Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Break down the science God

Jay-Z and Drake been throwing subliminals for years.
Jay-z/Jay-E appear together on “We Made It” (Drake’s song originally)
Hov pretty much lays out everything wrong with the game in that verse, also one of his first “blatant” Islamic themed verses
Some where in between the stuff about Diddy smacking Drake pops up.
Hov and Diddy start pushing for black owned entertainment.
Drake drops 4pm in Calabasas
Pusha T airs drake out for his record deal ( I bring this up to make a later point)
The subliminals continue
Drake drops War and no one ever considered who it was directed to (IMO Hov and Diddy)
I don’t think Jay Elect ever intended to drop an album. Hov called him up to send Drake a warning message.
We got a Jay-Z album with features from Jay Elect.
Drake drops the video in Hov’s old projects to which he responds,
You speakin' on the kingdom, you better watch your tongue, sir
I send you where you never been, you forget where I'm from, sir?
That gossip I send bald heads, Lou Gossett out the gun, sir
I'm brazy, I'm so brazen, I'm "Raisin in the Sun" sir

Ezekiels wheel is basically Jay Elect telling Drake he can get this work
For the better part of a year Drake has been dropping this shooter talk for a reason, and his Latest joint ( only you ) is clearly aimed at Hov and Jay Elect IMO.

To make a long story long, Drake represents the old music paradigm in terms of how deals were done and musical content. He represents the Jewish owned labels who are known for raping artist and forcing them to put out “pop music”
I say this tongue in cheek, Jay-Z reps the Hotep paradigm. (FWIW I’m on this side)
I think both artist have been strategically been making friends for an inevitable line drawn in the sand. Drake Is doing it by way of his international connects/influence, RocNation is working with people on their home turf ( The blacks of America)

This is backed by absolutely nothing at all and Just My Two copper Abraham Lincolns
Hov is on another tier above Drake...Drake would tell you that himself...but if anyone we've seen that can come close to or surpass it, it would be Drake. Kanye has (had?) the ability to do it as well but we saw how that has played out
Does Def Jam even have a replacement for Paul?

They haven't signed one Brooklyn rapper.

and watch, now that Pop went and did what he did, they're going to try to sign another Desiigner being reactionary instead of someone who has an actual buzz and fanbase, because most of them have already been gobbled up
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