Had a small group discussion about the upcoming event. Facts set in stone are, the event will be early next year (March, in coordination and depending on GSA's nike sb release date. Also ample preparation to invite potential out of towners(Austin and S Tx heads are very welcome) Location to be announced. However, the location must be near GSA with free parking and easy access. The time of the event will take place in the early evening approx 7-8 pm and concluding at 11:30 pm. We will then head out to GSA where at the time of 12:01am, the SB will be dropped for purchase. Also, for those who were at the event last year, Anthony had put out ALL the money for the gym. I was not aware of this, but I would like all those who do participate to donate something, anything. Sodas, bottled water, finger foods will be served to attendees and participants, and a DJ will be present. <Note, the above noted don't materialize out of thin air, that's why I beg for your donations! We want to make this event as fun as possible and to show that S.Tx can hold it down, without self-promoting or coattailing off of some Complex magazine(no Originality and no Substance). In addition, absolutely, positively no alcohol will be served! Last but not least, I, not only want to invite the closet shoe heads, skaters, etc...in San Anton, but Austin,Victoria,Laredo(no fakes or millionaires allowed), and CC. So let me know, what y'all think, pm me or Ucasta(he's much brighter and more creative than me)
"Where'd you get those?"-Bobbito Garcia