Playing "organized" basketball with a bunch of "individuals" FTL!!!!

Aug 1, 2004
Let me first start off by saying that I am well aware I am no Lebron, no Kobe, no KG, etc, etc; but I do have a solid game and a pretty decent understanding onhow to play team basketball. But I swear its sooooooooo frustrating playing with an entire team of people that think they're Dwade with the rock. You betrying to set picks for dudes, run all over the court to get open just for these bamas to dribble for 10 minutes at the top of the key and drive at 3 defendersto throw up some lame shot. Oh and thats not all folks:
-tossing horrible passes 30ft in the air so the guy on defense can pick it off like Deon in his hay day
-big man always wanting to play at the perimeter knowing his lankey self should be in the post
-as soon as you step one foot across half court you wanna jack a 3
-wanting to play a zone defense, %$*$ that MAN UP!!!
-getting mad at you when you tell them to swing the ball instead of holding it up top
-constantly complaining about calls. we all know there ain't no instant replay so take the L and play D
-bragging about how many points you have when you missed the majority of your shots your threw up
-etc, etc, etc

i know some of yall may just say im salty, and to a certain degree i am. but i just felt the need to vent
Originally Posted by RetroTwos

-tossing horrible passes 30ft in the air so the guy on defense can pick it off like Deon in his hay day
-big man always wanting to play at the perimeter knowing his lankey self should be in the post
-as soon as you step one foot across half court you wanna jack a 3
-wanting to play a zone defense, %$*$ that MAN UP!!!
-getting mad at you when you tell them to swing the ball instead of holding it up top
-constantly complaining about calls. we all know there ain't no instant replay so take the L and play D
-bragging about how many points you have when you missed the majority of your shots your threw up
thisbe having me like
Nothing irks me more than a big man who swears he's Dirk. GET DOWN LOW AND GET A BOARD!!! What a waste of height. This angers me.
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