Reebok anticipating Iverson's retirement? Reebok Answer XIII released...

Apr 7, 2002
I don't like them, but I did find it interesting Reebok decided to release these during the summer.

They're already available at some stores, retail is $100.


For some reason I actually like them... just not in that color... It'll be hard imagining the League without the Answer...
Man, I'm going to miss watching this guy. I've been a fan of this guy ever since he's been in the league, the realest. That's garbage how theyrelease a piston colorway. Reebok should of released it in the sixers colorway instead.
The reebok staff need to get fired BRAH...........Dis sad

Edit: i feel bad for the factory ( s ) who waste dey time producing iversons
I will never forget the momentum RBK had with the Questions and then through the Answer IV (especially the Q's and IV's but even the three in between).Then the V's were "ok", and it just went bad from there, and even with some recovery the line could never get to where it was. Kinda sad
DMXFURY I agree. But Iverson was at his most popular during those first 4-5 years in the league. I think he became somewhat irrelevant playing for subpar teamsin Philly. All the coaching and teammate controversy did not help either. As he became irrelevant so did his shoes and Reebok in general. Same thing happenedto Grant Hill, Kemp, and Penny.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Iverson line
should've stopped at the Questions.

exactly... and for those who "need" iverson in the league are the ones who play just like him: cocky, ball hogging, unsportsmanlike without realizingyou're OVERRATED
^You're a fool. Who doesn't understand basketball outside of watching it on TV every now and again. Also you sound a little racist.

Iverson has never been unsportsmanlike. NEVER. You're just making crap up. He's never - for example - walked off the court and not shook hands with theother team. Inside the League Iverson's been a popular dude since day 1, Shaq (for an example) always wanted to play with him. Guys like Bron and Kobe andWade and basically anyone who's played with him in the Eastern ASG loves the guy. So you have really no idea what you're talking about. He's hadtrouble with a few coaches, but so has pretty much every elite player in the league.

Everyone who plays in the NBA is cocky, dude. You have to be if you're that good as basketball. You know how many point guards think they're the bestin the League? All of them. Marbury to Nashty to Rondo and back, they all have said in interviews they think they're the best. It's part of how youhave to think if you're an elite athlete. I know you like your black athletes to be humble and all "I guess I'm okay," but that'sdishonest crap. Go to a NBA practice sometime and watch how basically everyone on the team is competing at everything all the time. There's a youtube videoof Gilbert Arenas challenging his teammate to a best of 500 3-pointers contest. They do that sort of stuff Every Day.

And you know what? They're all cocky as hell. Deal with it, dude. If it hurts your feelings that man is confident, then you need to work on yourself

Ball hogging? Let me show you two statistics here, career averages:

First Set: Average FG taken per game: 22.9. Average assists: 5.3
Second set: Average FG taken per game: 22.1. Average assists: 6.2

One of those is Michael Jordan. The other is Allen Iverson.

Before I clear that up, lemme address vintagekicks23's point that his career is dead: you're also dead wrong. Iverson got sent as a salary dump to ateam with no coach, no staring lineup, and no place for him to play. The team was in shambles before he got there, and midway through he hurt his back and satfor a bit. You think the Pistons last year was Iverson's fault? You have no clue what actually went on there. You think he's washed up? Year beforelast he put up 26ppg/7asst/2steals while playing more minutes than anyone else in the game.

If you're gonna hate on Iverson, hate on his game for a reason. But don't come in here and post ignorant crap because you dislike the dude that has nobasis in reality.

Iverson is one of the best 50 players TO EVER PLAY BASKETBALL. Denying that just makes you a hater.

Oh, and the numbers ; Jordan averaged 22.9 shots a game and 5.3 assists. Iverson averaged 22.1 shots a game and 6.2 assists. I'm not saying AI>MJ, justthat you're being stupid with your 'ball hog' claims. Also - name me an all star Iverson played with for more than 2 seasons not Melo. Jordan hadsome world class players next to him - Pippen, Kukoc, Kerr, etc - who could shoot. AI's had the pu pu platter in philly most his life and still put upassists.

/rant at ignorant fools
Originally Posted by ZombieJesus12

Iverson is one of the best 50 players TO EVER PLAY BASKETBALL. Denying that just makes you a hater.
/rant at ignorant fools

There is no way I could agree with that. Iverson does not make the players around him better. Iverson is a ball hog not because he doesn't get assists, butbecause he dominates the ball in a way that does not make his teammates better.

but don't get me wrong, he definitely is one of the best players in the league. He is special because he is one of the VERY few people in the league thatcan create his own shot. Unfortunately, over his entire career he has not been able to adapt his game in ways that would make his team win. He is a greatplayer, but bottom line is that he is not a winner. His teams don't win championships.

Those players you mentioned up there, like kukoc and kerr, would have been scrubs had it not been MJ who played with them. Pippen might have been the onlyplayer who could have been somewhat of a "star". But he would not have been a winner without MJ... and the same vice versa... but the point is that asuperstar is a player, who not only is as good as anyone individually in the league, but is also someone who 1) makes his teammates better and 2) winschampionships, and Allen Iverson does neither of the two.
are those the finished product?

the def. chose a safe colorway to be released first. i hate when companies release white/blue shoes first

ave. joe Posted: Jul.29 at 1:29 am
AI needs to pull a Wade and sign with Jordan
Originally Posted by ZombieJesus12

^You're a fool. Who doesn't understand basketball outside of watching it on TV every now and again. Also you sound a little racist.

Iverson has never been unsportsmanlike. NEVER. You're just making crap up. He's never - for example - walked off the court and not shook hands with the other team. Inside the League Iverson's been a popular dude since day 1, Shaq (for an example) always wanted to play with him. Guys like Bron and Kobe and Wade and basically anyone who's played with him in the Eastern ASG loves the guy. So you have really no idea what you're talking about. He's had trouble with a few coaches, but so has pretty much every elite player in the league.

Everyone who plays in the NBA is cocky, dude. You have to be if you're that good as basketball. You know how many point guards think they're the best in the League? All of them. Marbury to Nashty to Rondo and back, they all have said in interviews they think they're the best. It's part of how you have to think if you're an elite athlete. I know you like your black athletes to be humble and all "I guess I'm okay," but that's dishonest crap. Go to a NBA practice sometime and watch how basically everyone on the team is competing at everything all the time. There's a youtube video of Gilbert Arenas challenging his teammate to a best of 500 3-pointers contest. They do that sort of stuff Every Day.

And you know what? They're all cocky as hell. Deal with it, dude. If it hurts your feelings that man is confident, then you need to work on yourself

Ball hogging? Let me show you two statistics here, career averages:

First Set: Average FG taken per game: 22.9. Average assists: 5.3
Second set: Average FG taken per game: 22.1. Average assists: 6.2

One of those is Michael Jordan. The other is Allen Iverson.

Before I clear that up, lemme address vintagekicks23's point that his career is dead: you're also dead wrong. Iverson got sent as a salary dump to a team with no coach, no staring lineup, and no place for him to play. The team was in shambles before he got there, and midway through he hurt his back and sat for a bit. You think the Pistons last year was Iverson's fault? You have no clue what actually went on there. You think he's washed up? Year before last he put up 26ppg/7asst/2steals while playing more minutes than anyone else in the game.

If you're gonna hate on Iverson, hate on his game for a reason. But don't come in here and post ignorant crap because you dislike the dude that has no basis in reality.

Iverson is one of the best 50 players TO EVER PLAY BASKETBALL. Denying that just makes you a hater.

Oh, and the numbers ; Jordan averaged 22.9 shots a game and 5.3 assists. Iverson averaged 22.1 shots a game and 6.2 assists. I'm not saying AI>MJ, just that you're being stupid with your 'ball hog' claims. Also - name me an all star Iverson played with for more than 2 seasons not Melo. Jordan had some world class players next to him - Pippen, Kukoc, Kerr, etc - who could shoot. AI's had the pu pu platter in philly most his life and still put up assists.

/rant at ignorant fools

RE...LAX... i never said he was bad, just overrated- and thats an OPINION. but what's a FACT is that nothing i said insinuated racism. i didnt say becausehe was black, or any one who follows him is a day laboring spick. NOTHING RACIST of the sort. if anything, i'm the one who typically calls the racist cardupon other people. i guess you were too worked up on jocking iverson's $**% to notice that.
^ Most of the people who don't like AIs game tend to call him flashy and a ball hog or selfish and they're usually suburban white cats. Matter of fact,none of my black friends I've ever talked to about AI have disliked him. I don't know what that means, I'm just saying. In my experience, all ofthe dudes who call AI names like that are white kids.
Some of the hate in here is crazy. The shoes are not ugly like what some of the other brands have dropped but more importantly ......A.I. isn't really"washed up" as some people would like to think (or wish).
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