Serious Topic: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Oct 1, 2008
- My Health Science III project is to survey people about their input on abortion.

So my question to you guys is, are you for abortion (Pro-Choice) or against abortion (Pro-Life).

Thank You.
This is always a tough question to ask anyone without upsetting others. I can't say which I am because I don't feel that people should just be gettingabortions without considering the full scale impact of what their really doing but there are situations were people make mistakes and it would maybe be best intheir eyes to get an abortion for fear of how that child could grow up.

If I was in that situation of choosing whether my me and my girl were to get an abortion, at this moment in time I would think it would be best to getone...but then again could me and her raise a kid right now...yes but it would be hard but could be done.
Wish this could've been a poll thread.

I'm pro-choice but I believe everyone involved with an abortion or any other means of getting rid of an unborn child is an act of murder. Even though Idon't got kids and some of yall like my homeys may say I will think differently but if I'm ever put in the situation any chick I get pregerrs I willnot encourage her to get rid of the baby. If she chooses to, fine but I won't be an advocate of it.

EDIT - In cases of rape/incest which are less than 1% there's still the option of giving the baby up for adoption. As for medical expenses in the rapesituation the state or the rapist should pay for it. The incestuous partners should pay for it in that situation or contact a couple who want a baby and getthem to pay for it.
Pro-choice. God doesn't give a baby life, the mother does, at the cost of a part of hers. So if she doesn't want to make this exchange/sacrifice, NOONE has the right to force her to.
Pro-Choice. About 20 or so years after Roe v Wade, crime (violent crime in particular) decreased dramatically.
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