Should Rondo be suspended for throwing Hinrich? update:Rondo will not be punished further

As epic as this series has been, NO! I'm not sure it's a suspendable play anyways. But whatever. Just let them play! I'd love for game 7 to bedownright nasty!
whoever thinks he needs to suspended is soft and prob the type to yell foul over the littlest things in pick up ball
Amare and Diaw can be suspended for literally crossing a line but Rondo wont be suspended for throwing a player into the scorers table

Stern bout to look like a hypocrite AGAIN.
You people are saying NO??? Did you see the play before Rondo threw the basketball at Kirk's feet after a foul was called away from the ball and the verynext possession Kirk boxes him out and he gets pissed so instead of moving out of the way he grabs his arm and instead of letting his arm go he swings himaside into the scorers table, and instead of walking away homeboy throws an elbow/fist/arm whatever you want to call it and misses.......


If the league doesn't suspend him Horry (who got suspended for two game for hip checking nash), Ariza (flagrant 2 called when going for a block on RudyFernandez), Odom (when getting up off the bench and stepping one foot on the court then returning to the bench), and a few others are gonna have a case!!!
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

You people are saying NO??? Did you see the play before Rondo threw the basketball at Kirk's feet after a foul was called away from the ball and the very next possession Kirk boxes him out and he gets pissed so instead of moving out of the way he grabs his arm and instead of letting his arm go he swings him aside into the scorers table, and instead of walking away homeboy throws an elbow/fist/arm whatever you want to call it and misses.......


If the league doesn't suspend him Horry (who got suspended for two game for hip checking nash), Ariza (flagrant 2 called when going for a block on Rudy Fernandez), Odom (when getting up off the bench and stepping one foot on the court then returning to the bench), and a few others are gonna have a case!!!
thats not worth a suspension.... they got tangled up and he just got rid of him.....the people who want him suspended are just celtic haters
Yeah? What about Horry's shove into the scorers table?

Not to mention, Rondo has had his third strike now IMO.

Tripping Hinrich, inadvertently or not, drawing blood and requiring stitches
Hitting Brad Miller, not making a play on the ball, drawing blood and requiring stitches.
Pulling Hinrich into the scorers table, and then trying to sneak in an elbow.

Suspend this man.
--Yeah. I mean, Dwight Howard got suspended for a phantom elbow. And this clearly was a more physical play.
Rondo seem like that skinny dude who try to sucker foul you and wait till his homies get in the middle of it
My gut tells me he won't get suspended.

Stu is going to say something about the penalty called during the game was a fair enough penalty for Rondo's actions.


I honestly don't know how anyone can say that, according to the way the league is officiated today, Rondo doesn't deserve to be suspended.
Do any non-Bostonians actually believe that Rondo SHOULDN'T be suspended?
Pertaining to the rules set in place? I mean strike one, Hinrich was going tothe basket, Rondo tripped him, didn't make a play at the ball, tried to get in front of him, only thing that got in front of him was his shin. Didn'tdeserve a suspension, but a flagrant would have been plausible. Strike two, striking Brad Miller, not a basketball play, not making a play on the ball, broughtMiller to his knees. More than likely deserved a suspension. Strike three, Hinrich is boxing out, loses his footing, gets thrown into the table by Rondo, andthen tries to slide in an elbow towards Hinrich. That's it, no more of your nonsense, suspend him, send out a message.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

You people are saying NO??? Did you see the play before Rondo threw the basketball at Kirk's feet after a foul was called away from the ball and the very next possession Kirk boxes him out and he gets pissed so instead of moving out of the way he grabs his arm and instead of letting his arm go he swings him aside into the scorers table, and instead of walking away homeboy throws an elbow/fist/arm whatever you want to call it and misses.......
OH MY GOSH! He tossed the basketball at Kirks feet!!!! Suspend this thug! He needs to sit out the next game. DIRTY PLAYER!!!!!!


(P.S. Sentences help)
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Do any non-Bostonians actually believe that Rondo SHOULDN'T be suspended?

Half of the fans tuned out when they heard KG was injured for the postseason.
How was Kirk the instigator?

He was boxing out, lost control, so he deserved to be tossed into the table?
Kirk was the instigator?

What the hell?

Kirk was boxing him out hard and Rondo got his panties in a bunch over it and decided to lock arms, then decided to toss Kirk by the wayside.

But Kirk instigated it?
For the record.......naw, don't suspend him.

While I think he's been shady in this series, if you add up all the stuff he's done, then yes, suspension warranted, but on that play only (which ishow it should be viewed) I don't think it was enough to get it.

This isn't like the Amare where within the rules if you leave the bench even one foot, you're gone. This is a case that is open to interpretation,which means the NBA can choose what they want to see.
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Do any non-Bostonians actually believe that Rondo SHOULDN'T be suspended?

Half of the fans tuned out when they heard KG was injured for the postseason.

Game 5 was the loudest I've heard the Garden all season. Don't worry about Celtics fans. You should be more concerned about your $200 million baseball team struggling to stay over .500

Wasn't necessarily talking about anyone on here, just venting my ongoing frustration at the enormous amount of fairweather fans in Boston.

But don't worry, I'm definitely more concerned the Yanks.

Thanks for the sound advice champ.
Originally Posted by CP1708

For the record.......naw, don't suspend him.

While I think he's been shady in this series, if you add up all the stuff he's done, then yes, suspension warranted, but on that play only (which is how it should be viewed) I don't think it was enough to get it.

This isn't like the Amare where within the rules if you leave the bench even one foot, you're gone. This is a case that is open to interpretation, which means the NBA can choose what they want to see.

But I would equate it with Posey on Hinrich.

But I guess everything in life is circumstantial. Had Hinrich had the ball, or those two be in the middle of the play, it'd be looked at differently.
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