repaying student loan vol. how much do you owe?

Originally Posted by EightysBaby

4k and I'm not even half way done yet.
You got it easy if youre gonna end up with less than 10k

I owe somewhere in the range of 10-12 right now, been paying slowly for a couple years now...

Holding off on school for now though until my mom has been working with the UVM Med school for a year, after that i can finish my education for FREE (normal tuition for out of state is about $31,000 per year)
$0 thank God for scholarships.
but i will be taking out around $4k soon to buy a car but my mom said she'll pay that off soon as i graduate.
Undergrad = debt free, working full time, state school

Business school = 50k total for the 2 years of attending.  Mom and I paid upfront for the first year (around 45k-**$
)  Took a big dent in our savings but its better than being 100k+ at 6% interest.  Should be able to pay it off in 3-4 years.
i graduated Sunday...$0.00 loans. I was fortunate that my mother was able to handle tuition. I am extremely grateful
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

why do people associate large debt with bad luck?
If getting a degree will better your lively hood with jobs, network and learning... Hell.. I want a lot of debt then. 
One of the dumbest things I've ever read on NT.
I still owe 5k but when i graduated at the end of 2006 i owed 20k. I started payin in august 2007 and last year i bought a car, otherwise i coulda had it paid off by now but it'll be paid off in 10 months unless i come into money or sell some of my shoes lol

oh ya and i started going to school again for something else while i was working full time and they put my student loans on hold so i'm tryin to pay em off before i graduate again. My work is paying for my school this time so i lucked out
how are you guys paying off your loans
ive been paying for two years plus and havent even touched the principal... smh my loan amount actually went up instead.
Throw extra money at the principal whenever possible. Assuming no pre-payment penalty.
im in no rush to pay it off. im locked in at low rates. unless i get a windfall of money, i'm paying at a comfortable rate.
Here's a question:

Would it be worth it to take out a student loan for an out-of-state school? I may have lost my scholarship and I'm going into my senior year. Obviously, I want to complete my degree at the school where I started it, but I do realize that it would be costly.
13k which I intend to pay off in four to six months. I graduate this friday and start work on the 1st
i will owe $75-100k when i graduate, and yes im an undergrad. i take about 20-25k out a YEAR! 1 more year to go. luckily ive opted to start paying the loans now. ...
school is an investment. but in this case,its what you make of it and what you do after it.

these loans better pay off
This thread is depressing for me. Hope everything works out for all of you.

200k in debt when I graduate... I can't even wrap my head around that.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

how are you guys paying off your loans
ive been paying for two years plus and havent even touched the principal... smh my loan amount actually went up instead.

Since i'm in school again the interest is only on the non-subsidized portion of the loan which is the smaller portion. Also since i'm in school nothing is due until after i graduate again. So all my payments except for like 10$ goes to principal. When I got out of school my payments were 225/month and i paid 600-800 per month  but when i got my car i lowered it to 500/month since i had a 500/month car payment as well
Wow I wish I had that luxury. Are most of you guys still living at home? Who are able to pay all that?
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