So Freddy's Dead???? (Pics)

Reebok's Freddy Alien Stompers released. Nice shoes by the way, and I just happen to have a few pairs available here in my store: (shamelessplug). Reebok didnt bother with any copyright / licensing garbage. The Freddy character was simply used as the inspiration for the colorway design. They didnttrademark the color or the stripes. And its not like Nike was going to actually print "FREDDY" on the box. New Line Cinema hasnt got any grounds forexpecting a penny from any sneakers anytime soon.... PLEASE
that sucks
that whole horror movie pack was basically BS i guess.

i was lookin forward to these
i guess im in the minority of those who liked these....i was def. lookin forward to them.. but dudes dont like em...enh to each its own.....
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