Referring to your favorite teams as "we"....

For college it's really weird if you didn't go there.

For professional sports I think it's fine and I say it all the time.
Eh, I dont agree.  My father has been a Stanford fan for 50 years and he didnt go to the school.  Have no problem with him saying we when it comes to Stanford sports.  That is HIS team. 
Eh, I dont agree.  My father has been a Stanford fan for 50 years and he didnt go to the school.  Have no problem with him saying we when it comes to Stanford sports.  That is HIS team. 

Agreed.. I rep ucla basketball and football and I never went there. Who cares. That logic is ridiculous....
The way I see it is fans are apart of the team. Think about it! Like in football, how many times have fans helped a team by being so loud the opposing team had trouble with the snap count or couldn't hear the plays because of the crowd noise. Sometimes the fans have a bit of influence. Like someone said above without the fans there is no team.
For college it's really weird if you didn't go there.

For professional sports I think it's fine and I say it all the time.
Eh, I dont agree.  My father has been a Stanford fan for 50 years and he didnt go to the school.  Have no problem with him saying we when it comes to Stanford sports.  That is HIS team. 

feel like there's no difference between college and pro sports. with pro teams, what if you're die hard for a team that is halfway across the country? using "we" with that logic makes no sense.

bottom line, if it's your team that watch day in and day out, use "we" or "us" as much as you want. it's no big deal at all and perfectly normal in our sports crazed culture.
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I say it out of habit. ain't even know it was an issue until I came on NT. don't see an issue with it.
What really annoys the hell out of me is bandwagon fans or fans who dont have a team and root for players..
....those are the lamest fans to me
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Some of your state/city tax go towards these stadiums.

The stadiums are local monuments.

The team is wearing your locality across your chest (so they also take vicarious ownership of something they don't truly own).

Fanhood is often passed down through generational lines and across peer groups.

People invest emotionally and a significant amount of time and energy towards supporting these teams.

I don't have an issue with diehard fans using "we" in regards to their team, as long as they're not delusional about it.
The only team I say "we" for is the school I go to, Arizona. My other teams it feels weird saying it.
The only team I say "we" for is the school I go to, Arizona. My other teams it feels weird saying it.

Do you play on the teams? I don't see the difference.

I don't even use we that much unless I'm talking to people who already know the teams I root for. I also say "you guys" when referencing their teams. I don't think anyone truly thinks they are a member of the roster :lol:
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