Resume and Cover Letter Help Please

Apr 4, 2008
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Ok I've never written one of these so I have no clue what to include or format it. Anybody want to give me a hand? Tips?
Really depends what field it's for. If it's for a finance related position, I've written plenty of my own and read an endless amount of otherpeoples'. When I go through a stack of resumes on my desk, the cover letter really isn't that important. After a while most of them soundgeneric and bland. If you are going to write one, keep it succinct and sincere. Tell them why you are a good candidate in your own words. Now, the realimportant part is your resume. Make sure that the format is simple and easy to follow and most importantly keep it at one page. Your interviewer should knowyour education level, work history, skills set and interests all within that page. It's not as daunting as I perhaps made it sound, but remember a resumeis something that grows with you as you advance at the work place or switch jobs, so nothing is really the end all be all, nor will it ever be"complete". For format ideas, there are a lot reference websites that offer decent templates so utilize that as a resource. Oh and lastly have itproof read! You want competent people editing it as much as you can as different people will notice different things. Again, this is only for finance relatedjobs. I understand that there will a large variance of standards and approaches across different industries. Hope this helps.
someone recently did a really indepth (info guide) on sure someone will post a link but you should search it.
List whatever your strengths are first.

If that's job experience it goes first. If it's education, it goes first.

Second, list your second strongest area and so on...

I would post my resume, but nah.

Try to stay away from what you like to do on a Saturday. "I like to play football and blah, blah, blah..." No one cares.

Use headings for each section and subheadings for each, job, school, whatever. Bullets under that...

Bullet points should be straight to the point and tell all the details.
I know its recommended to say that you'll "follow-up" on your cover letter.

How do you actually do this?
i think making the resume simple, one page is most important. one glance...and they should know basically who you are.
If you want, after you finish it, you can send it to me and I'll proofread, edit, and give you tips on it. Send me a PM if you're interested.
Thanks for the tips and the link guys. Found a nice little internship on Craigslist I wouldn't mind getting.
what fonts are you guys/girls using on your resumes?

I use garamond but it's ehhhhh
Times New Roman, except for my name. you can experiment using different fonts, you might catch someone's eye, but make sure it's not distracting andthat it's still professional and easy to read.

I wouldn't try to show personality with a font, all those silly/cute fonts are for birthday cards not resumes.
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