So I just saw 500 Days of Summer and...................

Aug 7, 2009
Summer is a fu%$ing Bit*%

I cant believe  her.

This movie makes me feel like if should never trust a woman.

I know dude was a simp but man come on now.

what you guys think?

I completely agree.

My girl and I went to see that movie and I came outta the movie theater fuming. 
Dont get me wrong people

I have a girlfriend and we are not in good terms right now. Ive been with her for three years  and i havnt talked to her since sunday. and this movie made it worst.
Originally Posted by Michaelfoooo

Dont get me wrong people

I have a girlfriend and we are not in good terms right now. Ive been with her for three years  and i havnt talked to her since sunday. and this movie made it worst.

im going through the samething..
When he went on a date after they broke up, the girl broke it down correctly. Summer told him ahead of time she wasn't looking for a relationship, she wanted to keep it casual, and it wasn't her fault her fell in love with her.

She was in the wrong by not telling him about the fiance before her party, but everything else wasn't her fault.

The movie dealt with fate in relationships, and Summer said at the end how it must have been fate for her to meet her future husband the way she did. Just as it was fate for Tom to meet Autumn at the end of the movie.

Summer:Well, you know, I guess it's 'cause I was sitting in a deli and reading Dorian Gray and a guy comes up to me and asks me about it and... now he's my husband.
Tom:Yeah. And... so?
Summer:So, what if I'd gone to the movies? What if I had gone somewhere else for lunch? What if I'd gotten there 10 minutes later? It was - it was meant to be. And... I just kept thinking... Tom was right.
Summer:Yeah, I did.
SummerI did. It just wasn't me that you were right about.

Girl at Interview:Have I seen you before?
Tom:Me? I don't think so.
Girl at Interview:Do you ever go to Angela's Plaza?
Tom:Yes... That's like my favorite spot in the city.
Girl at Interview:Yeah, except for the parking lots.
Tom:Yeah, yeah I agree.
Girl at Interview:Yeah, yeah I think I've seen you there.
Girl at Interview:Yeah...
TomI haven't seen you?
Girl at InterviewYou must not have been looking...

Those quotes should help you with blaming Summer
  The movie was about fate and love, it was trying to show you can't always control it and you're not always right.
gotta peep this im goin thru relationship problems and this will prob help me just dead it all lol
Originally Posted by Michaelfoooo

Dont get me wrong people

I have a girlfriend and we are not in good terms right now. Ive been with her for three years  and i havnt talked to her since sunday. and this movie made it worst.

RIP Relationship.

she's pulling a summer.
I found the movie boring imo. I just don't see why people like this movie, must just be me I guess.
^Nah I hear you, this movie was too unrealistic.

He should have been wayyyyyy out of there, by that age you have been through the "games" and even if you havent no one falls that deep into the situation. It was unbearable in some parts because they took his character too far.
in the end, i think i'd have a much more fun time with autumn than summer...
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