People who continue to purchase material things (all you guys)

i used to buy plenty of expensive things. then my son was born and i realized how financially unprepared i was. just the cost of his daycare is 20k/year. started an account for his college (if he goes). all the other miscellaneous things add up too. i wish i had made better use of my finances when i was younger but i'm much better at reasonable spending nowadays.
That is fine that Gucci Wallets have a sentimental value to you, but that doesn't negate the statement of it being name brand gives you even more reason to want to own it. But if you say the name brand doesn't matter, cool. We can leave it at that.

i for one am not debating that the brand name (or design) gives me more reason to want to own it. in fact that is exactly why i own it. i like the way it looks, and im ok with the price they are asking for it.

edit: I would never pay that much for a gucci watch though cause gucci stuff never did it for me. :D
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What's a wallet? I just carry my id and money in my pocket.

Do you also keep your keys on one of these?

Keys go in the pocket just like a wallet would. Why do you need to have a wallet? That's the middle man. They all go in the pocket. I'm very light on my feet. Keys, plastic, id, some cash.
OP asking why do we buy clothes and kicks instead of plane tickets...

You want us to go on vacation lookin dusty as hell OP?

The best way to travel is with a pair of flip flops, a pair of shorts and a tank top, straight to a beach.

I used to travel heavy, I'm slowly realizing how dumb it is to travel with a bunch of clothes and multiple shoes/kicks.
Card case is probably the cheapest thing you can buy in the gucci store, that or a keychain, lol. Sure sign of stuggle ballin.
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