RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

Morning all. 

Not a beginner runner but I will be running my first 1/2 marathon this coming June. I currently own a pair of Pegasus 32's that i run in but they're on their way out.

Just some info on myself, i'm 5'9 and weight 223lbs. At the time of the marathon, I should be about 205-210lbs, maybe less.

What running shoe would you recommend for something like this? I currently have my eyes set on the Lunarepic Shields and the Peg 33's but wanted to get some opinions. I plan on purchasing soon and would like to use them up until the date of this event.

Any info is much appreciated.

3.5 miles. Felt I could've kept going too. Mixing in a tempo run every week has really helped. Crazy to think I had trouble running 1.5 miles when I first posted here. This thread and seeing dudes run 6+ miles has been real motivating.
Saw this on IG... :smokin

Damn, how is it even possible to keep up that pace while running on the streets with that many turns?

I know the app stops the clock when it sense you aren't moving so being on a stoplight waiting to cross the streets would not count towards your time but still, it isn't that accurate where it stops and starts right away.
Did the 20 miler this past Saturday on the Boston course. Last long run before the marathon. Quads are not happy with me. I don't think I trained enough on hills. If I ever do this again I'm gonna focus more on hills.
Morning all. 

Not a beginner runner but I will be running my first 1/2 marathon this coming June. I currently own a pair of Pegasus 32's that i run in but they're on their way out.

Just some info on myself, i'm 5'9 and weight 223lbs. At the time of the marathon, I should be about 205-210lbs, maybe less.

What running shoe would you recommend for something like this? I currently have my eyes set on the Lunarepic Shields and the Peg 33's but wanted to get some opinions. I plan on purchasing soon and would like to use them up until the date of this event.

Any info is much appreciated.

I run in lunarepic lows and peg 33s. I prefer the peg 33s for longer runs as they are firmer, have more stability, can run in snow and rain. I also prefer the rubber and zoom in the forefoot and heel vs the softer sole of the lunarepic.

I usually run in lunarepics for shorter runs or on the track.

Hope this helps

Good luck in the marathon
I run in lunarepic lows and peg 33s. I prefer the peg 33s for longer runs as they are firmer, have more stability, can run in snow and rain. I also prefer the rubber and zoom in the forefoot and heel vs the softer sole of the lunarepic.

I usually run in lunarepics for shorter runs or on the track.

Hope this helps

Good luck in the marathon
Thank you, goal is to complete it. back in Jan, I was asked by my youngest brother if I  wanted to do a 1/2 marathon. Said why the hell not, challenge accepted. Never did any event prior to this, so hoping for a good two months of training

Much appreciated on the information, I went ahead and ordered both Peg 33's and the Lunarepic Shields. Just found it funny that Nike priced the shields much cheaper than the originals.
Thank you, goal is to complete it. back in Jan, I was asked by my youngest brother if I  wanted to do a 1/2 marathon. Said why the hell not, challenge accepted. Never did any event prior to this, so hoping for a good two months of training

Much appreciated on the information, I went ahead and ordered both Peg 33's and the Lunarepic Shields. Just found it funny that Nike priced the shields much cheaper than the originals.

The Shield line in general are terrific bad weather shoes, but they'll make your feet sweat awful in the summer. So, it's probably a seasonal pricing issue.

I was set up on the Boston course at a water station for my run club - it was the first time this year I was really disappointed to not run Boston. I'm running the 15K TuneUp race on Saturday, and there's going to be more snow. I can't believe I had better running weather in February than in March.

Tempo Run today. Just barely missed my goal of keeping a below 8 minute pace but I'm still happy. I've never ran 2 miles this fast in my life . Gaining more confidence by the day.
Running in New England.

I didn't think I'd have to worry about multiple inches of snow for an April 1st race.  Yet, here we are...
I've been running with the hoka ones the last few months and I went for a run with my peg 32 last night. Man, it's so hard going back to the Nike. I might have to stay with the Hoka for awhile.

Heading to an outlet in a few weeks in LA, hopefully I can pick up some other shoes to try.
Hoka reigns supreme when it come to PLUSHNESS. For speed/responsiveness, I've got to give the top spot to Nike (ZOOM), specifically the FKR. :smokin I'm itching to give the Streaks a shot for April, or I may just rotate to another FKR cw. :tongue:
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Rainy day here in the tri-state so no running today but here are my runs from the past two days



Lots room for improvement but this is just the beginning. Actually love it now that the weather is getting better.
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It was super windy this morning. Still completed my 3.5 mile goal but man it was a struggle. Pace definitely slower.
Wind is the worst obstacle for running to me. Bring rain and a bit of heat, but I hate wind.

I'm ramping up to probably doing a 28-mile run before tapering for my first 50k in 6 weeks, but doing 24 yesterday meant that this morning's miles were incredibly difficult.

Ditto on the wind. It's a big irrititant for me [emoji]128544[/emoji]. Just run run through it. It'll make you stronger though... in the long run [emoji]128540[/emoji]
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