RIP Nipsey Hussle

Same folks who have no ties to a city Chicago where stuff goes down. No clue to how stuff gets down out there (I have no clue how stuff gets down out there either) but have the most to say about something they have no perspective on.
Here we go with this Chicago and Los Angeles so different bs. You dudes love inflating stuff
Every major city has the exact same stuff going on you ain’t that special cause you live there.
Mind your p’s and q’s wherever you at and you’ll be straight.
Here we go with this Chicago and Los Angeles so different bs. You dudes love inflating stuff
Every major city has the exact same stuff going on you ain’t that special cause you live there.
Mind your p’s and q’s wherever you at and you’ll be straight.

Where are you from? And what gives you this universal context on things?
Mind your P's and Q's and you will be straight?

If you and I are both involved in criminal activities but I’m more popular than you, with a bigger platform and I go public that I’m about to meet with the police to cease this type of action...ah never mind. You keep being willfully ignorant, ok pal?! ✌

youre comparing apples and oranges.

Nipsey was speaking with police on how to keep kids from joining the 60s and coming up with programs to keep older members from continuing on with the ******* that goes with banging.

NIpsey WAS NOT speaking with the police to confess all his crimes and those of his fellow gang members.

Most 60 crips die young. The older ones are in jail/being can be a crip and a productive citizen if you're given the opportunity to do so. THATS what he was talking to the police about.

But you keep being willfully ignorant
There is some truth to this but being realistic I doubt most on here are some super hard cats either. If they were they wouldn’t be on here or most messageboards going back and forth all day. Maybe somebody with a low post count but some of these post count numbers say cats living very normal non street stuff lives imo.
Real street cats got smartphones n data plans’s more downtime in the trenches than ppl think :lol: , they be on here just like IG, FB, Youtube etc.
It's been a couple of days since it has happened so I've been able to digest more of this. I'm not a die hard Nipsey fan like that...didn't really listen to his music. I paid more attention to what he did socially. After reading a lot of what has been said in here I got to thinking. When you take a step back and look at it, a man, father, husband, friend, cousin, etc lost his life, tragically and unnecessarily. Even more, you had a person investing into his community. He used his platform to help others. I'm sure there's a lot more great things to say about him (I actually have a great personal story about him that is pretty cool). I thinking digging into the negative side is the wrong thing to do here. Are there things that he did in his past that might have caught up to him? Sure. Should he have gone with security? Probably. I would have, but Nipsey felt comfortable enough not to. At 33, with a family, could he have handled the confrontation differently? Again, me, not being from the streets, I would say yes. I wasn't raised the same way. That doesn't make me wrong or right, just different. I think we have to remember the great things about Nipsey, and forget the rest. No one is perfect, we all have flaws and have made mistakes. When you get to the core of all this, the world lost a great man. Everything else doesn't matter.
Stop the excuses Plenty of kids make it out of that area never being affiliated with gangs

No sh*t. Not every urban landscape is 100% comprised of disadvantaged families. Of course some will follow different paths based on their unique circumstances. Do you really think a crack baby raised in group homes will wind up in a similar situation as a child raised in a lower middle class household? There are a zillion different variables that you're not accounting for.

That's why people hate conversing with the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or "just say no" puppets. You have no interest in understanding or learning about other people in depth.

Individuals are vastly different mentally and emotionally and will respond accordingly to external stimuli they're exposed to.

Folks that make it out need to realize a big part of that should be cREdited to chance.

You didn't pick your family.
You didn't pick your neighborhood.
You didn't pick your friends.
You didn't pick your own ability to maneuver through all the nonsense.

So don't sit here and use the damn, "Well some folks made it out of the hood."
Folks that make it out need to realize a big part of that should be cREdited to chance.

You didn't pick your family.
You didn't pick your neighborhood.
You didn't pick your friends.
You didn't pick your own ability to maneuver through all the nonsense.

So don't sit here and use the damn, "Well some folks made it out of the hood."

This is so true. Most people who make it out or avoid the nonsense (like myself) did so because they were exposed to a specific set of favorable circumstances

Be it hard working parents/family, sensible friends, being sent off to better schools than the ones in the hood, etc

that's how us NYers works over here, but LA a whole different animal.

Yeah that works fine in NY for the most part, but in LA ain't no Ps or Qs to mind at all. The nonsense is pervasive
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Excellent convo on how fragile our egos are as men

The same type of dudes who pick up a gun after a fist fight..or the one's who get angry at a woman when they get turned down. Or if you want a visual representation and have seen the movie Fresh just go back and watch the pickup basketball game scene. People killing over embarrassment is nothing new unfortunately.
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