SMH Israel bombs Gaza Strip....Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, kills 192 injures 250+

To the person who said that Europe supports Israel, no they do not. The majority of people in Europe hate Israel. The US is Israel's only ally in theMiddle East for reasons that are obvious.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

To the person who said that Europe supports Israel, no they do not. The majority of people in Europe hate Israel. The US is Israel's only ally in the Middle East for reasons that are obvious.
Am I supposed to feel bad for Hamas soldiers and police?
Their job concerns war, right?

There were innocent people killed by Israel in the strikes but these men here aren't part of that category.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Lazy B

To the person who said that Europe supports Israel, no they do not. The majority of people in Europe hate Israel. The US is Israel's only ally in the Middle East for reasons that are obvious.
Am I supposed to feel bad for Hamas soldiers and police?
Their job concerns war, right?

There were innocent people killed by Israel in the strikes but these men here aren't part of that category.
Why are you so angry? This was the headline picture on CNN.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Lazy B

To the person who said that Europe supports Israel, no they do not. The majority of people in Europe hate Israel. The US is Israel's only ally in the Middle East for reasons that are obvious.
Am I supposed to feel bad for Hamas soldiers and police?
Their job concerns war, right?

There were innocent people killed by Israel in the strikes but these men here aren't part of that category.
Why are you so angry? This was the headline picture on CNN.
I'm not angry.
Just pointing out something.
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

How can Americans wonder why people in the Middle East hate them when they support this terrorist state? Sadly, Obama won't change a damn thing. Even if he wanted to get less pro-Israeli (which he won't), the Congress would stop him.. And it would cost him the re-election, just like it did for Jimmy Carter in 1980, after he tried to be objective and care for the Palestinians as well.

the truth
Hamas fires a few rockets in response and despair due to the crrrrrrrrrrrrrazy blockade on all humanitarian aid, all foreign press, ESSENTIAL RESOURCES TO LIVEand are slandered as terrorists which is a common view shared by a large majority of the american people but all the europeans can do the jews however they sawfit for centuries want and decide to relocate them to occupied land? Man +@%# the zionist leaders of israel damn them to hell. There will not be peace in themiddle east as long as there is a soverign state of Israel
Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

Hamas fires a few rockets in response and despair due to the crrrrrrrrrrrrrazy blockade on all humanitarian supplies press ESSENTIAL RESOURCES TO LIVE and are slandered as terrorists while most of the american people pitifully fulheartedly believe but all the europeans can do the jews how they want and say hey here you guys can take that from them sorry? Man +%!$ the zionist leaders of israel damn them to hell. There will not be peace in the middle east as long as there is a soverign state of Israel
Israel is always said to be blocking humanitarian resources but the Palestinian population is constantly increasing. How does that work?
Who do you think provides water and electrical services to the Territories? There sure are many Palestinian Water treatment and Power Plants, right?

Maybe with all of that money Arafat stole, the Palestinians could have built a few plants for themselves.
"An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind" Gandhi once said. Sadly, no matter the personal opinions of the members of this board, the USwill continue to blindly support Israel and whatever action they deem necessary to "maintain their security", no matter the cost of life, nor theopinion of the majority of the citizens of this country and around the world. Our world view has been so manipulated and focused on "terrorists" thatwe are no longer able to see the forrest for the trees. As hopeful as many of us were and still are for President Elect Obama, there will be NO CHANGE in thedynamic of our middle east strategy. We will still be dependent on foreign oil, we will still pour salt on the wounds of Iran, and we will continue to allowIsrael to marginalize the Palestinian people. End of story.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

"My son is gone, my son is gone," wailed Masri, 57. The shopkeeper said he sent his 9-year-old son out to purchase cigarettes minutes before the airstrikes began and now could not find him. "May I burn like the cigarettes, may Israel burn," Masri moaned.
^An example of how "terrorists" come to be.

People don't realize that the "terrorism" that thrives in the Middle East forms through the desire of vengeance.

If I saw my family member dead...

Our President Elect on the issue...
"If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that," ... "And I would expect Israelis to do the same thing"

Originally Posted by Lazy B

To the person who said that Europe supports Israel, no they do not. The majority of people in Europe hate Israel. The US is Israel's only ally in the Middle East for reasons that are obvious.

The European governments and the EU are still very much pro-Israel. They have listed Hamas as a terrorist organization, and other corny stuff that makesIsraeli attacks justified. The European people are much less pro-Israeli than the American people though.. Either because:

A: They are not fundamentalist christians/evangelicals who believe that the second coming of Jesus will come after Jews get to live in Israel and convert toChristianity as is stated in the Book of Revelation
B: The European media is not as Israel-biased as the American (which is just ridiculous BTW, the Israeli media itself is more critical of Israel's actionsthan the American media)
C: The Jewish lobby isn't as powerful in Europe as the U.S. and the Jews don't control the European finances as much
D: They are just flat out anti-semites, and anti-semitism is bigger in Europe than U.S.
Israel needs to be broken up, along with Palestine. The idea of Religious states just don't work in this day and age.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Israel needs to be broken up, along with Palestine. The idea of Religious states just don't work in this day and age.

Say that to Middle America.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Look for more of this when Obama takes office. The funds will keep flowing.

We need a Pres. who has the cojones to cut foreign aid to Israel and the Middle East.

Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich would've done this.
The Jewish lobby is too powerful in the U.S. to allow this to happen. Being Pro-Israel = more votes in North American politics.

To the people saying that the entire world hates Israel...THIS IS WHY. Unnecessary violence, being the "bully" in the region, having nuclearcapabilities, not pushing forward a peaceful solution, etc.
Originally Posted by I am Furby

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Israel needs to be broken up, along with Palestine. The idea of Religious states just don't work in this day and age.

Say that to Middle America.
Say that to the Vatican.

The most wealthy and powerful religious state on this globe.

btw, Israel is far from a religious state. I can attest to that.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by I am Furby

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Israel needs to be broken up, along with Palestine. The idea of Religious states just don't work in this day and age.

Say that to Middle America.
Say that to the Vatican.

The most wealthy and powerful religious state on this globe.

btw, Israel is far from a religious state. I can attest to that.
Jerusalem is the only place that is really holy. Tel Aviv is something else from I what I have seen and heard
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by SpuddyGuNz

Hamas fires a few rockets in response and despair due to the crrrrrrrrrrrrrazy blockade on all humanitarian supplies press ESSENTIAL RESOURCES TO LIVE and are slandered as terrorists while most of the american people pitifully fulheartedly believe but all the europeans can do the jews how they want and say hey here you guys can take that from them sorry? Man +%!$ the zionist leaders of israel damn them to hell. There will not be peace in the middle east as long as there is a soverign state of Israel
Israel is always said to be blocking humanitarian resources but the Palestinian population is constantly increasing. How does that work?
Who do you think provides water and electrical services to the Territories? There sure are many Palestinian Water treatment and Power Plants, right?

Maybe with all of that money Arafat stole, the Palestinians could have built a few plants for themselves.
Why do you think the Palestinians voted for Hamas, who were the only other supposed viable choice? They were tired of Fateh and Arafat's moneylaundering, corruption, and scandals.

Of course, so easy for you to blame all of that on someone who was a corrupted leader.

Hamas are known to provide extensive social services to the Palestinians and that is still not enough, especially when Israel are in power and control of theland, air, and everything else for still occupying Gaza in those kind of ways.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by I am Furby

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Israel needs to be broken up, along with Palestine. The idea of Religious states just don't work in this day and age.

Say that to Middle America.
Say that to the Vatican.

The most wealthy and powerful religious state on this globe.

btw, Israel is far from a religious state. I can attest to that.
Jerusalem is the only place that is really holy. Tel Aviv is something else from I what I have seen and heard
Yeh, the Old City (of Jerusalem) and Tzfat ( Kaballah's center).

My brother's over there now for almost 3 weeks.
Son of *$!%!.

The girls love Americans too.

It's more of a European club scene there.

As much as folks think America and Israel are intertwined, Israel is a mix of Western European and Near East culture.

btw, Druze women are
When they get older though.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Lrrr

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Never ceases to amaze me how much press this recieves

I literraly
when I saw this thread
\ I don't understand. You think it should get LESS press?
the US has its own problems to deal with. still.
What does that have to do with anything?
So if the US still has its own problems.... other things occurring around the world aren't that important?

No. Caring about the rest of the world is too expensive.
The solution is extremely difficult to implement, especially for the Palestinians. For any solution to be implemented the Palestinians will have to give up more than Israel simply because the Israeli's have the upper hand at present and for the foreseeable future.
We know the 'why'. The 'why' is no longer important. Just as the 'why' for Israel is no longer important.
One can talk about the 'why' for decades. It won't solve anything.

There is a solution but it requires that the Palestinians give up a lot simply because they don't have the upper hand. Israel has no incentive to to compromise on key issues.
It's either the Palestinians choose to accept an agreement that is much less than they expect or keep on fighting. They choose to keep on fighting. That means Israel will keep on fighting too.

I don't care much for who's right or wrong in this situation. It's pointless anyways. Both sides are right at times and wrong other times, just like everything else in life.
See this is a huge problem. Why should Palestinians have to give up a lot when they are being occupied illegally under U.N. Law? If this wasallowed, all hell would break loose across the world. It would set a very disturbing precedent and countries would go back to invading and absorbing, not underthe banner of taking land, but simply occupying.

Secondly, its just plain wrong. No one should be able to let this go on any longer. Israel has made Gaza into one big ghetto, and are in the process of makingthe West Bank into the same.

Israel should be forced by the WORLD to compromise on key issues. This is a question of ethics, and Israel has been completely wrong for a long, long time.

The thing is tho, Palestinians DELIBERATELY target civilians.

Hamas does nothing to separate it's military bases from civilian areas.. By launching attacks from civilian areas in the Gaza Strip, Hamas themselves are responsible for having put civilians in the line of fire. When Israel attacks the bases that are in these areas, collateral damage is inevitable, but the Israelis are not deliberately targeting civilians the way that Hamas does.
Its pretty much impossible to do this in a region that is so small. Its population is extremely dense and there is just no where else to put theseheadquarters. Israel is targeting civilians, their soldiers do it all the time, and they do it to make a statement. They want to prove that they are thebiggest dog in the yard, and they've done it effectively, but only because a bigger dog is standing right behind them, feeding them, America.

Hypothetically, say there is an enormous crisis in China where a sect of Chinese people are killed by the millions. They need a new homeland, so they chooseRhode Island. Small enough to house all of them, yet filled with people already living there. They, in effect, push these people from their homes and prettymuch live in them as is. Take over the business and all the resources. The few native Rhode Islanders are oppressed, blocked off from the outside world, andthreatened continuously. Do these people have no right to fight to get their land back?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

The solution is extremely difficult to implement, especially for the Palestinians. For any solution to be implemented the Palestinians will have to give up more than Israel simply because the Israeli's have the upper hand at present and for the foreseeable future.
We know the 'why'. The 'why' is no longer important. Just as the 'why' for Israel is no longer important.
One can talk about the 'why' for decades. It won't solve anything.

There is a solution but it requires that the Palestinians give up a lot simply because they don't have the upper hand. Israel has no incentive to to compromise on key issues.
It's either the Palestinians choose to accept an agreement that is much less than they expect or keep on fighting. They choose to keep on fighting. That means Israel will keep on fighting too.

I don't care much for who's right or wrong in this situation. It's pointless anyways. Both sides are right at times and wrong other times, just like everything else in life.
See this is a huge problem. Why should Palestinians have to give up a lot when they are being occupied illegally under U.N. Law? If this was allowed, all hell would break loose across the world. It would set a very disturbing precedent and countries would go back to invading and absorbing, not under the banner of taking land, but simply occupying.

Secondly, its just plain wrong. No one should be able to let this go on any longer. Israel has made Gaza into one big ghetto, and are in the process of making the West Bank into the same.

Israel should be forced by the WORLD to compromise on key issues. This is a question of ethics, and Israel has been completely wrong for a long, long time.

UN law? Occupied illegally?
That may be true but all that means nothing in the real world.
The world can't force Israel to do anything because than 'the world' would be hypocritical.

The Palestinians are the ones who have to compromise at present. People/Entities don't try to win because they will have to compromise in the end.

No one owns land in this world. No land belongs inherently to any group. Land is conquered. So long as we have nationalities, ethnicities, etc. there will befighting over land. Land constantly changes hands.
No one is obligated to cede land to anyone.

The Israeli's are fighting for what they believe is theirs/should be theirs and the Palestinians are doing the same. Both sides are right while also beingwrong.
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