Shipping from the US to Canada

Dec 2, 2012
can someone tell me why sending a pair of sneakers from the US to Canada costs so much damn money? 
duty on shoes is 18%, plus GST and PST, you are looking at an additional 30% ontop of exchange rate.
30% is a huge chunk of lost money when buying shoes from the US. You guys should check out "Sole Server" (, they're creating a platform for the footwear resale market in Canada, so hopefully you can find your next pair of shoes within Canada to avoid these astronomical fee's
I have a buddy in New york and use his address all the time. I drive over one weekend a month and make sure to bring him some beers. As long as i give him a headsup he's usually pretty good about being home for a delivery. He gets free beers and i get some cheap sneakers so it's a win win!
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