Ryan Braun - to be hit with susp for PEDs

Cheating @%@ bum. Milwaukee Booers will fade into the background as deserved next season.
This is shaping up to be a great baseball week . Cardinals lose Pujols, and Brewers lose Braun for 50 games, and will lose Fielder soon.

Merry Xmas National League!! 
Originally Posted by arstyle27

This is shaping up to be a great baseball week . Cardinals lose Pujols, and Brewers lose Braun for 50 games, will lose Fielder soon, and just like the last 100 years the cubs will still suck

Merry Xmas National League!! 

Ahh jokes on you fools. Cubs are headed in the right direction, we all know that.

Wait...Cubs havent won in how long? Over 100 years??? I wasnt aware of that..........


Anyway, this thread is about dirty scum possum faced cheaters in Milwaukee.....
Originally Posted by Wisconsin 4 Life

Hope everyone is ready to apologize when he wins the appeal which many sources are saying very likely.  

where are these many sources?
I'm mad because even if this is a total screw up its gonna effect his legacy just for being accused.

Braun is the last person I thought i'd see taking PED's so im pretty confident he's good. It's all not making sense to me. 9 years of being tested and it happens now, he cant be that stupid. Im eager to hear what really went down.
Jose Bautista your next buddy.

These guys aren't that big and their bad speed is just too fast for them not to be juicing.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Also I find it hilarious to see all these Dodger/Kemp fans coming out of the woodwork like they can know for sure that Matt Kemp is clean. Ryan Braun has been a power hitter his whole career, has been a power hitter since he stepped on a baseball field, hit his way to a full ride baseball scholarship, Matt Kemp dramatic rise in power should give you pause.

Ryan Braun will continue to be an premium bat with or without whatever he was taking.
So what's your excuse for Joey Bautista? 

But nah....he just made those "adjustments." 
Originally Posted by Jay02

I'm mad because even if this is a total screw up its gonna effect his legacy just for being accused.

Braun is the last person I thought i'd see taking PED's so im pretty confident he's good. It's all not making sense to me. 9 years of being tested and it happens now, he cant be that stupid. Im eager to hear what really went down.

Even if he does win his appeal, that positive test will always (and rightfully so) hang over him.  It's funny to me that a lot of media outlets that crucified the old guard of players after their first failed test and excused it by saying they unknowingly did it now seem to be trying to defend Braun.  I'm all for the fans of the players doing it but at least be consistent.  No different that Sheff and his cream.  All the same #*%@.

Bautista always had the potential for that power though and he always had a decent eye.  It just developed (with his swing) and he went to a perfect park for his strengths.
Just as I suspected...it is very possible ESPN is full of $hit...

A very good source on the Ryan Braun side of the drug testing controversy assures me that Braun did not test positive for a performance-enhancing drug, as reported by ESPN's "Outside the Lines."

ESPN reported that Braun tested positive for a PED that gave him an abnormally high testosterone level, which proved to be synthetic and therefore not produced by the body.

But my source -- and again, this is from Braun's end and not MLB -- familiar with the test's findings says the "prohibited substance" was not a performance-enhancing drug or steroid of any kind. And the source says there has "never" been a result like this in the history of the MLB testing program.

The source said MLB "knows that Ryan is telling the truth" and that source firmly believes the postive test will be overturned. Pretty amazing stuff, huh?

The source said more detail couldn't be provided at this time because of the ongoing legal process. But suffice it to say that this is getting more interesting by the minute. If the prohibited substance wasn't a PED, it still triggered a positive result in MLB's steroid-testing policy.

If the prohibited substance Braun tested positive for was a stimulant instead of a steroid, he wouldn't be facing a 50-game suspension. The first offense for stimulants results in a 25-game suspension.
There's no way they let their new golden boy go down in flames. I don't want to believe it either but once anything is said it's a part of his reputation now. Shameful.
Originally Posted by mjd77

Just as I suspected...it is very possible ESPN is full of $hit...

A very good source on the Ryan Braun side of the drug testing controversy assures me that Braun did not test positive for a performance-enhancing drug, as reported by ESPN's "Outside the Lines."

ESPN reported that Braun tested positive for a PED that gave him an abnormally high testosterone level, which proved to be synthetic and therefore not produced by the body.

But my source -- and again, this is from Braun's end and not MLB -- familiar with the test's findings says the "prohibited substance" was not a performance-enhancing drug or steroid of any kind. And the source says there has "never" been a result like this in the history of the MLB testing program.

The source said MLB "knows that Ryan is telling the truth" and that source firmly believes the postive test will be overturned. Pretty amazing stuff, huh?

The source said more detail couldn't be provided at this time because of the ongoing legal process. But suffice it to say that this is getting more interesting by the minute. If the prohibited substance wasn't a PED, it still triggered a positive result in MLB's steroid-testing policy.

If the prohibited substance Braun tested positive for was a stimulant instead of a steroid, he wouldn't be facing a 50-game suspension. The first offense for stimulants results in a 25-game suspension.

If you're going to post something like that, need a link at least

BTW, this article is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.  Someone like Manny got destroyed for testing positive for a fertility drug.  There's a reason the scientists/doctors along with MLB put this stuff on the banned substance list.
Originally Posted by mjd77

Just as I suspected...it is very possible ESPN is full of $hit...

A very good source on the Ryan Braun side of the drug testing controversy assures me that Braun did not test positive for a performance-enhancing drug, as reported by ESPN's "Outside the Lines."

ESPN reported that Braun tested positive for a PED that gave him an abnormally high testosterone level, which proved to be synthetic and therefore not produced by the body.

But my source -- and again, this is from Braun's end and not MLB -- familiar with the test's findings says the "prohibited substance" was not a performance-enhancing drug or steroid of any kind. And the source says there has "never" been a result like this in the history of the MLB testing program.

The source said MLB "knows that Ryan is telling the truth" and that source firmly believes the postive test will be overturned. Pretty amazing stuff, huh?

The source said more detail couldn't be provided at this time because of the ongoing legal process. But suffice it to say that this is getting more interesting by the minute. If the prohibited substance wasn't a PED, it still triggered a positive result in MLB's steroid-testing policy.

If the prohibited substance Braun tested positive for was a stimulant instead of a steroid, he wouldn't be facing a 50-game suspension. The first offense for stimulants results in a 25-game suspension.

who is the source Braun's dad?
venom lyrix:
Add to this the many reasons baseball is such an irrelevant sport. Most overpaid bums ever.
You're an idiot.
*warned* [mark jackson] C'mon, you're better than that. [/mark]
Just as I suspected...it is very possible ESPN is full of $hit...

blah, blah, blah, I know a source that says he didn't do it. This source says something smells fishy. I promise, the reigning MVP who happens to be on my favorite team is innocent. Trust me: I know a source who has confirmed this.
who is the source Braun's dad?

Oh, mjd77: *warned* for partially edited profanity. We have a filter for a reason. We like to keep profanity off of our board. Please keep that in mind next time. Thanks.
Kevin Cleveland:
BenBadler NY Daily News source on Braun's test results: "Insanely high...twice the level of the highest test ever taken."

Well damn.
damn...I had my apology already typed up.
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