Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

I Can’t speak for the artist but I think its pretty good for us consumers. I pay $10 a month and have access to damn near any song or album I want.
Greatest deal ever as a consumer. The positives far outweigh the negative, it would cost tens of thousands to be able to play the range of music I play on a monthly basis if I needed bought cds. Not to mention the space requirements if I ripped every album. Plus you can download anything to store offline. I don't even own a CD player of any sort, and most new laptops don't have disc drives. At this point discs are just nostalgia.

Even piracy (stealing) is less convenient at this point, and I def don't miss the $1.99 a song iTunes era either.
Just found out Travis has Sheck Wes and Smoke Purp on his label. Bruh out here quietly making moves.
Master P and Game ball too.

Don't forget...

I’m not a fan of the renting model that streaming created. I don’t like the idea of losing my library with my subscription.

It’s also a problem with reliance on the internet. If my internet goes down, I only have those songs I saved for offline play (and even then I don’t really OWN anything).

It’s convenient, but it takes a lot of power out of the consumers hands in the sense that we don’t really have anything tangible when we give Spotify our $10/month.

You see they’re slowly trying to phase out CDs and MP3s. Makes me want to check up on my external and download anything I may not actually have on a hard drive.

It’s quite a dilemma. The convenience is amazing, but you never truly own that music you’re paying for. Thankfully I’ve only been streaming since December 2017, so I still have a ton of music I own outright, whether purchased digitally, hard copies, or DL’d on the laptop. Yikes at people who’ve been streaming forever. You practically don’t own a thing, and won’t be able to pass down anything tangible. I’m probably gonna start burning stuff on cds just to have it. People better wise up before the links to your old faves get killed, and companies start having massive copyright sweeps on things.
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