Referring to your favorite teams as "we"....

Maybe it's just me but I could really give a rats hairy @ss about how fans refer to their teams as "we", and If I did I wouldn't even feel any emotions (annoyed or upset) about it.

It's like fans who take trash talking or bad news reports about they're favorite team/players why even bother to waste a second of my time acknowledging some clown. Realistically anybody who gets upset or annoyed over stuff like that, find they're venue to vent over the Internet....cause if you really felt a certain way about it, why not approach the person in real life and handle it.

I'm sure everybody who complaints about fans referring to they're teams as "we", never approached anyone in real life and told them how they really feel.
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I get into this debate with my friends all the time. Is it ever okay to refer to your favorite sports teams as "we"...?

For instance...

"Man, I hope we win on Sunday. The Seahawks are tough."

"We really need another big man down low to win the Big 12."

"We never get the calls!"

...I, personally, don't think it is ever ever ever okay to say we. YOU ARE NOT ON THE TEAM, STOP SAYING IT!

If you were talking to Bill Self, Andy Reid, Coach K, Nick Saban, or any coach and said "Great win we had last night!" He would look at you like an idiot. I right or overreacting?
You are absolutely overreacting.

There ARE coaches and players who have been in interviews where fans said 'we' and they had no problem with the fans.

And there are also players/coaches who have been in situations where fans have said 'we' and the player/coach was like "Oh, you're on the team now?"

And those guys are jerks. 

As much time as I've put into watching the Lakers, as much money as I've spent on tickets and gear and gas and food, as much flak as I've taken when the Lakers are terrible, and as long as I've cheered for the Lakers, I'm definitely part of what is 'LA Lakers'; it's a 'we' thing, absolutely.

And when teams win championships, they go through the city during the parade and say... what? "We did it!" They don't go through the parade and go "WE'RE champs, guys! I mean... not YOU guys, just us. On this bus. All of US did it. YOU guys still have miserable lives." (see: Lebron)
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I say WE all the time. I pay for tickets, watch the games, buy jerseys etc. I put money Into those franchises pockets. I wish I could more say in the scouting/talent developments as well as plays and game strategies.

Put me in coach is what I scream constantly.
The basis was if people didn't spend their money on them they wouldn't exist. How does that not apply?

I would find it awesome if he did
'We had a great release today' - referring to Nike
'We make an awesome sandwich' - Chick Fil A

It would be amazing :lol:
No one's jumping out of their seat screaming when their local Chick Fil A makes a last second sale of some chicken sandwich to meet daily quota. No one's pumping their fist when Nike beats adidas in their quarterly earnings (outside of stock owners/employees).

Except I don't see people cheering and supporting businesses like they do sports teams

How about other forms of entertainment? People cheer and support music bands. Follow them around, scream and cheer at shows, they can easily represent a city or demographic. People don't 'we' them. Why not?
Rooting for one team and against every one else vs. liking any musical groups that makes good music.
I personally feel weird a bit when I do it. Don't really have a problem with others who do it though. One of those things that I really don't even pay attention to.

To me, the point of the statement isn't the person saying "in order for us to win we gotta..." the point is, what does that team have to do to win :lol: that's what the discussion is about...or at least when i'm talking sports I'm focusing on the teams and players being talked about, not "fan terminology" :lol:
I used to wear purple in frickin' elementary school. Been through crappy seasons and great seaons. I've been devastated for 3 NFC Championship Games and still root for the Vikings every Sunday. That's loyalty. I don't say we, but if someone similar to that said 'we,' then I don't really give two poops about it.

Now, if someone who was only known to root and cheer for the Sounders starts wearing a 12th man jersey, well, so be it. But when he then wants to argue or talk football and says a lot "we" this and "we" that in regards to the Seahawks, but gets stumped when I ask him who Cortez Kennedy is, well...That's annoying.

Again -- bandwagon fans and as dws mentioned, those that use 'we' in an argument to try and trump you, is very very annoying. I also have an agressive personality, so maybe I need to relax, but it still bugs me.
I believe I have the right to say we.

Especially with all the merchandise, tickets, and the years of NFL Sunday ticket that I purchased over the years. lol

Plus its a life long love. So whats wrong with saying we, all of us have been through the good and bad years with our team.

Are they? What I see are people not understanding how teams function as a representation of a location and people. Seems clear to me that saying 'we' is fair.

Pretty much my feelings on it, though I use we/they/them/(insert team name) all interchangeably

You root for two teams in one sport. How does that work? :lol:

How many times have I told your miserable non-comprehension having *** I support local teams?
Are they? What I see are people not understanding how teams function as a representation of a location and people. Seems clear to me that saying 'we' is fair.

Pretty much my feelings on it, though I use we/they/them/(insert team name) all interchangeably

You root for two teams in one sport. How does that work? :lol:

How many times have I told your miserable non-comprehension having *** I support local teams?

In a thread about referring to your team (singular) as "we" you came through and said [yeah I do it, and there's no problem
with it] about your teams (plural).

Then you say I have no comprehension. :lol: :lol: :lol:

*Bonus- on pace for 50k posts in less than 3.5 years. gat damn :lol:
You moved across the country to be with a football team? Whoa

We away :lol:
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people who hop teams using "we" bothers me. people who make it a personal thing when their team beat my team so they think they are better than i am :lol:

and using it for a school you didn't go to always seemed weird to me. had a friend who roots for UT get denied by UT, went to TAMU, and still referred to UT as we. like brah, they didn't eem want you.

most of it is pettiness, i know.

For college it's really weird if you didn't go there.

For professional sports I think it's fine and I say it all the time.
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