open sketch thread

A new concept. Got inspired by Green Frog Rana clamitans and Cleaning station konan , so a frog and a fish. Let me know what ya'll think.
A few sketches:


The rendering:
great work Juan and Ben!!! a peek on the design thought and process! great posts! great pencil work johnny!
Yeah Johnny that one is starting to look better. The perspective exploration is nice. The rendering is looking better. Keep posting and improving!
Haha...Looks like we got a little competition brewing for this years futuresole? :smile: Keep at it guys, I'm sure this year will be a good one.
hahaha... yeah, got home heat brewin' from everywhere... better for us, better for the industry, better for everybody... doodle doodle!

I can't wait untill Futersole. keep things brewing Johnny and you will be on a plane to Niketown soon enough
. I put this together after homework. Its a concept i've been sketching for awhile but the first large scale color render. I've been working on free hand form rather than traceing proper proportions from some old Kicksguide render
Pennsylvania, US and I'm 16 turning 17 in March. You?

Ben said he wasn't going to enter again to give others the opportunity.
A bit off, Hungary, Europe(google it:smile:.) BUt I grew up in Toronto. I'm 17 going on to 18 next march. Thanks JOhn. NIce rendering BTW add mor eintenseshade, but cool stuff.

Thats nice of Ben. He already did his thing and did it pretty well!
haha... I'd bet someone would take that pretty seriously...

Hungary is a beautiful country!

keep it coming guys!
haha good one Austin...

BTW, I'm not saying that if I were to enter I WOULD win, I just thought that if I did it would be kind of a selfish move on my part. As Johnny said, me andJuan did our thing already, and now it's time for you all to take over!
All of these are sickk
but some of you guys still need to tag your pics I wouldn't want to see someone claimin some of these
The capital is well worth a visit, yeah it is nice. Totally different, then the US or Canada, like all of Europe:smile:.
Never actually drew heels before...

Was messing around in Math...

and did a quick PS on the sketch...


Shape is probably off. Just wanted to see what I could do with no knowledge of heels.

Heel structure probably wouldn't work either. Just getting ready for halloween...
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