Parking Spots: Am I The Only One That Doesn't Care To Look For Ones Close To My Location?

Oct 13, 2001
Whoever I am riding with usually ends up taking issue to this. "Why don't you park closer."

I look at it like this, I hate wasting time looking for a parking spot close to the venue. I know if I drive CLOSER, I will probably be sitting behind folkswaiting to get into various spots. So I just park in one of the first few spots I see. Easy. I don't see a difference in walking 123 steps vs 65 steps tothe front door of the store/mall/ etc........

Plus my father told me to never park close to the venue just in case it blows up my car won't get damaged.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Whoever I am riding with usually ends up taking issue to this. "Why don't you park closer."

I look at it like this, I hate wasting time looking for a parking spot close to the venue. I know if I drive CLOSER, I will probably be sitting behind folks waiting to get into various spots. So I just park in one of the first few spots I see. Easy. I don't see a difference in walking 123 steps vs 65 steps to the front door of the store/mall/ etc........

Plus my father told me to never park close to the venue just in case it blows up my car won't get damaged.
lol. this is a spinoff of the dude forgetting his wallet isnt

i used to be super lazy to a point where id park in handicap if i knew i was going to be in and out. However i stopped that and i just park wherever i can.
Yeah I Agree With that I never Park Close I Always Park Further Away .. I mean Im not Lazy Ill walk the extra Distance
Ya, but some people are OD w/ it and park a country mile from the entrance. Like, there aren't even any cars around.
Eh im the same way. No need to ride around and do laps just so i can have one of the first 10 spots towards the front of the venue. Ill just grab whatever isee and walk a few extra feet, no big deal. Plus i avoid getting stuck in traffic jams and what not.
yeah i don't mind walking. i'm young, why not use my legs and get some exercise while i can?

the only exception is if it's raining or freezing cold.
Great spin off thread execution.

Dude its the mall, place is full of parking spots and hes throwin that in his blog post like it makes a difference.
The ones who complain about it also like to complain about how they'd like to lose a little weight, but somehow can't find time to go to the gym or doexercise.
i never knew postin about me hating driving around lookin for a parking spot in packed mall would hurt butts enough to start theirown"blog"of how u dont care where you park
i have parked in parking lots across the street from where we are going to piss off the morons who insist on waiting behind 20 cars for a spot near the door. ireally don't see the point on waiting 10 minutes when you can be inside for 9 already.
when i drive the beater, i park wherevers. when i drive the bimmer, corner spots or the ends so that if i do get dinged up, it's only gonna be on one but i also try to park in bigger spaces (non compact) and away from janky cars.
Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

i never knew posting about me hating driving around looking for a parking spot in packed mall would hurt butts enough to start their own "blog"of how u don't care where you park

don't worry...he does that
Only time I ever park close to my location is at my house. I be
when someone takes my regular spot. Malls are pointless in searching for a good spot,just go to the lamest department store like Sears and you'll usually find something close to the door. Park near the eatery and it's gonna be hellfinding a good spot.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Only time I ever park close to my location is at my house. I be
when someone takes my regular spot.

Man let mom or dad take my spot and im heated

But truth be told in a mall If I can park close I would like to, just because if im carrying things I dont want to drag it across some parking lot, but venuesin downtown dc, like verizon center, or Park, Lima, Lotus, etc, I park like 2 or 3 blocks away if I see a good spot. If ppl who riding with me don't wantto walk then they should have offered to drive
I do this. I have no problem with walking further from my spot plus it's easier to remember where I'm parked. People hate it though. They ask why Ihave to park so far and I just tell them it's my "secret spot."
I run 5-6 miles every other day, but I can't park at a far parking spot and walk a few extra steps.
I always park all the way in the back. My wife hates when I drive my car. I don't want scratches or door dings on my car.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Plus my father told me to never park close to the venue just in case it blows up my car won't get damaged.
Your dad trying to swoop on your car after you're RIP?
yeah i usually just park where i want to park, and i can use the longer walk(burns calories)

but if i need to get there asap or im in the mood to park close i will do it.
When I go to ball games I usually park about two train stops away then take the train.
Avoiding 8000 cars trying to get out of the same four exits and saving $25 on parking FTW.
Everyone that rides with me complains and calls me cheap.
If theres spots closer ill just drive closer but if i have to waste time looking for spots then ll just take w/e i find first.
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