Restroom Etiquette

If at all possible, please try to keep at least one urinal in between us. Don't know how many times I can be the only one using a urinal with 4 open to my left, only to have the guy come and stand directly next to me.
If at all possible, please try to keep at least one urinal in between us. Don't know how many times I can be the only one using a urinal with 4 open to my left, only to have the guy come and stand directly next to me.

Unless there are those stalls inbetween the urinals.
Unless there are those stalls inbetween the urinals.

Still though, it's like with all that space in there, they chose to be right next to me. Groaning and **** while they piss. I'm not insecure with mine, I just prefer space. Unless of course im at a ball game or crowded even. I'm speaking specifically to the empty bathrooms.
Unless there are those stalls inbetween the urinals.

Still though, it's like with all that space in there, they chose to be right next to me. Groaning and **** while they piss. I'm not insecure with mine, I just prefer space. Unless of course im at a ball game or crowded even. I'm speaking specifically to the empty bathrooms.

Yeah, leave some space man...& stop yacking on the cell phone while doing your business on the John...That's frickin crass you gross mother ******...
That awkward moment when two dudes with wet hands, reach for the same paper towel. One person accidentally touches it and makes it wet, now you don't want it anymore but he's insisting that you take it. Awkward.
flushhhhh all contents in the damn toilet...i hate walking in and seeing left over tp still in the bowl.
If someone is talking on their phone in the bathroom, I make an effort to fart as loudly as possibly.
Yeah you shouldnt be talking on the damn phone, thats ****** ridiculous. And people be having full blown convos. I will text and play phone games....never talk.
You guys ever run into that overly-friendly stranger in the (club) restroom that strikes up a conversation and pats you on the back on the way out, while you're still at the stall finishing your leak.
Theres always that guy who knocks over the caution "slippery when wet" sign and looks behind his shoulder and doesn't eeem make a effort to pick it back up :smh:

Son just keeps on going his way to let the dogs out.
You guys ever run into that overly-friendly stranger in the (club) restroom that strikes up a conversation and pats you on the back on the way out, while you're still at the stall finishing your leak.

Happens far too often. Alcohol is probably a major factor but just extra friendly for no apparent reason.

Speaking of Club bathroom etiquette, do y'all tip the bathroom attendant when at the club? I personally do because they usually have a damn near mini-variety store by the door. The convenience of easily accesible blunts is worth a $5 to me.
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