Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Did anybody see the video of the brotha with the knife who got killed.

Yeah, the police lied again. Shot him while he was falling, and after on the ground and them cuffed him while he was dead.

Sick. I gotta get the **** outtta this country :smh:
The two cops had their guns drawn. He walked towards them yelling shoot me with a knife in his hand.

Stupid moves like that will result in some serious consequences.

Those two cops are going to easily skate. Cuffing him after they lit him up was OD.

He has nobody to blame, but himself. He's an idiot. I don't feel sorry for him one bit.

Word, I would have done the same thing.
People are now saying that the other young man killed by police was actually 10ft away when shot. Not 3ft
Young man? Dawg he was 23 
I'm sure it pains you to not call him a kid
He was known in the community to be mentally unstable/ill.

Tazing him would have sufficed. 
Not surprised. Anyone who did what he did has to have something off balance.

Still not an excuse. The cops did not know that. This isn't like Mike Brown case.

I saw the video. The cops were completely justified force. The video will help them skate.
So we're to punish the mentally ill with lethal force now?

Got it.

Tazing him would have been sufficient.
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It's crazy how people on here and on the news are so appalled that people hate the police. Bruh, they are on camera violating people's civil and constitutional rights not giving a damn. So, how the hell people think some cops act with no camera's are on them. They know ain't ****gone happen to them. At the most,, they'll get a paid vacation.
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Not surprised. Anyone who did what he did has to have something off balance.

Still not an excuse. The cops did not know that. This isn't like Mike Brown case.

I saw the video. The cops were completely justified force. The video will help them skate.

....James Holmes is still alive.

If he didn't have to be killed, neither did this guy.

Again they shot him after he fell and was already on the ground and then cuffed him.

No reason for that.
He was known in the community to be mentally unstable/ill.

Tazing him would have sufficed. 

Not surprised. Anyone who did what he did has to have something off balance.

Still not an excuse. The cops did not know that. This isn't like Mike Brown case.

I saw the video. The cops were completely justified force. The video will help them skate.

you're obviously typing under a white cape

People said he was shot in his back. All lies.

Dr. Baden was requested by the Brown family. His conclusion was that Brown was shot from the front.

Talk about a move backfiring. Baden did President Kennedy's autopsy. He is very credible. He was skate easily.

We are discussing two different people and all of the eye witnesses said Michael turned around and got shot and the autopsy proves that...

Have a great day
People said he was shot in his back. All lies.

Dr. Baden was requested by the Brown family. His conclusion was that Brown was shot from the front.

Talk about a move backfiring. Baden did President Kennedy's autopsy. He is very credible. He was skate easily.

We are discussing two different people and all of the eye witnesses said Michael turned around and got shot and the autopsy proves that...

Have a great day

Enough with the mentally ill. That's not an excuse. The world is a better place without him.

Those policemen have families. They're already doing a tough job. I feel no sympathy. He deserved to get lit up.
That first part:
What kinda **** is that to say. You a pitiful *** dude

You didn't know what .... Nvm
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Tazing should suffice for anyone carrying a knife or unarmed. 

How is onielmat still in thread.

I've reported him numerous times and he's still in here baiting the thread.
People said he was shot in his back. All lies.

Dr. Baden was requested by the Brown family. His conclusion was that Brown was shot from the front.

Talk about a move backfiring. Baden did President Kennedy's autopsy. He is very credible. He was skate easily.

Dr Baden also said that he could've gotten shot in the arm from the back. I'm sure you missed that part though. But, it could be the reason why people said it looked like he got shot in the back. Also, thewwitnesses said his body jolted as if he was shot in the back.
I did not say mentally ill people should die.

I say that being mentally ill is not an excuse not the obey cops orders.

Mentally ill or not. If you charge the cops with a knife in your hand, expect to get lit up.
Don't backtrack in fear of being booted from the thread/site.

You're just plain ignorant.

Do you not understand what being mentally ill means?

Stick to your BOM non-sense.
Lots of people are upset about what is going Ferguson one way or another. You can watch all the FOX or CNN you want, but here are some non-biased facts to consider: In the ruling of Hiibel vs. The Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada (2004) the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was against your constitutional right to free movement for any officer of the law to stop you, request identification, search, detain or arrest you without reasonable and articulable suspicion of criminal involvement. Under the rubric of Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968), the minimal intrusion on a suspect's privacy, and the legitimate need of law enforcement officers to quickly dispel suspicion that an individual is engaged in criminal activity, justified requiring a suspect to disclose his or her name. That means that any arrest of an individual not involved in rioting or looting is against his/her constitutional rights unless their actions included: willfully resisting, delaying, or obstructing a public officer in discharging or attempting to discharge any legal duty of his/her office. The people of Ferguson have the right, under the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to freely and publicly express their emotions and opinions on the events surrounding the death of Mr. Brown in a non violent manner. The police in Ferguson are required to uphold the laws that exist in the state of Missouri and more specifically in the city of Ferguson. This means that anyone who has committed theft, or malicious destruction of property during the protests can and should be arrested. Also, during a protest, you have a right to move about, but in Ferguson, MO it is against the law (during a protest) to stop or congregate. Three people have been arrested for "failure to disperse", which is a misdemeanor. That being said, the police are not to be militarized unless Martial Law is declared and the local civilian government ceases to be able to function and maintain order. Use of tear gas and rubber bullets is only sanctioned when used for riot control, therefore, the use of it in an area that is not considered to be engaging in rioting and is not a danger zone is illegal. I have not been there, and I don't know what's going on there, but those are the facts that I could find in my small amount of research I have done. Please consider these before getting into a dumb argument where you don't possess the necessary knowledge to conduct yourself properly.
How did that Officer that was pointing the gun at the guy and saying "get back or I will Effing kill you" only get suspended.
That should have been an automatic termination.
Where's the video of the guy that got shot yesterday. The one I saw in CNN stopped half through and just PLAYED the sound.

Anybody have it?
I did not say mentally ill people should die.

I say that being mentally ill is not an excuse not the obey cops orders.

Mentally ill or not. If you charge the cops with a knife in your hand, expect to get lit up.
Don't backtrack in fear of being booted from the thread/site.

You're just plain ignorant.

Do you not understand what being mentally ill means?

Stick to your BOM non-sense.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
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