Re: Why Dark-Skinned People From The Dominican Republic Refuse Their Blackness

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Son leave my platano and mangu out of this.

Y'all may not be black but the food y'all eat from that sex with no clothes on dancing y'all do came from somewhere that certainly ain't Spain

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Son leave my platano and mangu out of this.

Y'all may not be black but the food y'all eat from that sex with no clothes on dancing y'all do came from somewhere that certainly ain't Spain

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.
So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.
a lot of flips dont consider themselves asian if thats where you're trying to go with this. they all have spanish last names. definitely more european blood than the average black person in america.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.
a lot of flips dont consider themselves asian if thats where you're trying to go with this. they all have spanish last names. definitely more european blood than the average black person in america.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.
a lot of flips dont consider themselves asian if thats where you're trying to go with this. they all have spanish last names. definitely more european blood than the average black person in america.

What are you basing this on?
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.
a lot of flips dont consider themselves asian if thats where you're trying to go with this. they all have spanish last names. definitely more european blood than the average black person in america.

What are you basing this on?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Oh and the reason Portugese look so fark is the IBerian pennisula was once inhabited by the Moors. The Spanish and the Portugese while considered "white" genetically, a lot of them are quite mixed.

yup I mentioned that...thats why I love Spanish/Portuguese girls, they look so damn exotic

My dad is Portuguese and he just looks Mexican

Ninjahood, I really am not saying to disregard your culture and I'm not saying anything about you personally. But it is an undisputed fact that many latinos (who by any other race would be considered black) have hatred towards black people. I've personally heard some Cuban girls saying they would never date/marry black dudes, yet they themselves look 100% black
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Oh and the reason Portugese look so fark is the IBerian pennisula was once inhabited by the Moors. The Spanish and the Portugese while considered "white" genetically, a lot of them are quite mixed.

yup I mentioned that...thats why I love Spanish/Portuguese girls, they look so damn exotic

My dad is Portuguese and he just looks Mexican

Ninjahood, I really am not saying to disregard your culture and I'm not saying anything about you personally. But it is an undisputed fact that many latinos (who by any other race would be considered black) have hatred towards black people. I've personally heard some Cuban girls saying they would never date/marry black dudes, yet they themselves look 100% black
Its sad that society has made people ashamed of having any connection with being black or equating dark skin with bad.

I wish the Western empire wasn't built on slave labor because this is the only reason why this topic is even an issue.
Its sad that society has made people ashamed of having any connection with being black or equating dark skin with bad.

I wish the Western empire wasn't built on slave labor because this is the only reason why this topic is even an issue.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

 It feeds into the same line of European idology that has been the root of modern strife across the globe.
Is that a Bat-Signal I see?

Anyways, interesting thread. Don't have much to contribute because I'm Asian, but very informative.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

 It feeds into the same line of European idology that has been the root of modern strife across the globe.
Is that a Bat-Signal I see?

Anyways, interesting thread. Don't have much to contribute because I'm Asian, but very informative.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.

Well some are mestizo albeit different
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

So are people from the Philippines Latino too?

They have as much European blood in them as the average black person in America.

Well some are mestizo albeit different
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Ninjahood loves to contradict himself...Dude will write "If you have long hair and light skin in my neighborhood you get all the buns." "I would dress hood when I was little but all the older Dominicans would tell me not to dress like the Morenos." Then claim, "We don't look at skin color." You respond to questions by posting pics of the DR parade or talking about Carmelo Anthony...What does Carmnelo Anthony's illiterate *@% know about anything?

Dude in Argentina is a latin country, basically everyone there�is white....Look at Manu Ginobili, a white man of Italian descent. And African-Americans, the same people y'all try to distinguish yallselves from, are mixed the same as y'all Dominicans.� Watch a program called African-American lives, almost no African-American is 100% black, they are all of mixed descent.

And the rich in the Dominican/Puerto Rico are all light skined whities, while the poorest people are usually dark skin with a heavy concentration of African DNA.� Your right Ninjahood, you can call yourself and define youself as whatever you want, and stay in your little box all you like. But if we took a diverse group of 10 people from across the world Asia, Australia, India, China etc. and they were asked what you were, what do you think they would say? My guess is 9/10 would look at you and think of you as being "black." Race is meaningless to a person's identity. But that doesn't mean that it excludes you from the race aspect which unfortunately governs the world.

And as much as you love to come across as Dominican Ninjahood, your American.� I know you love to be DR everything but the truth is you are American as it gets.� You collect sneakers, love materialism, "American Muscle", Idolize American culture, the music, the�sports, the hip-hop etc.�If there was a sterotype of dress for "young, black, male" you would fit it.� My guess is when they go to DR,�they can tell your American in about�half a second,a nd you obviously give it away from your accent.� So your not really�Dominican in a sense, your American.� Your perspective of "Dominican" culutre comes from living in America.� You live in New York where Dominicans are just 1 of thousands of cultural groups.� When you live in that situation obviously the colorization of identity�takes a backseat to the tribalism of culture.� There aren't enough of y'all to play the division game and seperate upon skin color so you are right when you say growing up in the heights the shade of your skin didn't matter.� If you had grown up impovrished in DR, you wouldn't be singing the same tune most likely.� You would notice most of the people around you with the same dark complexion as yourself and the richer "higher-ups" mostly mixed and very light skinned.�

Look at the culture of Cuba, a country with similar racial�miscegination to DR.� You notice most of the Florida Cuban's who came here when Castro took over where of light complexion? Why do you think that is? Out of a handful of the Cuban's I've met, I've heard a couple of them try to "affirm" their whiteness to me.� Those are the ones who ran the island before Batistsa took over under the right wing government.� Cuba was a�country with similar racist history�as DR and the USA, or any country that dipped their hands into�what we call the African Diaspora.� Thankfully, Cuba had a left-wing revoultion that allowed the country to not view blackness as a bad thing.� That's why artists like the Buena Vista Social Club embrace their "Afro-Cuban" roots.

Here is Cuban Link, a man who's skin complexion is EXACTLY the same as Ninjahood, clearly from the same mix of African and Taino roots.�

Notice how he refers to himself as "Black" and "Latino."� This is because�Cuba had a cultural revoultion where blackness was allowed to be something positive not something that you could become part of a genocide for.��In every country in South & North America, poor = black, that is just the sad truth.��African slaves were the people who brought here into forced labor and the same�slavery that held them under 300 years ago, still holds them back today.� Cuba fought back and kicked the #@* of the white people who forced them into slavery, sending them fleeing to America, while the black and�indigenous populations took over�the land that they had labored for.

� And I agree with y'all, Race is meaningless to one's true identity.� It has nothing to due with what type of a person you are, but to pretend that race doesn't matter in a societal context...well that's something I can't pretend.� The whole past 500 years of world history is driven by race.� Ninjahood insisting that race doesn't matter in D.R. a country that was murdering its black citizens for being black about 80 years ago is like a black American pretending they were equal in 1900.� It's creating a picture that simply isn't true.� As much as it sucks, this world is race driven and will contually be.� Humans love to divided themselves and their is no easier distinction to make than the color of one's skin.

Best post I've read in this thread
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Ninjahood loves to contradict himself...Dude will write "If you have long hair and light skin in my neighborhood you get all the buns." "I would dress hood when I was little but all the older Dominicans would tell me not to dress like the Morenos." Then claim, "We don't look at skin color." You respond to questions by posting pics of the DR parade or talking about Carmelo Anthony...What does Carmnelo Anthony's illiterate *@% know about anything?

Dude in Argentina is a latin country, basically everyone there�is white....Look at Manu Ginobili, a white man of Italian descent. And African-Americans, the same people y'all try to distinguish yallselves from, are mixed the same as y'all Dominicans.� Watch a program called African-American lives, almost no African-American is 100% black, they are all of mixed descent.

And the rich in the Dominican/Puerto Rico are all light skined whities, while the poorest people are usually dark skin with a heavy concentration of African DNA.� Your right Ninjahood, you can call yourself and define youself as whatever you want, and stay in your little box all you like. But if we took a diverse group of 10 people from across the world Asia, Australia, India, China etc. and they were asked what you were, what do you think they would say? My guess is 9/10 would look at you and think of you as being "black." Race is meaningless to a person's identity. But that doesn't mean that it excludes you from the race aspect which unfortunately governs the world.

And as much as you love to come across as Dominican Ninjahood, your American.� I know you love to be DR everything but the truth is you are American as it gets.� You collect sneakers, love materialism, "American Muscle", Idolize American culture, the music, the�sports, the hip-hop etc.�If there was a sterotype of dress for "young, black, male" you would fit it.� My guess is when they go to DR,�they can tell your American in about�half a second,a nd you obviously give it away from your accent.� So your not really�Dominican in a sense, your American.� Your perspective of "Dominican" culutre comes from living in America.� You live in New York where Dominicans are just 1 of thousands of cultural groups.� When you live in that situation obviously the colorization of identity�takes a backseat to the tribalism of culture.� There aren't enough of y'all to play the division game and seperate upon skin color so you are right when you say growing up in the heights the shade of your skin didn't matter.� If you had grown up impovrished in DR, you wouldn't be singing the same tune most likely.� You would notice most of the people around you with the same dark complexion as yourself and the richer "higher-ups" mostly mixed and very light skinned.�

Look at the culture of Cuba, a country with similar racial�miscegination to DR.� You notice most of the Florida Cuban's who came here when Castro took over where of light complexion? Why do you think that is? Out of a handful of the Cuban's I've met, I've heard a couple of them try to "affirm" their whiteness to me.� Those are the ones who ran the island before Batistsa took over under the right wing government.� Cuba was a�country with similar racist history�as DR and the USA, or any country that dipped their hands into�what we call the African Diaspora.� Thankfully, Cuba had a left-wing revoultion that allowed the country to not view blackness as a bad thing.� That's why artists like the Buena Vista Social Club embrace their "Afro-Cuban" roots.

Here is Cuban Link, a man who's skin complexion is EXACTLY the same as Ninjahood, clearly from the same mix of African and Taino roots.�

Notice how he refers to himself as "Black" and "Latino."� This is because�Cuba had a cultural revoultion where blackness was allowed to be something positive not something that you could become part of a genocide for.��In every country in South & North America, poor = black, that is just the sad truth.��African slaves were the people who brought here into forced labor and the same�slavery that held them under 300 years ago, still holds them back today.� Cuba fought back and kicked the #@* of the white people who forced them into slavery, sending them fleeing to America, while the black and�indigenous populations took over�the land that they had labored for.

� And I agree with y'all, Race is meaningless to one's true identity.� It has nothing to due with what type of a person you are, but to pretend that race doesn't matter in a societal context...well that's something I can't pretend.� The whole past 500 years of world history is driven by race.� Ninjahood insisting that race doesn't matter in D.R. a country that was murdering its black citizens for being black about 80 years ago is like a black American pretending they were equal in 1900.� It's creating a picture that simply isn't true.� As much as it sucks, this world is race driven and will contually be.� Humans love to divided themselves and their is no easier distinction to make than the color of one's skin.

Best post I've read in this thread
this was just posted up today:

[h1]Black in Latin America: Brazil's Complex View of Race and Color[/h1]Brazil once touted itself as free of racism. It turns out that the truth was more complicated -- a lot more complicated. In his new PBS series, The Root's editor-in-chief examines the complexities of race and color in Brazil, the country with the second-largest number of people of African descent in the world after Nigeria -- far more than the United States. Check out the video below and those to the right to find out why the scope of slavery was so much larger in Brazil, and what prompted Gates to say, "I knew how barbaric slavery was in the United States, but it was even worse in Brazil."

Can't seem to embed but Vid following link
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