Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

You guys are giving this dude the attention he wants. Just hit ignore.


Y'all keep giving these dudes exactly what they looking for.

And what's your avy about? I wouldn't really speak if I was you man.

You guys are giving this dude the attention he wants. Just hit ignore.

I don't need attention, I would have preferred if nobody ever responded to my debate points yet they did. Because deep down, I know I'm more reasonable and correct. And you're another example of an unnecessary and irrelevant troll post. I'm just giving my own opinion and hopefully giving some enlightenment. Nothing wrong with that. I never implied or stated nor proved I'm an evil SWS racist man, I'm not trolling at all. If they want to ignore me, they can do so, I wouldn't care. But I know not you nor any of them will likely do so especially if I'm not trying to bash anyone like they do me. Like I said before, if you have nothing else to prove or argue against with me as far as your own side, then just troll or insult me with SWS or Uncle Tom.

I can't believe this.
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Because deep down, I know I'm more reasonable and correct.


Listen man, just cause there are good cops, it doesn't negate the bad that some do. if we assume the majority of cops are "good", does that mean nothing should be done about the bad ones? Here's what you are forgetting, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. They don't need any special recognition for doing their job properly. No one posts videos on WSH or youtube of their local McDonald's bugger flipper doing their job properly. If they do something outlandish it will go viral. Should we not disgrace those that put nasty things in people's food, should we ignore these disgusting people because most McDonald's employees are good people who wouldn't do that? It's easy to say "it's not that bad" when you personally don't deal with any of the negative effects.
Because deep down, I know I'm more reasonable and correct.


Listen man, just cause there are good cops, it doesn't negate the bad that some do. if we assume the majority of cops are "good", does that mean nothing should be done about the bad ones? Here's what you are forgetting, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD. They don't need any special recognition for doing their job properly. No one posts videos on WSH or youtube of their local McDonald's bugger flipper doing their job properly. If they do something outlandish it will go viral. Should we not disgrace those that put nasty things in people's food, should we ignore these disgusting people because most McDonald's employees are good people who wouldn't do that? It's easy to say "it's not that bad" when you personally don't deal with any of the negative effects.

I appreciate your post, it's not a troll post. Even though I mentioned "Good" or "Bad" or something, I never meant to categorize them between the two. I think a Cop will be bad because there's certain triggers in their human brains that makes them angry. So they will do the unthinkable. I like to think of it like this, why are these cops still killing people even with these protests and messages worldwide? Apparently it's not working and they still do it because it's still on the news that a cop kills a man. In my mind I don't think their intentions are to kill random innocent victims and hunt them down. It just takes a certain action or comment to perhaps make them mad. And with the badge, the weapon, they can take advantage.

If a Cop confronts you, do you;

A) Run
B) Stop and obey the officer because you know your rights and can take it to court
C) Argue with the cop to prove you're innocent

Put yourself in a Cops situation and you really want to handcuff this man for a certain crime, all you want to do is take him in or talk to him for a bit, but you don't trust him. But if he's fighting back, if he's saying things you don't want to hear, then likely you will get emotional, lose patience, frustrated and angry.

Me and my friends did indeed get confronted by cops so I can say I have experienced police confrontations, all we had to do was keep calm, and obey their commands and we did. They let us go as they could not find a single thing on us as we were just bumping our music out loud through "Disturbing the peace" violations. My one friend even tried to be friends with a cop, made jokes, etc. I even have other friends who've had the same experience with different reasons of police confrontations, and many times, charges get dropped or you get let go because they ended up being calm, cool, collective and never aggravated the cops. Believe it or not, cops are always scared, they know their lives are always on the line and to them, safety is first. I never like being told what to do, not even from my own Mother. These cops are lucky they have badges, because if they were someone else trying to control me, I would have whooped their ***.
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As if there wasn't a high crime rate in that area already.

True, but the arrests made will likely be low, and therefore, will result in even higher crime rate. According to the link I provided, May has been the most homicide in the city since.

Hmm wonder why M mr highness doesn't post in the Baltimore thread?


Because the link and my post has more to do with cops vs criminals. So it's relevant. I didn't even know there was a Baltimore thread, but if I'll find it and post the same link there, thanks.

Some people here can post about Baltimore, but I can't? And you get on me about it? I guess whatever it takes for me to look like the bad guy I suppose. Didn't even respond to my actual post, just tried to bash me about it. :smh:
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^ I'm only looking at my subscribed threads and at times click links from my email. Also I added and edited my original post but I'll say it again here incase you missed it.

Some people here can post about Baltimore, but I can't? And you get on me about it? I guess whatever it takes for me to look like the bad guy I suppose. Didn't even respond to my actual post, just tried to bash me about it. Is my link not relevant to this thread in terms of cops, criminals, innocence, homicide?

BTW your sig is ironic. Also, your youtube video you posted, which I can't view because of the owner taking it down, says it's about Cleveland, why couldn't you post that in a Cleveland thread or make that Cleveland thread?
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real question...how old are you...

If you're talking to me, I don't know how this relates to anything in this thread. Why would you judge based on someone's age? If I was wrong, what age would I be? If I was right, what age would I be? But I can't blame you for asking someone's age because to their posts, what else to say when you don't have a response? Would prefer you to keep your posts on topic and not ask personal questions, and tell me I'm wrong about my posts and why I am wrong, so you can enlighten me and I can turn to your side of the story if you convince me.
i'm trying to get a sense of where you are coming from...age has a lot to do with your logic as well as race and location..

i'm trying to get a sense of where you are coming from...age has a lot to do with your logic as well as race and location..


It shouldn't matter man, only people who judge based on someone's characteristics instead of their content of posts are the ones that are insecure, and have nothing else to say and got the issues. If I say this or that, you would troll regardless on a website that prohibits any online trolling. You should look at me for the color of my background post which is the same as yours. In other words, I'm the same color as you here, same font style, but just different opinion in my posts. And I'm still waiting for you to prove me wrong so I can be convinced and be sided with your point. I'm not the one trying to bring this thread to a whole different direction in terms of topic.

Damn what the hell?
Damn in that security vid
Why the guard throw dude to the ground in the first place
he just got out his cell and was handcuffed
White dude straight up walked up to him and said he robbed him and dude got arrested for 3 years... that's heart wrenching

you know that was some shady stuff done to reach quotas to pay some private prison owners

like some of the juvenile delinquent cases in the capitalism: A Love Story documentary. Kids brought up on phony charges and held indefinitely, despite their  "sentences", so they can pay those owners. Crooked judges book em' and the city pays for the wrongful imprisonment later


^ searched brandon claxton on twitter and some websites (mostly conservative ones) are saying dude was pointing a stolen gun at cops. 
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