I think you're referring to "but you have a misspelled", I could have used "you misspelled a word", but I guess I wrote it that way to single out that word he misspelled. But thank you for pointing that out :lol:
Actually I was making a joke because when stecky first joined he constantly confused half and have. Oh well I tried :smile: but yes, shame on you as well man lol.
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Actually I was making a joke because when stecky first joined he constantly confused half and have. Oh well I tried :smile: but yes, shame on you as well man lol.
Oh! haha my bad, and that's very interesting on how you can mistake those two words. Well, nonetheless, don't want to derail from the thread. Continue on Roshe heads.
Oh! haha my bad, and that's very interesting on how you can mistake those two words. Well, nonetheless, don't want to derail from the thread. Continue on Roshe heads.
Yes I concur, those new mids in black/atomic red are pretty nice.
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Unds my first ever roshe id there called time flys
Hate to be a grammar nazi, but you have a misspelled word on your ID. The saying is "Time Flies" not "flys".
you need to hold off on another pair of roshes and use that money to invest in some new socks
You know what gets me annoyed people hating on everything I do. I mean c'mon now you don't see me hating on everything you do
Didn't mean any hate or disrespect dude. I was just pointing out your spelling mistake (That's how I am, everyone who knows me, knows that :tongue:) and I just said whatever floats your boat, meaning that I understand that you understand what I was pointing out. No need to get hasty now :\
Didn't mean any hate or disrespect dude. I was just pointing out your spelling mistake (That's how I am, everyone who knows me, knows that :tongue:) and I just said whatever floats your boat, meaning that I understand that you understand what I was pointing out. No need to get hasty now :\

I was not referring to you I'm talking about the people who always make jokes about what I do
Yeah y'all need to chill.

Anyways, got my team reds and gamma greens from eastbay. In case people were wondering, they came in the new boxes
You know what gets me annoyed people hating on everything I do. I mean c'mon now you don't see me hating on everything you do

Want that to stop? Simple. Fix your grammar. There's no one else providing the ammo but yourself.

We know you type fast and don't read what you type or whatever... Wanna be taken seriously here? Proofread.

U should've gotten that vibe the first time this was brought up.
Want that to stop? Simple. Fix your grammar. There's no one else providing the ammo but yourself.

We know you type fast and don't read what you type or whatever... Wanna be taken seriously here? Proofread.

U should've gotten that vibe the first time this was brought up.

I completely understand I will try my best to fix my mistakes but that one guy saying for me to buy new socks like c'mon now there just socks why do you have to say something
Why are people going so hard on my man's grammar? We're on a forum page about Nike for Christ Sake. Misp3l @ll U wnt buddy
Guys I'm getting the roshe mids I'm a true 9.5 but I get a 10 cause I don't want to outgrow them should I get my tts or would it be ok for me to get a 10?
I completely understand I will try my best to fix my mistakes but that one guy saying for me to buy new socks like c'mon now there just socks why do you have to say something
Stecky, if you want to make it on this board or in life for that matter you need to develop thicker skin and some wit.

I completely understand I will try my best to fix my mistakes but that one guy saying for me to buy new socks like c'mon now there just socks why do you have to say something

Relax and have a sense of humor, it was a joke no need to argue about it or even get mad. If your feelings get hurt by a statement on your socks you have an issue. So move on.
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