfriend for 7+ years now and she's the first and only girl I've ever had sex with. Based on the way things are going, it's probable that we're going to get married one day in the future. I have friends and coworkers who say they would "taste the rainbow" before ever thinking about marriage. I don't even consider it because I'm happy and completely satisfied with my girl and I'm 100% ok with her being the only girl I ever sleep with. Is it really that hard to fathom only sleeping with one girl throughout your whole life? Would you guys be able to do it? Is this the case for any of you married dudes?

What do skittles and marriage have to do with each other?
Son, no simp but everybody who's sleeping around is honestly just looking for what you have.

all that jaded @#$%ing around, gets really old really fast. Good luck to you and yours.
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