The roshes are an addiction, I started with 2 pairs a month ago and can't stop getting them. It's like Pokemon, gotta catch them all, but here's a pic of my collection so far, iguanas are the way from UO. Should have them soon
Tried to get the mints at my local Footaction no luck. They sold out already. Hopefully another stock is around the way.
If any of you happened to get an email about swoosh being 30% for Nike ID through the 12th disregard it. Called the swoosh number and they told me to go by what's in my store breakroom that says its through the 19th. Saw somebody ask which date it was.
Copped Gammas the other day. Really only want Sport Reds now and maybe an ID pair and i'll be satisfied
That's just some people over exaggerating things man. There's always going to be issues at any company you deal with. It's just something you can't avoid.
your right, I don't have a UO around when I live and ppl were saying when you place a order online they go on the floor and grab any two of the same size cause there out already. That's weird to me lol
Maybe its just me and my foot but I un-ds my stadium green roshes few days ago, first time rocking roshes outside of the house since Canadian winter its been snowing for damn 7 months!

Initially I could see the comfort everyone raves about but then after about 20 mins of walking the middle of my foot started hurting. From then on it just wasnt this walking on clouds feeling everyone described. I was wearing normal socks so I decided let me try church socks yesterday for a little more room. Way more wiggle room but same issue. These shoes are not that comfortable for my foot.

They are in my TTS size 10.5. I only have these, sport reds and iguanas. If It wasnt a hassle I would just sell all 3 but ill just give them to friends or family. Next up ill try flyknits or something. Glad I didnt cop a ton 
Haha, my exact thoughts Jeffrey. My collection is actually the exact same as yours after today's pickups and after Squads, Tarps and Gammas come in tomorrow. Iguana's are beastly.



If only I could get rid of my second pair of mints to get some more!
The roshes are an addiction, I started with 2 pairs a month ago and can't stop getting them. It's like Pokemon, gotta catch them all, but here's a pic of my collection so far, iguanas are the way from UO. Should have them soon

Gotta cop them all!
Just putting this out there, id4shoes restocked the stadium green, but it's only a size 8 and its 130, not gonna spend that much especially if it's nowhere close to my size
Haha, my exact thoughts Jeffrey. My collection is actually the exact same as yours after today's pickups and after Squads, Tarps and Gammas come in tomorrow. Iguana's are beastly.


If only I could get rid of my second pair of mints to get some more!
cut box? where'd you get em? :O nordstrom rack?
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