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B.Hop's chin
He didn't go down, but he lost a lot of brain cells in that last minute.
BHop can still hang with one dimensional fighters like Cloud and Shumenov, but skilled, fasters fighters like Kovalev...the age shines through.

It's def time to hang it shame in tonight's performance.

Meanwhile, Superman sitting on the sidelines...
B Hop been trash to me but I def respect his attitude. Not running but fighting. ( chin and defense impeccable tho still)
Kovalev throwing shade at Stevenson in the post fight interview.  "Hopkins can definitely beat Stevenson."  
BHop has a great atttitude.

I'd go to war with that guy.

sidenote: So interested in seeing Algieri on 24/7

Repped HBO
That was a great fight for Kovalev. Now he has a signature win, I'm now a believer that he's the real deal. interested in seeing his next fight.

And BHop. Man what a career. Good on him for going out on his feet.
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