Serious question, why do people choose to cheat?

Sep 16, 2010
I sit here and think, why do people cheat on their significant other with no remorse? It's crazy how many people aren't faithful. Like, It be dudes I know that are married still having women on the side. Same for women as well. It's like, how do people do that and be comfortable doing that? Does it make you feel good? Me and my Girlfriend was having a conversation and I thought I should ask, so why?
Ego. Pride. Excitement. Variety. New P deserves a test drive. You couldn't hear your conscience until you nutted. Different build, look, etc. She brings something new to the table. She caught you in a moment of weakness. Your main wasn't available. Etc...
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temptation , lust . you can love someone x be in love with them and still end up cheating . sometimes a person does it simply cuhz they js want to , get bored , unhappy , spite .
those things are human nature . really it's a bunch of reasons why people cheat lol
In my opinion...

Men do it because they're bored. They were too focused on making their significant other the adventure instead of making her part of the adventure. Once they're bored with her they wanna do things to bring back that adventurous feeling, cheating happens to be one of those things. 

Women on the other hand all I could think of really is because their man isn't doing it good enough in bed (intimacy in general)... no thrill or excitement in it so she finds that thrill and excitement in other men. 
People can cheat without thinking about it . Just off primal instincts and chemical impulses.

The real question is why do people choose not to cheat.
Had a female tell me once, sex wise what you aint doing for your wife you better believe someone else is. Thread.
I've been with my girl for a little over a year and I couldn't see my self cheating on her. bit I have friends who have cheated on their significant other and have rationalized it in various different ways. Personally, I feel like the emotional and intellectual attraction I have with my girlfriend wouldn't be worth jeopardizing for a physical attraction to some chick I just met and hooked up with.
Dudes just be bored and have nothing better to do with their lives.
We not wired to be monogamous...we always want to try something new or need that new thing, in this case, a person. Human nature IMO
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