Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by arrjae2

movie was alright, my girl was covering up for most of the movie

that scene where 'tobey' was crawling up the girls bed,
someone yelled, "she has a boner!!"
good way to break the tension

i cant be the only one who witnessed that....

Yooo... I swear when Julie and that guy was about to make a sex vid, some guy in the back yelled out "he bout to beat dem guts!!!" and randomly someone else said "Sorry! Elbows to pointy!"

I started rolling
my girl was like "what are you laughing about?" and I was like "foreveralone"
Spoiler [+]
a question nobody else has mentioned...if the box of videos disappeared when kristie house got 'broke into'...who was watching were we?

so were the girls brainwashed into thinking their house burned down...if that how the death of their mother was explained to them? what about in the other movies, both girls said nothing had happened to them in years and that it was just starting back up...katie i can understand since kristies husband transferred the evil back to her, but what about kristie, did tobey just lay in the cut for some time then just randomally come back, or was he always mean mugging?

smh @ all the ill parts from the trailer being absent.

the kitchen appliances scene had me hype. that had waaaaaaay more swag than when they blew the cabinets open in 2.

shorty could lowkey climb meat mountain.

i thought it was kind of a reach that tobey had the smarts to turn the shower on while moms was sleeping to drown out the sound while he's upstairs trying to mess with the girls...

tobey was lowkey pedobear..he wanted the buns smh

bloody mary scene was kinda raw

so did grandma draw those shapes in that lil cubby hole in the girls room?

house was dope looking, cold %%$ floor plan.

i hope the dvd just has the extended version, with the scenes placed in and not just a bunch of random deleted scenes in the feature section.

the lil girl they found to play kristie looks so much like her its crazy son

when tobey grabbed ol girl by her


the boyfriend was lowkey you in that ol ladies house and you dont get hype when you cant find nobody? how you just up and lose 4 people in 1 house? walking in rooms with no lights on in *$@% and you just cool with that? nah son son, I got 3 tries to look for somebody before hell is rose. I'm getting loud, kicking doors in, swat swag. Real wrap I got in a pitch black room, flip the switch and see a bunch of scary old white ladies, i'm closing my eyes and throwing punches, whoever gets hit is collateral damage. i'm dropping kicking grandma. hitting katie with that meannnnn hadouken in the game. when the moms was floating above the stairs, before she came flying at son...what happened there? I would've actually writting that part that she hung herself right there. the scene of somebody hanging is always scary as +*!+.
Originally Posted by coolnesschris

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

nyzMaGiciAn wrote:

the devil inside freaked me the hell out. i'm not watching that

%!$$ looked

yo, as far as PA3....where was the fire?

they said their house burned down when they were young

but the house never burned down.

i guess the brainwashing explains why none of this was ever mentioned in the first movie...


but they dont remember what the tapes are, they dont remember their mom and her boyfriend being murdered, nor that their house never really burned down.

it was cool to see "the picture" actually get taken, tho..


the whole "let me talk to you about important features that drive the plot, but please, hold on so i can position the camera just so....when i show you an article about witches....let me film it so the audience can see what you see" deal IS getting kinda old.
the house burning was in the commercials and trailers but was cut out of the actual flick. we'll probably see it in the dvd release. i was thinking that tobey was gonna burn it down when they got back home from the grandma's house but yeah... 
 now i'm guessing the house was burned down by the cult to destroy any evidence?
and they wouldn't know what was on the tapes cuz dennis never showed them the tapes.

I'm actually pissed as hell they didn't show the fire and priest. Those parts would've been very important to the story, but noo, they had it edit it out...
Originally Posted by Freeze

Spoiler [+]
a question nobody else has mentioned...if the box of videos disappeared when kristie house got 'broke into'...who was watching were we?

so were the girls brainwashed into thinking their house burned down...if that how the death of their mother was explained to them? what about in the other movies, both girls said nothing had happened to them in years and that it was just starting back up...katie i can understand since kristies husband transferred the evil back to her, but what about kristie, did tobey just lay in the cut for some time then just randomally come back, or was he always mean mugging?

smh @ all the ill parts from the trailer being absent.

the kitchen appliances scene had me hype. that had waaaaaaay more swag than when they blew the cabinets open in 2.

shorty could lowkey climb meat mountain.

i thought it was kind of a reach that tobey had the smarts to turn the shower on while moms was sleeping to drown out the sound while he's upstairs trying to mess with the girls...

tobey was lowkey pedobear..he wanted the buns smh

bloody mary scene was kinda raw

so did grandma draw those shapes in that lil cubby hole in the girls room?

house was dope looking, cold $+# floor plan.

i hope the dvd just has the extended version, with the scenes placed in and not just a bunch of random deleted scenes in the feature section.

the lil girl they found to play kristie looks so much like her its crazy son

when tobey grabbed ol girl by her


the boyfriend was lowkey you in that ol ladies house and you dont get hype when you cant find nobody? how you just up and lose 4 people in 1 house? walking in rooms with no lights on in !!#+ and you just cool with that? nah son son, I got 3 tries to look for somebody before hell is rose. I'm getting loud, kicking doors in, swat swag. Real wrap I got in a pitch black room, flip the switch and see a bunch of scary old white ladies, i'm closing my eyes and throwing punches, whoever gets hit is collateral damage. i'm dropping kicking grandma. hitting katie with that meannnnn hadouken in the game. when the moms was floating above the stairs, before she came flying at son...what happened there? I would've actually writting that part that she hung herself right there. the scene of somebody hanging is always scary as %@$!.

It was probably a flashback. A ******ed way to show the videos, if you ask me, but whatever. The house burning actually happened, the stupid-%*+ directors just edited it out. They were brainwashed to go with grandma to marry Toby and have a son. Toby drew the shapes.
Those are WITCHES. You're telling me you'd try to throw punches at witches that can turn you into a pretzel just by looking at you?
My main issue was when he ran back into the house rather than AWAY from it. That's gotta be the dumbest thing he can do...
Why the hell would you do that???
Alright, so... Katie and Kristi both get possessed... Both get brainwashed and follows grandma at the end of the film... A question that's currently bugging me is, what the hell were the witches doing in the garage and how the hell did Katie get brainwashed? I know Kristi got brainwashed by messing with the family and eventually agreed to marry him and have his kids, but what about Katie? You would see that she didn't talk to Toby or the grandma and just randomly got brainwashed somehow.
Originally Posted by coolnesschris

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

the devil inside freaked me the hell out. i'm not watching that

%!$$ looked

yo, as far as PA3....where was the fire?

they said their house burned down when they were young

but the house never burned down.

i guess the brainwashing explains why none of this was ever mentioned in the first movie...


but they dont remember what the tapes are, they dont remember their mom and her boyfriend being murdered, nor that their house never really burned down.

it was cool to see "the picture" actually get taken, tho..


the whole "let me talk to you about important features that drive the plot, but please, hold on so i can position the camera just so....when i show you an article about witches....let me film it so the audience can see what you see" deal IS getting kinda old.
the house burning was in the commercials and trailers but was cut out of the actual flick. we'll probably see it in the dvd release. i was thinking that tobey was gonna burn it down when they got back home from the grandma's house but yeah... 
 now i'm guessing the house was burned down by the cult to destroy any evidence?
and they wouldn't know what was on the tapes cuz dennis never showed them the tapes.

im saying, the tapes were brought over the house in the 2nd one.

she had a box that supposedly had all these VHS tapes

and they never once looked at them? just transfered from house to house, randomly...


someone else patched the hole in the burned down house loophole

he said the boyfriend burned the picture, which he did.

but STILL they even said their house burned down

i figure thats what the little girl was saying "no" to....burning the house down.

they really slipped not including the burned down house...that woulda been the perfect excuse for them to end up at grandmas house...

as far as dude with the questions

the lil girl prolly drew the symbol on the inside of the closet...i mean, she was playing with toby and knew there were rules and regulations about interacting with him. im sure he coulda got her to do it.

the tapes being found is irrelevant. it assumes that we the audience have found the missing tapes

as far as swinging on the witches

lowkey that was the creepiest thing ive seen since the ring...

i have no idea what i would have done...physical assult woulda prolly been a last ditch effort once they were touching me

it wasnt the witch that killed the boyfriend, it was the demon...

i too struggle with the selective memory the two girls have

they remembered toby being the sister's imaginary friend, even clowned her about it

but dont remember that toby haunted them?


she doesnt remember being locked inside the little cubby hole by toby?

but remembers the name and teases her sister?


yo, did yall peep the necklace on the handle of the cubby hole tho?

, it was the witch necklace the cult rocked.

(i also said the gma was after a first born son the first scene she was in LOL)

the corniest part, by far, was when the older daughter ran into the demon...$*@% looked like poor slapstick comedy
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by Freeze

Spoiler [+]
a question nobody else has mentioned...if the box of videos disappeared when kristie house got 'broke into'...who was watching were we?

so were the girls brainwashed into thinking their house burned down...if that how the death of their mother was explained to them? what about in the other movies, both girls said nothing had happened to them in years and that it was just starting back up...katie i can understand since kristies husband transferred the evil back to her, but what about kristie, did tobey just lay in the cut for some time then just randomally come back, or was he always mean mugging?

smh @ all the ill parts from the trailer being absent.

the kitchen appliances scene had me hype. that had waaaaaaay more swag than when they blew the cabinets open in 2.

shorty could lowkey climb meat mountain.

i thought it was kind of a reach that tobey had the smarts to turn the shower on while moms was sleeping to drown out the sound while he's upstairs trying to mess with the girls...

tobey was lowkey pedobear..he wanted the buns smh

bloody mary scene was kinda raw

so did grandma draw those shapes in that lil cubby hole in the girls room?

house was dope looking, cold $+# floor plan.

i hope the dvd just has the extended version, with the scenes placed in and not just a bunch of random deleted scenes in the feature section.

the lil girl they found to play kristie looks so much like her its crazy son

when tobey grabbed ol girl by her


the boyfriend was lowkey you in that ol ladies house and you dont get hype when you cant find nobody? how you just up and lose 4 people in 1 house? walking in rooms with no lights on in !!#+ and you just cool with that? nah son son, I got 3 tries to look for somebody before hell is rose. I'm getting loud, kicking doors in, swat swag. Real wrap I got in a pitch black room, flip the switch and see a bunch of scary old white ladies, i'm closing my eyes and throwing punches, whoever gets hit is collateral damage. i'm dropping kicking grandma. hitting katie with that meannnnn hadouken in the game. when the moms was floating above the stairs, before she came flying at son...what happened there? I would've actually writting that part that she hung herself right there. the scene of somebody hanging is always scary as %@$!.

It was probably a flashback. A ******ed way to show the videos, if you ask me, but whatever. The house burning actually happened, the stupid-%*+ directors just edited it out. They were brainwashed to go with grandma to marry Toby and have a son. Toby drew the shapes.
Those are WITCHES. You're telling me you'd try to throw punches at witches that can turn you into a pretzel just by looking at you?
My main issue was when he ran back into the house rather than AWAY from it. That's gotta be the dumbest thing he can do...
Why the hell would you do that???
naw i dont think they was brainwashed to go to they grandma's house i think thats what toby told the sister to do when he took the other one in the cupboard. thats y the very next day she went to go ask for them to go to grandma's house. when she said no, toby was like ok i gotta show them i mean business thats when he lifted everything to the ceiling and dropped it. but i wonder what was burning outside it looked like it was old lady's outside too. and i wish they woulda showed why the old ladies was in the garage
...I'm saying they were brainwashed by funking with them and telling them to go to the grandma's house.
I'm guessing something was burning outside because the witches were performing some kinda ritual. Ritual for what, is what I wanna know.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

...I'm saying they were brainwashed by funking with them and telling them to go to the grandma's house.
I'm guessing something was burning outside because the witches were performing some kinda ritual. Ritual for what, is what I wanna know.

i think toby told kristie tell ur mom to go to grandma's house or im a $@%@ up ur sister and ur whole family. and i knew something was under that pic when i saw kristie messing with it. also WHO WAS THAT PERSON IN THE DOORWAY WHILE HE WAS WAITING FOR JULIE TO COMEBACK? damn they did to much editing
the person on the other side of the glass was the grandma, i think

it coulda been "toby" had they kept the bloody mary scene with the two girls (where the shadow figure is behind them)

but since that was edited, and the siloutte looked like the gma,

imma say the gma
I tried to avoid all trailers before watching the movie and I just looked it up and you guys are right, that trailer was for a different movie
I came in here to see what the reaction to this movie was about and so far, I'm right. Plot holes and disappointment everywhere
. I didn't see PA2 because a lot of people said it was wack. I saw the first one, which wasn't scary at all to me. The scariest thing is losing my money behind this nonsense.
oh yes, i'm not disappointed at all. in fact i love this thread, it shed more light on the film and made me enjoy it even more in hindsight now that i understand some things better. this needs to hurry n drop on dvd. some scenes were moving too fast, i need to be able to pause and slomo so i can see the little details.
i just want the dvd to release for all the deleted

PA1's "alternate" ending was the best one

the theatrical ending was poor

the alternate ending was creepy

im sure this is the poor theatrical ending and theres a better ending

all that "the last 15 minutes will mess you up" nonsense....


not at all.

most of the "invisible" special effects looked CORNY (the final kill, the girl bumping into it, etc.)

i did like how they always seem to play with suspense with specific characters, i.e. the baby in 2, and the girls in 3....(how the sheet was assumed to have a kid under it, the running by the doors, the footsteps being explained as one of the girls, etc.)
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i just want the dvd to release for all the deleted

PA1's "alternate" ending was the best one

the theatrical ending was poor

the alternate ending was creepy

im sure this is the poor theatrical ending and theres a better ending

all that "the last 15 minutes will mess you up" nonsense....


not at all.

most of the "invisible" special effects looked CORNY (the final kill, the girl bumping into it, etc.)

i did like how they always seem to play with suspense with specific characters, i.e. the baby in 2, and the girls in 3....(how the sheet was assumed to have a kid under it, the running by the doors, the footsteps being explained as one of the girls, etc.)

the alternate ending where katie gets shot cuz the door slamming surprises the cop? it was kinda cool but it wouldn't have left any openings for a sequel.
i'm still tryna see the 3rd ending with Katie murking herself in the end of PA1
I glad Monday's dead here at work so I can put all my focus on deciphering this movie
  I saw this on yahoo questions and I can see where they're coming from.

Here is my two-sense on Hunter, and it may contain spoilers: When Toby was attacking Katy, Krissy was screaming, "Okay, okay I'll do it! I'll do it!" then Toby ceased the attack and disappeared. Then, the next even was them dressing up as brides, and the mother's boyfriend asked, "Whose the lucky man?" and Krissy said, "Toby is."

Toby is only around because he is waiting for the first-born son. At the end of the third movie, the grandmother says, "Let's go get ready," and Krissy says, "Come on, Toby!"

And look what I just found
Spoiler [+]

peep what's spelled backwards
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

I glad Monday's dead here at work so I can put all my focus on deciphering this movie
  I saw this on yahoo questions and I can see where they're coming from.

Here is my two-sense on Hunter, and it may contain spoilers: When Toby was attacking Katy, Krissy was screaming, "Okay, okay I'll do it! I'll do it!" then Toby ceased the attack and disappeared. Then, the next even was them dressing up as brides, and the mother's boyfriend asked, "Whose the lucky man?" and Krissy said, "Toby is."

Toby is only around because he is waiting for the first-born son. At the end of the third movie, the grandmother says, "Let's go get ready," and Krissy says, "Come on, Toby!"

And look what I just found
Spoiler [+]

peep what's spelled backwards


at the same time, that would make no sense had it been put into the movie because Kristie didn't even wanna name the son Hunter and why would the grandma be pressing Julie so hard to have another kid if they already knew there would be a kid named Hunter? I remember seeing this in the trailer tho and being hella hyped 
Did anyone notice that one of the pictures at Grandma's house(the one of the African man's face) was the same picture that Kristy had in her home on PA2??
CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:    

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by LaunchPadMcQuack
they wrote the first one with no intentions of it being a major blockbuster, so some of the stuff doesn't really flow.
like when i was watching the second one, i was thinking like why in the first one did we never meet her sister or hear about any of the creepy stuff that was going on. the sister wasn't even mentioned or seen in the first one.

i guess they had to write stuff backwards, hence some of the plot holes.

but the sister was mentioned in the first one...

hmm, i was pretty sure she wasnt...i could be wrong though, but my point was that we never meet her or really hear much about her or any of the freaky stuff that was going on...she goes to her friend that comes over, instead of her sister, who was going through weird stuff a few weeks earlier. going to her would be more logical, but like i said, they didnt shoot the first with thoughts of prequels...
Originally Posted by coolnesschris

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i just want the dvd to release for all the deleted

PA1's "alternate" ending was the best one

the theatrical ending was poor

the alternate ending was creepy

im sure this is the poor theatrical ending and theres a better ending

all that "the last 15 minutes will mess you up" nonsense....


not at all.

most of the "invisible" special effects looked CORNY (the final kill, the girl bumping into it, etc.)

i did like how they always seem to play with suspense with specific characters, i.e. the baby in 2, and the girls in 3....(how the sheet was assumed to have a kid under it, the running by the doors, the footsteps being explained as one of the girls, etc.)

the alternate ending where katie gets shot cuz the door slamming surprises the cop? it was kinda cool but it wouldn't have left any openings for a sequel.
i'm still tryna see the 3rd ending with Katie murking herself in the end of PA1

nah son the one where she merks her BF then chills infront of the bed for a couple days...then walks over to her sisters house...lmao

and ashleythetall, i thought she referenced growing up with her sister and how they were haunted in the first when they found the burned pic of her...i coulda swore she said "me and my sister..."

maybe i just havent seen it in crazy long and remember it from being introduced in 2 but i coulda swore she said her and her sister were haunted as kids in the first one.
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