So even though I registered with bogus information on a bogus backup email address, can I still see some of that paper?
So even though I registered with bogus information on a bogus backup email address, can I still see some of that paper?
Originally Posted by Too Steez

xbox for the win.



Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by NobleKane

ofcourse its that serious. if the rrod could have a class action lawsuit and ea sports can have one why not this? they let peoples private info out....

let?  you say that like a crime wasnt committed

of course theres lawsuits, bunch of opportunists that feel victimized

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by NobleKane

ofcourse its that serious. if the rrod could have a class action lawsuit and ea sports can have one why not this? they let peoples private info out....

let?  you say that like a crime wasnt committed

of course theres lawsuits, bunch of opportunists that feel victimized

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Sony is offering a service that you are under NO OBLIGATION TO SUBSCRIBE TO. You say they are collecting personal information, I say you're GIVING THEM personal information.

Where's the accountability on your part?

You don't have to be part of PSN. You really don't.

But you actively choose to, and in doing so you need to be aware of the liabilities associated with said action.

Should Sony be held accountable? Yes, to a certain extent.

But is it right to blame Sony, solely, for this? Absolutely not.

Why aren't the hackers (ANONYMOUS) being held accountable for this? Why haven't disgruntled subscribers to the PSN done something about the hackers who not only compromised the security of the network, but most likely also stole the "personal" info of subscribers for their own personal gain?

People honestly aint even looking at the big picture here. This is wayyyyy bigger than Sony, understand that.

No you are wrong. Sony was not storing the information how they were legally supposed to.

 Any network that handles credit card information has to conform to PCI-DSS security specifications including never storing or transmitting that information in plaintext, and also submit their network to annual third party security auditing to prove it?

Sony stored your credit card numbers and everything in plain text. I am sure the hackers will get in trouble as well. But Sony was stupid and could have avoided this easily.

And where am I wrong?

You respond to my post/points as if I was arguing that Sony is not to be held accountable for this. This is not what I am saying.

The real villains here. The ones most responsible--sony is responsible too, but to a lesser degree--are the hackers. They're the folks who started this, and they're the very same folks who've likely stolen your personal info.

Hell to put things into greater perspective, let's remember how and why this all went down.

Why was Sony hacked in the first place?

Y'all/we created the very monsters that are terrorizing us now, and for what--free games.

Sony is the easy target, and that's why they're being sued. That's really what it boils down to. We're all too lazy and afraid and cheap to go after the real bad-guys here. Hell, we ARE the bad guys since the hackers hail from our ranks

Like I said earlier, this is bigger than Sony. That's why I am bothered by this.

See Sony can be regulated. Sony can be policed. Sony has to play by the rules or they'll be punished

Hackers don't. They are free to do w/e the hell they please with no consequences.

Who are you going to turn to when they decided to gang up on you?

Big picture y'all, big picture...



That was your argument in your original post.  Did you forget what you wrote?
How on earth is Sony liable/being held accountable when this is all happening because of some hackers? I'd honestly really like to know. ridiculous.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
And now you're denying you didn't say Sony is accountable??  

But that's beside the point because both parties are responsible.  No one said the hackers weren't.  In fact, the FBI and Homeland Security are involved in finding the hackers.  Taking 70+ million personal and credit card info ain't no small or laughing matter.  But that doesn't detract Sony as partly responsible because they did not take every secure and preventable measure possible to prevent this from happening.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Sony is offering a service that you are under NO OBLIGATION TO SUBSCRIBE TO. You say they are collecting personal information, I say you're GIVING THEM personal information.

Where's the accountability on your part?

You don't have to be part of PSN. You really don't.

But you actively choose to, and in doing so you need to be aware of the liabilities associated with said action.

Should Sony be held accountable? Yes, to a certain extent.

But is it right to blame Sony, solely, for this? Absolutely not.

Why aren't the hackers (ANONYMOUS) being held accountable for this? Why haven't disgruntled subscribers to the PSN done something about the hackers who not only compromised the security of the network, but most likely also stole the "personal" info of subscribers for their own personal gain?

People honestly aint even looking at the big picture here. This is wayyyyy bigger than Sony, understand that.

No you are wrong. Sony was not storing the information how they were legally supposed to.

 Any network that handles credit card information has to conform to PCI-DSS security specifications including never storing or transmitting that information in plaintext, and also submit their network to annual third party security auditing to prove it?

Sony stored your credit card numbers and everything in plain text. I am sure the hackers will get in trouble as well. But Sony was stupid and could have avoided this easily.

And where am I wrong?

You respond to my post/points as if I was arguing that Sony is not to be held accountable for this. This is not what I am saying.

The real villains here. The ones most responsible--sony is responsible too, but to a lesser degree--are the hackers. They're the folks who started this, and they're the very same folks who've likely stolen your personal info.

Hell to put things into greater perspective, let's remember how and why this all went down.

Why was Sony hacked in the first place?

Y'all/we created the very monsters that are terrorizing us now, and for what--free games.

Sony is the easy target, and that's why they're being sued. That's really what it boils down to. We're all too lazy and afraid and cheap to go after the real bad-guys here. Hell, we ARE the bad guys since the hackers hail from our ranks

Like I said earlier, this is bigger than Sony. That's why I am bothered by this.

See Sony can be regulated. Sony can be policed. Sony has to play by the rules or they'll be punished

Hackers don't. They are free to do w/e the hell they please with no consequences.

Who are you going to turn to when they decided to gang up on you?

Big picture y'all, big picture...



That was your argument in your original post.  Did you forget what you wrote?
How on earth is Sony liable/being held accountable when this is all happening because of some hackers? I'd honestly really like to know. ridiculous.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
And now you're denying you didn't say Sony is accountable??  

But that's beside the point because both parties are responsible.  No one said the hackers weren't.  In fact, the FBI and Homeland Security are involved in finding the hackers.  Taking 70+ million personal and credit card info ain't no small or laughing matter.  But that doesn't detract Sony as partly responsible because they did not take every secure and preventable measure possible to prevent this from happening.
A lot of video game lawsuits recently, anybody see the one against madden for i believe releasing games with no new features.
A lot of video game lawsuits recently, anybody see the one against madden for i believe releasing games with no new features.
Originally Posted by eteam o2

It should include all PSN users affected by the outage.

no.. it should include all PAYING users affected by the outage, you didnt pay for psn, why should they have to supply a free connection, and then compensate you for it when it goes down?
Originally Posted by eteam o2

It should include all PSN users affected by the outage.

no.. it should include all PAYING users affected by the outage, you didnt pay for psn, why should they have to supply a free connection, and then compensate you for it when it goes down?
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

How on earth is Sony liable/being held accountable when this is all happening because of some hackers? I'd honestly really like to know.

I'm about as anti-corporation as the next anarchist, but comon, this is ridiculous.

A bank gets robbed by a bunch of armed thugs; in the process, customers of the bank lose online banking services. Do we now sue the bank for failing us?

Is this honestly where we're at as a society?

Sony had laugable security, sony is very liable and this class action lawsuit is perfectly valid.

Now with your analogy, if the bank robbers stole personal information and not just cash than a lawsuit may be valid.  Plus the cash is fdic insured.  Also banks sue companies all the time who have poor security.  Look at the TJX Companies Inc the corp that owns Marshalls and TJMaxx they were sued by the banks and had to settle.  Sony dealing with something like this is nothing new and they will lose money.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

How on earth is Sony liable/being held accountable when this is all happening because of some hackers? I'd honestly really like to know.

I'm about as anti-corporation as the next anarchist, but comon, this is ridiculous.

A bank gets robbed by a bunch of armed thugs; in the process, customers of the bank lose online banking services. Do we now sue the bank for failing us?

Is this honestly where we're at as a society?

Sony had laugable security, sony is very liable and this class action lawsuit is perfectly valid.

Now with your analogy, if the bank robbers stole personal information and not just cash than a lawsuit may be valid.  Plus the cash is fdic insured.  Also banks sue companies all the time who have poor security.  Look at the TJX Companies Inc the corp that owns Marshalls and TJMaxx they were sued by the banks and had to settle.  Sony dealing with something like this is nothing new and they will lose money.
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