Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

I usually enter for myself and then for my wife but this time when I tried to enter again it said "You've already responded." So that means posting the link is pointless bc it's one entry per email link.
1 entry per gmail account
I never receive the newsletter. I wonder what email address they send the winners from, so I can add it to my VIP folder
On Ronnie's instagrams story you can see basically every pice dropping. wish we could see better pics before the release
man, I keep changingg my mind on what I want. Now im thinking just both track pants amd a velour top.

Im a little surprised he hasnt said limited to xxx pieces yet, hopefully its a good sign but I doubt it.
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if we win the raffle we find out today right? cause I have a decent drive ahead of me if I won so wanna be prepared 
I think they mean invoice as in receipt for your entry
That's what I was referring to :wink:

After reading my own post, kind of sounded off :lol:

But yeah, 1 entry for only 1 of the following selections, at least that's what it only allowed me to do.
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Really want to go for aces but that isn't likely manual with 500 pairs. Prolly gonna settle for Copa UB and away Cobra jersey.
it would be nice to see clear pics of the stuff before we actually buy it.  I like the tees, but can't tell what theyre made of, etc.
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