Real talk can you be with someone with an non cureable std ?

man i feel bad for people who get permanently burned so early into their sex life. imagine smashing like 3 different people (not saying i believe her number) and coming away with herpes. or worse, HIV or a baby. as fun as sex is there can be some awful repercussions, particularly for those who have little to no sex education. (see: poor people, people raised by single parents, people with really religious parents)

wrap up fellas.
Another woman-hating, misogynistic thread full of NT patriarchy. Little boys

If you can't accept her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Another woman-hating, misogynistic thread full of NT patriarchy. Little boys

If you can't accept her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.
Ain't that some booolsheeet straight out of the latest romantic comedy you watched. 
What if he says OK and dates her, then she breaks up with him? Now he's got Herpes and no girlfriend.

Some things are just common sense. There is no way to be sure enough that you'll be with her for a long enough time to justify basically choosing to get Herpes.
There's millions of chicks WITHOUT herpes who look just as good or better.  Why would you date her??
The fact anybody would consider such makes me question your decision making skills.

And no keeping her as a "friend" isn't a viable option, F around and have 1 too many drinks, and wake up the next morning feeling like mosquitos attacked ya johnson.
Hey this thread looks pretty familiar................ o.p. you're dirty for posting her pics. Anyway as a fellow man that recently had the exact same situation I would strongly advise you to not go forth with this transaction. If you have a gun with 100 chambers and only one bullet in one I'm still not playing Russian roulette. Sure good chicks with a decent head are hard to come by but comeon dude the chick has a life long disease that NOBODY is going to want to date you with if you contract it. I personally have too much going for me and too many amazingly wonderful women awaiting my arrival around the world to throw it all away over one chick. Imagine meeting the woman that you would let mother your child or marry and you have to tell her you have herpes. 9 times out of 10 she is gone in 60 seconds faster than Eleanor on high octane racing fuel and 2 NOS canisters. A good healthy strong penis means a lot in this day and age brotha.
This thread needs more pics

I went hunting for yall, so let's hope she approves my req.

I backtraced it, SO WASSUP NOW?
^that profile was just created..i checked her wall..theres no posts at all...
EDIT: hmm... OP worked at a casino in PA, so girl must be in PA too. Maybe the profile is legit...but why would she have no wallposts? Maybe OP created the profile first, then started the thread for attention? I'll try to find a myspace profile. Lord knows if she burnin she must have one.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

This thread needs more pics

I went hunting for yall, so let's hope she approves my req.

I backtraced it, SO WASSUP NOW?
At the tab names; "Busty blonde" "teen double" "Asian hottie" "Cream pie" Lonely night there, plehboi?
Spoiler [+]
Where the videos any good?
Please respond
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Another woman-hating, misogynistic thread full of NT patriarchy. Little boys

If you can't accept her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.
Happened to me a couple of summers go. She was such a cute and sweet girl too. I couldn't do it tho man. Just couldn't

I made a thread about it also
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

forgot about jae

and so it begins.. 

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Another woman-hating, misogynistic thread full of NT patriarchy. Little boys 

If you can't accept her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.

nobody deserves herpes son

just reimagine your open tabs..

Cream pie (with herpes)

Asian hottie %%+% (with herpes)

Busty black +%+!# (with herpes)

!$@@ gobbling %%@%% (with herpes)

Busty blonde +%+!# (with herpes)

Teen double penetration (with herpes)


Not going down brah
never seen a thread backfire like this

son trying to knock out 3 ethnic groups in one shot

Edit: just realized there's more tabs after that 
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