Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER CLOTHING (pics)...............

Appreciate yall a bunch for the quick intel. That all makes sense. gonna try both.

Prolly should hit up my local H&M, try to talk one of the ladies out of info (insider copping privledge?)

I had the sterling ruby denim in my basket ready for checkout at least 3x and didn't pull the trigger. Still mad I didn't. I think they are so unique and would have been a nice piece to have.
SAME. Had both the blue camo and black camo pairs from Sense in my cart as well during sale season.....still salty till this day for not copping. Now i'm desperately looking for a pair in size 48 in both those colourways and black. 
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Ty's got to be one of the most consistent in it. By him being from Chicago, I've seen him a lot and remember him from back in my high school years at Leaders- True to his style all day everyday- through all the trends and what not. He's done a lot for Chicago streetwear over the years.

In other news, I ordered those chunky SL combat boots. Can't wait for them. Also, my SA mentioned the 5zip denim hitting sale sometime soon. Don't know how soon but she saw me reach for them and she's like, "hold off, those are hitting the sale." ... I'll keep an eye out

i'm pretty surer Ty is from 'Nati, OH, but you never lied my dude. When I used to work at Filene's I'd stay seeing him pick up little pieces here and there, just lil steez to get fits off. Helped out because we definitely used to trade discounts. He was just looking out for a young'n in his high school years. Ty kills in on his own terms and Kev definitely gets those high end fits off. Sometimes I'll see dudes in the streets with high end merch or the latest streetwear and they can't pull it off, like they are forcing the issue lol.
this reminds me. complete opposite of high end. but can u guys do HM store checks at your local. Im looking for a couple of those rip off Haider sweatshirts
thank u sir. i've low-key been "slumming" it w HM recently. copped to linen tees, the beige version of that sweatshirt. an olive yzy season looking distressed sweatshirt, and their FoG rip off pants lmao
Wants from Balmain x HM (pretty much all :lol: )

















Sorts of want but don't know if will be wearable

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Damn so much Balmain. I'll be still be dropping Balmain money just getting 2 jackets, 2 pairs of pants, and shoes instead of one pair of jeans. If I'm so lucky to get anything, this is my first real H&M collaboration release.
Lol tax done posted the whole collection

I'm passing on these:

In all seriousness though, I'd drop up to $2k on all those and wear them til the seams comes loose (which would probably be in a year). But chances of me getting anything is probably nil to none.
I don't think that is the full collection yet. There's probably a piece or two still missing from those pics.
Really like this SL look. I personally can't layer like this though without looking like a football player.  Thats the one thing I hate about most of these looks, you need to be pretty skinny to look like the pic above. 

Really like this SL look. I personally can't layer like this though without looking like a football player.  Thats the one thing I hate about most of these looks, you need to be pretty skinny to look like the pic above. 

Upper body has to be rail thin pretty much. No chest or shoulders.
Upper body has to be rail thin pretty much. No chest or shoulders.
That's what kills me is having a 44" chest.

PS. I just got my FOG 3rd collection zip hoodie in grey and its freaking awesome. I love my black 3rd collection half zip, but this one is way more comfortable. The only thing I could nit-pick at is I wish the hood was a bit stiffer. Sounds weird, but I love the stiffness/shape of the hoodie on the half zip. On the full zip the hood is more floppy/thin. But that's my only gripe, which is minor anyways.
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