Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Boycotting spending money on one day would change nothing. Us focusing our resources on building our own businesses would have more impact.
yes but thats almost a impossible feat it seems at this point. Im telling you ppl dont realize how much of an impact govt assistant programs... child support things of that nature played in the black community. It basically took the business mindset, the pull yourself up by the boot straps... the greater good/goal orientated mindset out of black ppl.

Just think about it.... the integration and great divide alone, change that aspect of moving trying to be accepted/fit in with whites. Blacks at a time might of been the most non materialistic ppl in this country. I mean think about it a 1st or second generation removed from slavery.... what luxuries or frivolous things were blacks use to?

Moving and trying to keep up with the joneses change that whole landscape also not having strong men around to rationalize and make the logical choices. When you have the single mother who just moved in the white area with her son... who is getting picked on for not having the latest shoes, wearing hand me downs... What did that single black mom do, there wasnt a man there to say non of that is important you go to school to learn and advance. Instead it was well i dont want to be seen as a outcast, or not fitting in aka not being accepted. So instead of taking that money to pay for college make strives for the next gen to move forward. Instead she goes out and buys him a new wardrobe, the latest kicks etc.

No longer did you have the woman that made all the meals etc... to save money etc... It turned into well i dont want my kids to look like the poor kids so ill give them money for lunch. Or the woman who instead of bringing a lunch, is on some well ill go out and spend unneeded money so ill look like i belong, feel seem accepted amongst my white co workers. Then the well i gotta buy all nice stuff for my house...etc to impress whites in case they come by, instead of taking the money and spending it on actually owning the home. Then theres of course the look. I have to dress, change my looks etc... in order to look more like them aka presentable in their eyes. in order to fit in and be accepted, for fear of going back to the way things were.

Those little nuggets that well might seem small led to the position and mindset blacks are in many instances today. Folks will spend dollars among dollars in hopes of hitting the lottery to pay off a house or send kids to college, instead of taking those same dollars and putting them in a escrow account a cd or a ira etc... and with the interest achieve said goals. Then when you couple that all with the miss "independent" need no man movement whites were pushing..(which i find funny the ones that were saying it were going home to a family with a husband and wife) And media/music etc... pushing it to the kids.... the parents by example due to previous generation brainwashing... It just became ingrained into blacks minds that this is the way things should be.

So after two or so three generations of this mindset, to which the damages are indirect and covert... many dont see it as a problem... or have that past down fear of going back to those times of struggling barely a head above water. Sad thing is the lessons of what to do to strive and move beyond that stage, the mindset of owning a little is better then owing a lot didnt get passed down with it..which is where we are today.

You was tripping in that iPhone thread, but I agree with this 100%

What Obama's presidential campaign succeeded in was infiltration of everything, you couldn't get on social media or turn on the tv without hearing about "rocking the vote" or "vote or die". You had Oprah, Diddy, and a slew of other famous individuals publicly campaigning for him.

For a real change to come for minorities, there has to be a complete saturation of media for it to work. I'm talking tv, radio, social media, EVERYTHING. We as a people, if we aren't constantly bombarded with reminders to change, we forget I guess...

If everyone from top to bottom committed to a real change, then there's a possibility of changes.

Minorities need to realize our collective power.
In order for a boycott to work it takes sacrifice by the people boycotting, meaning: one day of boycotting DOES NOTHING if you go and buy what you held off from buying on the next day. As someone said it would show solidarity, but not much else.

If you look at boycotts that have been effective like the one led by Cesar Chavez or the bus boycotts of the Civil Rights Movement, they lasted for MONTHS! If I'm not mistaken, the Caesar Chavez boycotts lasted for over a year.

The point is to put a business on the brink of folding to have them meet your demands.

I think a point that is being missed in protesting and boycotting is they are negotiation tactics. So in order for them to be effective, there must also be a list of demands.

Boycotts also become effective when they begin to get national attention and the assistance of other groups like unions, white supporters, etc. The goal is to make the corporation show its true nature and become less desirable to EVERYONE. That's what hits them in the pockets.
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Freaknik is a week long event which supports the theory that a commitment for more than 1 day is needed to be effective.
Correction: the Cesar Chavez table grape boycott and strike lasted for FIVE YEARS!


Here's some food for thought.

--If we decide to boycott, there needs to be a message and demands.
--A boycott would also need to be supported by a strike by workers supporting the cause.
--A boycott needs leadership and backup plans in the event that leaders are arrested or killed.
--We live in an instant gratification society, so the targeted corporation has an advantage, knowing that most people don't have the discipline to carry out a long-term boycott.
--A boycott needs independent funding. That funding goes to legal fees, advertisement, food for strikers, medical supplies, etc. We have plenty of wealthy black folks that should or could support something like this if they were seriously moved to.
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What would make a significant difference is if we moved our money black owned banks. Majority of us, myself included, have our money held up in these banks that don't even want to give us loans.

Over labor day I'm going to start on transferring my money over to a black owned bank. In DC/PG area it's Industrial Bank.
Great point.
I have a dream of starting a bank, so putting my money in one now makes a lot of sense.
@malikdagoathow about starting a thread that we can list black owned banks, car dealerships, mortgage/brokers, etc etc.
We could all do research for our area and surrounding areas, i.e. I'm in Dallas so I'll list for Texas and the surrounding states.
Reminding everyone...

Maryland FOP Lodge 70

2 days ago

MD FOP Lodge 70 supports our brothers and sisters in Missouri. Please support them and your local law enforcement officers!
Donations coming in from other ex -slave owners officers 

 You just said a bunch of grand sounding, sweeping metaphors that literally mean nothing. This is a good way to start intelligent debate.
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It physically hurt explaining this situation to my daughter. She still doesn't completely understand but she knew something was wrong. All she could do was hug me and tell me it'll be okay one day.

She's 6 years old fam :frown:

Give us free.
It physically hurt explaining this situation to my daughter. She still doesn't completely understand but she knew something was wrong. All she could do was hug me and tell me it'll be okay one day.

She's 6 years old fam :frown:

Give us free.

:smh: :wow: :smh:

America....the world is watching
By the way...since we're off topic anyways does it bother anyone that our best athletes go to these majority schools and make them millions of dollars? Could you imagine if all that talent was concentrated to HBCUs? It would be amazing.
hbcus don't have the facilities to compete with Alabama and Oregon...

Athletes want the best gear, prettiest chicks, and most exposure to the pros...

Hbcu got all the chicks one could ask for...

But gear and national TV games?

Not eem close...

I could see it in basketball happening though... Because individual hoopers can effect the game so much more, and they're usually in and out quickly of they're great.
Actually always thought bout how it will be if the best hoppers went to school at hbcus...these days I think it would work...those schools still go to the tournament and have a few TV games and all that anyway ...all that exposure would only increase if a dude like John wall and a couple other good players went to nc central instead of Kentucky ...problem is nobody wants to be te 1st one or be left out while all the other top prospects go to big schools ...the MEAC and SWAC always got players from the big schools that get kicked out or it ain't work out for them for whatever reason
In order for a boycott to work it takes sacrifice by the people boycotting, meaning: one day of boycotting DOES NOTHING if you go and buy what you held off from buying on the next day. As someone said it would show solidarity, but not much else.

If you look at boycotts that have been effective like the one led by Cesar Chavez or the bus boycotts of the Civil Rights Movement, they lasted for MONTHS! If I'm not mistaken, the Caesar Chavez boycotts lasted for over a year.

The point is to put a business on the brink of folding to have them meet your demands.

I think a point that is being missed in protesting and boycotting is they are negotiation tactics. So in order for them to be effective, there must also be a list of demands.

Boycotts also become effective when they begin to get national attention and the assistance of other groups like unions, white supporters, etc. The goal is to make the corporation show its true nature and become less desirable to EVERYONE. That's what hits them in the pockets.
but look at this... one of the most prominent and insightful families (well by product of anyways) the kings are a divided bunch. You got/have half the family who wanted to take mlk speeches, things of that nature as well as other black historic artifacts and open black-owned and operated museums tourist attractions... the other have wanted for we all know the reasons give it to the govt and corps... And you see how that turned out.

And no offense to any of us, including my parents but hell if the values, insightfulness etc... that had to be passed down from martin and coretta didnt make an everlasting impact, what do you think about blacks in as a whole? At large?

They cant even agree on how to uphold their parents legacy and what is in the best interest to continue their dreams. Its sad really. But the mindset of debt and owing alot instead of owning a little is like getting up and taking a leak for many blacks. A boycott absolutely would be effective.

I remember a few yrs ago looking at an article that was saying two metro atlanta malls (in predominant black areas) generated more then many malls shopping centers in entire states... yes STATES.... and that was for over a period of several yrs. So a boycott if nothing for a week would be HUGE. 

But as you said you cant go and in return double down and spend twice as much to make up for what you didnt spend in the boycott. That and the other thing is many blacks are spending huge amounts aka big ticket items ala houses/cars/major electronics etc... in predominate white areas....aka all that tax revenue going elsewhere. 

And dont get me wrong we do support black businesses.... but the ones in most part we do arent big tax/income revenue producing businesses aka beauty salons, barbershops, mechanics things of that nature. But when it comes to big ticket items ala car dealerships, electronic stores things that bring in the big bucks... blacks tend to cross to the other side of town. Yea its nice blacks will buy lotto tickets from the black owned cornerstore. but thats peanuts compared to the money generated from the big screen tv, the mac laptop, the brand new car etc... And those monies would help change the landscape of black communities..well the few that are left.
Remember this

heres the cop in the clip


1:07: Talks about all men being created equal then went on to say "That does not mean affirmative action".
1:26: Rants about hate crime laws
3:22: Black (little?) Perverts
5:25: Talks about doing a fair share of killing
15:40: Calls supreme court justice a homosexual sodomite.
18:30 "If I die I go to heaven... I died a long time ago"
20:30: Talks about St. Louis County schools
26:40: Calls President Obama an illegal alien
27:00: We can kill you anyway we want
31:38: Goes on anti-muslim rant
37:00: Talks about being a Saint Louis County Cop
43:00: Talk about killing people again
46:41: Goes on rant over being briefed about the 9/11 attacks on Aug 1st 1999 then says 9/11 happened 30 days later also talks about no weapons of mass destruction being found in Afghanistan.
49:22: Continues rant about having secret clearance at Fort (Leavenworth?) and training with Russian spetsnaz
52:40: Says people involved in domestic violence should "just shoot each other and get it over with".
53:15: Somebody like me is going to come in and kill you
56:20: I don't trust nobody and I hate everybody. I hate y'all too I hate everybody. I'm into diversity. I kill everybody.
58:02: Audience member: So what happens when good men like you are retiring from the military. What kind of military do we have left then?
58:15: Sodomites and females. End of statement.
1:01:00: Rants about female green beret
1:03:00 He's handed an oathkeeper patch
Damn that is scary that a guy with those kind of thoughts and views is a cop. :smh:

There needs to be some kind of mental evaluation test given in order to become a cop.
Damn that is scary that a guy with those kind of thoughts and views is a cop. :smh:

There needs to be some kind of mental evaluation test given in order to become a cop.
if only :smh:

most of these cops were those a-holes, bullies, jock/meathead types who had nothing going for them after HS, and decided to just become a cop because it gives them back that power they once had :smh: and all you need is a GED and a few weeks in a 'police academy' and you're ready to terrorize people again
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